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Example sentences for "legless"

Lexicographically close words:
legitimised; legitimist; legitimize; legitimized; legitimo; leglets; legno; lego; legs; legua
  1. Burial party arrived, and I was myself about to be buried with legless body when I awoke.

  2. He had seen a legless body, which was covered with a mackintosh sheet, which he removed.

  3. The legless body occurred in all his dreams; the sight of this had evidently produced a profound emotional shock.

  4. In a hand-cart nearby was a legless body, the head of which was hidden from sight by a slab of stone.

  5. Ophidia--we might select as first to be mentioned kinds which much resemble the legless lizards; but such kinds are not familiar ones in Europe.

  6. This sub-order includes the vast majority of the Hymenoptera, characterized by the narrowly constricted waist in the adult and by the legless condition of the larva.

  7. Hymenoptera the egg is laid in such a situation that an abundant food-supply is assured without exertion on the part of the larva, which is consequently a legless grub, usually white in colour, and with soft flexible cuticle (fig.

  8. The occupant put forth his head, saw the goggled freak descending to the legless freak, and sat back again.

  9. The legless beggar whined at them for alms.

  10. The legless one was rocking himself monotonously upon his stumps.

  11. Quite unconscious of her approach, until she was close upon him, her objective chatted fluently with the legless one, until she spoke quietly, almost in his ear.

  12. The legless beggar seems to have collected quite an audience," she remarked idly.

  13. Just for curiosity, I think I'll drive across and look at the legless Demosthenes," said her companion.

  14. The next one was the Legless Wonder, and he got a little tangled up in his comparisons when he sprung his poetry about him and tried to ring in the Circassian, and he had to blow his whistle like blazes to spare the blushes of the audience.

  15. It was a good assortment: a Legless Wonder, The Man Who Breaks Paving Stones With His Bare Fists, a pair of Siamese Twins, a Leopard Boy and a particularly fuzzy Circassian Beauty.

  16. The Legless Wonder couldn't join in, but he contributed a two-headed calf which was preserved in a jar of alcohol, and the Leopard Boy grabbed a bunch of Zulu spears and prodded every one in reach.

  17. The other day I opened the door of the hospital and discovered a "convoy" consisting of three legless and two armless men, trying to help each other up the six low steps, and shouting with laughter at their efforts.

  18. Here a deep hollow had become a small lake, fringed with curious rushes, over whose placid waters a large troop of white, legless birds, similar to those we saw before, were disporting themselves.

  19. Many other species of these curious legless birds, and singing insects, were seen by us as we strolled along the shore.

  20. Even though Rena's "friends" were thoughtful people, they had not anticipated that we would have a legless man with us.

  21. Zorchi's eyes rolled up in his head and closed; for a moment, I thought he had fainted and leaped forward to catch him rather than let his legless body crash to the floor.

  22. Think of it, Wills, a legless man in the city of Rome.

  23. As the larva is legless and headless its outer form is not affected by the discs and it is not surprising to learn that they appear early.

  24. The feeble legless grub, characteristic of the remaining families of the Hymenoptera, is provided for in a well-nigh endless variety of ways.

  25. We have just seen that a caterpillar is the usual form of larva among the saw-flies, but in all other families of the Hymenoptera we find the legless grub.

  26. Among those saw-flies whose larvae feed throughout life in a concealed situation, we find an interesting transition between the caterpillar and the legless grub.

  27. Flies quit the egg generally in the form of fat, fleshy, legless grubs.

  28. These larvae are thick, fleshy, legless grubs, and feed on the fatty tissues of their hosts, but do not attack the vital organs.

  29. The larva, when it leaves the egg, is a soft, white, legless grub (Fig.

  30. Should the enemy storm, what could a legless old sailor and a brace of boys do against them?

  31. Once she was gone Jordan looked down at his legless body.

  32. The good youth went into the hut, and saw that on the stove lay an armless, legless one, piteously groaning, and begging for meat and drink.

  33. The moment he placed his fingers on the strings they sang and played with such a wondrous voice that the very dumb wept for sympathy, and the very legless danced for joy.

  34. The little legless creatures, or larvae, hatch from the eggs and are fed by the workers.

  35. Some of these little brothers and sisters were tiny white legless creatures; some were covered up in what looked like little bags; others were ghost-like things, very white and apparently lifeless.

  36. But we will have to pin a notice on those chairs so no one will use them," ventured Betty, doubtfully, looking at the legless objects.

  37. A few yards behind Mr. Bentley came Mr. Allison with the legless chairs.

  38. So I didn't say anything to Ben about the matter, but soon after the General broke the news to him and told him it was a reward for good behavior and especially for his decency to the legless man.

  39. Ben tried at first to smile away the legless man's curses, but I could see that he was having a hard job of it.

  40. I did buy about a dozen of the rarest ones--for no better reason than that the legless veteran who had them seemed to take it for granted that an American soldier was interested in such pictures.

  41. By this time other eggs in other cells were splitting, and giving out legless grub horrors, as seeds that give forth plants, each wriggling mummy taking care to hook itself up to its shell by the tail at once, lest it perish.

  42. If that legless creation of the devil could only have got his tail round something, our jackal might have been turned into food for his food, so to speak.

  43. The legless terror fell to the ground and streaked for its hole, and the following leopard only just managed to bound out of its way as it did so.

  44. Shell borders outlined the throne and the courtier's seat, and the old legless chair was so draped with cheesecloth and green vines that it was a picture in itself.

  45. The throne was a heap of sand, surmounted by a legless armchair, found in the Craigs' attic, and at court meetings draped with pink cheesecloth and garlands of flowers.

  46. But Legless said, "That is but a small thing.

  47. So they became brothers, and made a wagon between them, and fastened ropes to it, and while Armless dragged it along Legless drove it.

  48. Then the Tsarivna leaped out of bed; but Armless lay down on the floor and kicked Legless on to the cushions, and Legless took the serpent in his arms and began to throttle it.

  49. The lady was about to go with it when Legless said, "Nay, but let the Tsarivna give it to us with her own hands.

  50. Then Armless kicked Legless up to the oak, and Legless pulled it up and gave it to Armless.

  51. Armless wanted to plunge in straightway, but Legless shrieked, "Wait, brother!

  52. So Legless clung on to him with his arms and Armless with his feet, and the serpent flew away with them till he came to a spring.

  53. So he had the armless man and the legless man in the wagon brought to him, and said to them, "Do as you are able.

  54. In the legless reptiles both shoulder and pelvic girdles may be wholly lacking; in the limbed forms both girdles are more or less well developed.

  55. And they lie legless or armless, perhaps with running sores, a smile on the face in answer to the sympathetic word, in long hospital rows.

  56. IX When Barbara at length told the legless man that he might rest, he appeared to think that she had invited him to converse.

  57. Her head, if anything, a little higher than ever, she walked swiftly forward right into the legless man's office.

  58. Illustration: She took some coins from her purse and dropped them into the tin cup] At the name a tremor went through the legless man from head to stump.

  59. She removed the damp cloths from her work, and Harry found himself looking into the legless man's face.

  60. Illustration: In that instant the legless man overreached himself and fell heavily] The speed for which the fury of the legless man called was more than the stumps of his legs could furnish.

  61. The legless man watched the taxicab until it had rounded the corner of Marrow Lane.

  62. The legless man was astonished to learn that his heart was beating with unaccustomed force and rapidity.

  63. And at that moment the door swung open, and he saw, beyond the bulking head and shoulders of the legless man, a narrow iron table, white and shining, in a room all glass and white paint.

  64. That I have done things which the world regards as terrible is true," returned the legless man imperturbably.

  65. Neither in the least resembled the other, yet both resembled the legless beggar, who in turn resembled Satan after the fall--and Barbara was inclined to laugh.

  66. And then for half an hour there was no sound in the studio but the long-drawn breathing of the legless man.

  67. It fitted him to perfection, and the legless man smiled.

  68. Quick as lightning he had drawn and levelled at the legless man an automatic pistol of the largest calibre.

  69. They were aware of something pressing toward them, and turning with a common resentment against interruption, they found themselves looking down upon the legless man.

  70. The legless man dismissed the matter of the loan with a backward toss of his head.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "legless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.