He is marked by three pairs of stars arranged in a triangle.
The hinder half of the body, the abdomen, is without appendages, save for two or three pairs of very small projections, the spinnerets.
When it emerges from the egg it is a free and independent animal, with one eye, three pairs of legs, and a single shell.
In some species chelae are on two or three pairs of the legs.
Two or three pairs of substantial hunting spurs, with wide straps, will be found the most reliable kind of "persuader.
It will be well also to provide two or three pairs of brown leather shooting boots without heels and with single soles, free from nails, and flexible enough to admit of the wearer walking softly and with perfect freedom.
They have one pair of antennæ, three pairs of mouth organs, and numerous trachaæ, similar to those of true insects.
The abdomen is large and not segmented, with two or three pairs of spinnerets near the end, by means of which they spin threads of silk to form cocoons, or nests, to protect their eggs and young.
Three pairs of keys crossed also form a prominent charge in the arms of the Fishmongers’ Company (see p.
Gules; three pairsof swords in saltire argent, hilts and pomels or, two pair in chief and one in base.
Azure; three crowned dolphins in pale between two pairs of crowned lucies saltire; on a chief, three pairs of keys in saltire.
Ganin shows that it consists of three pairs of tubercles, situated respectively on the seventh, eighth, and ninth segments of the abdomen (Fig.
These are all formed on the same plan, arising early in the larval stage as three pairs of little tubercles, which ultimately form long blades, the innermost constituting the true ovipositor.
Between the orange and black are three pairs of white spots.
It has at the hinder end the spinnerets, three pairsof appendages having at their ends a great number of microscopic tubes through which the thread is drawn out.
Six eyes in three pairs, the side pairs separated by their diameter from the middle pair.
The abdomen is light in front and marked behind with two or three pairs of indistinct transverse lines (fig.
The traveller was conscious ofthree pairs of eyes fixed upon his face.
Three pairs of quizzical eyes were fixed upon Grey's good-looking but angry face.
Three pairs of eyes watched the stranger's efforts to keep awake, and a malicious gleam was in the look with which they surveyed him.
Three pairs of these pants are custom-made; they are fashionable summer trousers, with the names and addresses of the men for whom they are made tacked on them.
Macrochaetae of the abdomen marginal; neither sex with orbitals; no carina between the base of the antennae; three pairs of presutural inner dorsocentrals.
Three pairs of posterior inner dorsocentrals (acrostichals) present; second abdominal segment with a row of marginal macrochaetae; genae hairy, at least above.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "three pairs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.