They arrived at their tent to find a wagonette Pearl had hired in the port, and all the other girls who had been at the Spoondrift bungalow had come visiting.
Pearl Harrod and the girls at Spoondrift Bungalow came with a wagonette and took her driving.
They helped Rosa into the wagonette and then climbed in after her.
But he felt it was dangerous work, and was glad when Lateefa's audience was confined to the coachman who drove them back to the city, in the wagonette lined with red flannel and tied up with string!
As he drove over to cantonments in the ramshackle wagonette this desire overbore the others, and his cunning centred round the possibility of getting the baggage back to the ruined old house, where screams could be so easily stifled.
Send wagonette and trunk to wait for us at Dearmer Station.
The landlady of the 'Lion' will be delighted to look after Beatrice and the baby, and will give her tea; John will stay here with the bags in case the wagonette turns up, and I will ride to Brookfield and summon help.
He wasn't in such a fiery hurry to order that wagonette after he found that Mademoiselle meant to go when we did.
How contemptuously the big black horses of the wagonette gazed down their nostrils at Bob, and how superbly Mrs. Le Page, sitting very upright under her white sunshade, greeted Mrs. Cole!
Many roads twisted in and out upon one another; the corners were so sharp that sometimes the wagonette seemed to hang upon one wheel as it turned.
What do you mean by not delivering the note I gave you from the wagonette on Thursday?
She might pass a wagonette with scarlet fever convalescents herself any day.
Sometimes the wagonette in front was lost to sight by a rolling curtain of gauze; sometimes a wind swept the road clear and then the children waved hats and kissed hands to each other.
Miss Bibby sighed, she knew not why, as the wagonette drove away.
Then the wagonette drove up and he seized his bag and his hat, and Kate ran after him to the gate with his pipe.
A minute later the wagonette was gaily upon its way again, Hugh in excellent spirits now he had laid the little demon of compunction that had been troubling his kind heart since breakfast.
All the way they hardly moved their eyes from the wagonette in front, where the faces of their loved little friends appeared and disappeared like flowers of the vapour.
It really is comforting to be claimed by someone at the end of a journey, if it be but the wagonette driver.
Neither are we among the people who look suspiciously at every wagonette driver, certain that he is going to overcharge, and uncertain as to which is likely to overcharge the least.
The wagonette stood a short way off, with two Miss Willoughbys, Miss Fanny and Miss Emily, seated in it.
She scrambled out of the wagonette at the door with a face from which the eagerness of hope had gone, to be replaced by a burning, baleful rage.
Miss Georgie Lestrange conspicuous in a Tam o' Shanter of bright blue; and no sooner had the young man descended from the wagonette than they surrounded him, laughing and questioning, and giving him the heartiest of welcomes.
There was a sound of horses' hoofs and carriage wheels; the wagonette was being brought round to the front door.
Here comes the wagonette with Lady Brandon and Ger--and Miss Lindsay.
Perhaps they would like us to lend them the wagonette to drive in?
He hastened to the house door, at which the wagonette had just stopped.
She tried to believe that the dreadful thing that had happened in the wagonette was a dream, that there was no such horror surrounding her, lying in wait for her, clutching at her very vitals.
I expect the wagonette at seven o'clock," replied Penelope.
In short, she was established as a most agreeable addition to Number 9, Palliser Gardens by the time the Beverleys' wagonette drew up at the door with the three little Amberleys and Brenda Carlton ensconced within.
Then the wagonette was heard approaching and Mrs Beverley said good-night to her visitors, and all the children of the Castle clustered around.
However, you will let us know; and now I'll just run and desire them to bring the wagonette round.
A moment later, she had stepped into the wagonette and was being driven out of the town in the direction of Castle Beverley.
The wagonette drew up at the gate, and Mrs. Merriman, to Lucy's disgust, went impulsively forward.
She had scarcely said the words before a wagonette was seen driving down the summer lane.
After much argument he agreed to let us use one of the cables to get the wagonette and supplies across.
Then, chiefly for our personal convenience, I had pressed the wagonette into service, and this was drawn by six mules.
I had practically nothing in the wagonette and the mules were in fine fettle after their long rest.
We were dead tired when we reached the wagonetteand faced the stiff climb to the top of a little mountain.
Of course he would be found easily if the wagonette was searched, but we intended to prevent that, even if we had to fight off curious kaffirs.
We were about to return to the wagonette when I thought I saw something stirring near an orange-tree back of the house.
We planned to take the wagonette and use it to transport Labotsibeni and Lomwazi to Portuguese territory.
Sibijaan was our cook and general handy man, while the mules and wagonette were in charge of Tuis, a half-breed Basuto bushman.
I gave directions that the messenger and his men should be fed, and then had Sibijaan inspan the six mules and prepare the wagonette for the trip.
The river had gone down and we were able to ford it without much trouble, although Snyman had hard luck and fell out of the wagonette into the only deep spot.
Cecil, dear, can you do anything about fetching a wagonette round to the stile at the entrance of the wood?
Nan has gone on in the firstwagonette with the little children," said Hester as cheerfully as she could speak, but she colored slightly, and saw that Cecil was regarding her attentively.
I know nothing about that, miss; I only know that I saw Miss Forest carrying her down stairs in her arms about three minutes ago, and they went off in the wagonette with all the other little children and Miss Danesbury.
The wagonette drew up at the doctor's residence, to discover him stepping into his brougham.
In her old winter hat, and looking almost untidy for her, she walked slowly down stairs and took her place in the wagonette which was drawn up at the door.
As the wagonette approached Sefton she buried her face in her hands and uttered a sharp inward cry of agony.
When he had made sure he had missed, Levin looked round and saw the horses and the wagonette not on the road but in the marsh.
Vassenka Veslovsky, clambering awkwardly into the wagonette with his gun and his peewit in his hands.
Veslovsky, looking out at the edge of the hut and the unharnessed wagonette that could be seen in the faint light of the evening glow in the great frame of the open doors.
He slipped downstairs with me the minute we heard the wagonette drive away.
Meanwhile the Brays' wagonette rolled on till it reached the Elms.
The first wagonette reached the shore of the lake some time ahead of the second.
She was tempted to remain in the wagonette and go back to the school at once--for the carriages would return to town, coming out again for the party of Briarwood students late in the afternoon.
Helen had to run after them, and Tom waited alone the arrival of the second wagonette from Briarwood Hall.
They arrived at Blankenberghe, and, leaving their luggage at the wagonette station, went in search of lodgings.
On the day before he was to set out for Hampshire, he and Nurse and Stella and Mr. Wagland and Mrs. Wagland drove in a wagonette to picnic somewhere in the country behind the sea.
He asked Miss Carthew when he got home what a 'break' was, and she told him it was a large wagonette sometimes driven by four horses.
When we arrived at Chelmsford Station there was a great wagonettewaiting for us, drawn by a pair of brown horses.
The other girls jumping in, the wagonette was soon filled, and away they spun for the two miles over to the Hornes' beautiful place.
When they arrived at Edgewood, there was a carriage and a wagonette drawn up by the little station, and out of the first jumped Silvia, and following her, a tall, thin girl who seemed to have a good many bracelets and jingling things.
The crunching of wheels was heard distinctly on the gravel, and the next moment the wagonette swept into view.
Started for Bodmin in the wagonette at six o'clock this morning.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wagonette" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.