But in every such onfall few men fought for us, of such as could move secretly and swiftly, not with long trains of waggons that cover a league of road, and by their noise and number give warning to an enemy.
Some open waggons followed, in which the invalids of the army lay, a pale and sickly mass; their lack-lustre eyes gazed heavily around with a stupid wonder, like men musing in a dream.
But soon we came up with waggons carrying the wounded and sick, who, having joined by another road, had fallen to the rear of the march.
In one of those waggons I lay down to sleep under a net; but the blanket felt damp and had a foreign smell.
After destroying considerable of our baggage, in order to make room in the waggons for the conveyance of the wounded, we began our march on the return to Vincennes expecting the Indians would follow and attack us.
Hull should think of taking the Canadas, "with so many waggons and so few men!
Three waggons loaded with specie escaped, but might have been overtaken, if proper measures had been taken to pursue the fugitives.
These waggons are very long, narrow, and thatched with reeds; they have only two wheels, the diameter of which in some cases is as much as ten feet.
We passed a train of waggons and a troop of beasts on their road to Mendoza.
The Gothic army is still encamped round the walls, but the gates are opened, markets for food are established in the suburbs, boats appear on the river and waggons on the highroads, laden with provisions, and proceeding towards Rome.
Meanwhile the Naval guns rumbled and rampaged, ammunition waggons blew up, earthquakes filled the clear blue atmosphere with avalanches of dust, and one of the enemy's cherished weapons on Spion Kop was knocked clean out of action.
Along the road came the heavy springless waggons piled high with booty, their negro drivers flourishing their long whips and repeating their vociferous bark of "Eigh" to encourage the small, contumacious mules.
Soon after dawn a huge bonfire was made under such waggons and ammunition of the foe as could not be utilised, and as the troops marched out they were saluted by the appalling uproar of the exploding cartridges.
Our transport waggons were miles away, and for tea or coffee we were dependent on what we found in the Boer waggons.
Commander Cronje, disgusted, finally took himself off with some twenty waggons to Riceters (Transvaal), leaving his guns with the remaining commandoes and relegating to them the task of reducing the truculent town to submission.
Certainly the Burghers were to be viewed mounted and decamping in the direction of the pass, and also winding strings of waggons pursuing their slow way in the same direction.
A party from there, twenty-five in number, when escorting some waggons to us, were attacked by a much superior force at Brice's Store and badly defeated.
Trek-oxen, instead of dragging the waggons of their masters, would have had to go to feed the hungry commandoes, and the history of slow exhaustion would have had to be told.
Horses and ox-waggons had been mounted and ridden or driven homeward.
The riders of the horses and owners of the waggons sat upon the stone porch and discussed probabilities.
The liveliest business hour had passed, and about the waggons a group of market men and women and two or three loiterers were idling in the shade, waiting for chance-belated customers.
The vehicles were of two classes, as I have before observed--waggons and litters, the litters being the carriages of the fourteenth century; but the waggons were by far the most numerous.
The waggons became useless, too, so that the transport of bombs, shot, and so forth, could not be performed except upon the backs of mules and of horses taken from the equipages of the Court and the army.
The state of the roads deprived the Duc de Luxembourg of the use of waggons and other vehicles.
From thence ran a narrow cart-track, by which their sluggish teams drew the loaded harvest-waggons down to the high road.
Corporal Wiegandt, who had been promoted to sergeant after the examination, and had been put in charge of the guns and waggons of the battery, knew them for industrious, trustworthy fellows, just such as he needed to assist him.
General Fane and his staff remained at the bridge until the waggons had all crossed it.
Of course the four regiments passing over it flattened the earth well down, but the waggons have cut it all up again.
When the column came up Terence led each regiment to the spot marked off, and directed the baggage-waggons to their respective places.
He had the satisfaction, however, of noticing that it was greatly diminished in length, a great many of the waggonshaving been left behind owing to the number of horses that had been killed.
Hope had endeavoured to find a road across the mountains of Ciudad-Rodrigo, but the road was so bad that he dared not venture upon it, as the number of horses was barely sufficient to drag the guns and ammunition waggons along a good road.
Hackneys, watermen and waggons were not so terribly employed many a year; so that within a short time there was not a good horse in Smithfield, nor a coach to be set eyes on.
The light waggons are on the same construction, but are calculated to accommodate from four to twelve people.
These waggons are universally used for stage-carriages.
There were several waggonsin which were representations of ships and fortifications.
The cuts which were to follow the Indians and close the procession were the baggage-waggons and camp-followers of the army.
Patty laughed at the comparison and said she thought that very few gipsy waggons had the luxuries and modern appliances of The Fact.
At the End of our March all our Powder-Waggons were plac'd breast a-breast, and so close, that one miscarrying would leave little doubt of the Fate of all the rest.
Right across the enormous plain stretched the straggling array, waggons and carts, men on horseback, and men on foot.
Innumerable women who staggered along under burdens, and children who toddled beside the waggons or peeped out from under the white coverings.
With a cracking of whips and a creaking of wheels the great waggons got into motion, and soon the whole caravan was winding along once more.
Now the roads were so much improved that waggons could be used for everything, and the long lines of pack-horses had disappeared from the main roads.
Highgate Hill (still a grassy slope), he would have heard, loud above the sound of Bow Bells, the rumbling of the waggons on Cheapside.
At this time, too, they introduced the plan of a pavement on either side of smooth flat stones with posts to keep carts and waggons from interfering with the comforts of the foot passengers.
We should certainly have gone that way if we had not escaped until we were near Pretoria, but it was a great deal easier to slip away from the waggons than it would have been if we had been once put into the train.
All he could say was that if, when I came down to the station with you, he is there, he will see that you go by the first waggons that leave.
At ten o'clock the bugle sounded the assembly, and the troops formed up, the wounded were placed in ambulance waggonsor carried on stretchers, and all returned to Elandslaagte station.
Two of the cases furnished just sufficient for the ammunition waggons and the two big guns, the other two for the smaller cannon and the trucks with the rifles.
All the waggonswithin a considerable distance of the explosions were smashed into fragments, their wheels broken and the axles twisted.
Well, we among thewaggons hadn't a doubt how it was going to turn out.
We thought it was all over, and went back to our waggons again.
Seven more were collected at other tents, and the waggons then moved off and joined a long line that were waiting on the road.
As they reached the waggons and climbed into their places again, several had broad blue weals across their faces, while many more were smarting from the cuts they had received on the body.
Waggons were inspanned, and we thought at first that they were all going to move off, but this was not so.
No; the only difficulty we had was making our way through the mass of waggons and animals all mixed up higgledy-piggledy, and there has been no more excitement than if we had been walking through Dundee.
When the waggons come up there will be a rush, and I have no men here to keep such a number in order.
The waggons load heavily, and have often teams of twenty bullocks each, while there are always a few spare bullocks travelling loose to be used as required, when one of the team gets a sore neck or knocks up.
Immediately behind the wool-bins are the presses, in which the wool is packed into bales, and at the rear the waggons are loading with bales for the distant railway station.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "waggons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.