For he was determined the next day, (as it is abouesaid) to set vp a flag of defiance against all the countreis of the West, which he would haue vs in no case to know.
For when wee depart from Babylon two dayes we passe by villages inhabited vntil we haue passed the riuer Euphrates.
Edward Barton vntil then her Maiesties Agent, who (with many other great persons) had for many dayes expected the present.
Nowe from Cosmin to the Citie of Pegu they goe in sixe houres with the flood, and if it be ebbing water, then they make fast their boate to the riuer side, and there tary vntil the water flow againe.
They built faire dockes couered ouer with arches for y^e Vergantines, whereas (for a perpetuall memorie) all the thirtéene Vergantines do remayne vntilthis day.
And this coast hauing no harbors, they founde no place where they might Anker safely with their greater vessels, vntil they arriued vpon Mandie thursday at Saint Iohn de Vlhua, whiche séemed a good harbor for them.
Although one brother was heire to an other among the Mexicans, and after their deceasse, did inherite the Sonne of the eldest brother, yet they tooke no possession of the state nor name of King vntil they were annoynted and Crowned openlye.
He was a Prince ful of ceremonies in al his doings, but the substaunce of his estate is already declared, from the time that Cortes entred into Mexico vntil this present.
And when fiftie two yeares are ended, then they beginne againe, by the same order before declared, vntil they come to as many moe, beginning at Ce Tochtli, and so forwarde.
And then they did wind their Cornettes, thus dooing euerie time that the repositorie was drawne out, vntil that it came in againe, at what time they ceased.
The solemne reioysings at the birth and natiuitie of princes children.
Rhomeo receyuing none other fauour at hir hands for that night, but only Wordes.
Now the Letter of Philiberto, fell into the hands of lady Zilia, by meanes of hys Page instructed for that purpose: who aduertised hir of the departure of his mayster, and of the despaire wherein hee was.
For the Commissaries seeing that their pacyent spake not at all, summoned the Gentlewoman to pay the Penaltye pronounced in the Edict, or else to loose hyr lyfe.
The bishop of Baieux, the lord Valeran earle of S.
He was in déed a mightie man of stature, where the knight among those that were of a meane stature was one of the least.
This oth receiued of either of them, and therewith hauing made their praiers deuoutlie, they began the battell, first with speares, after with swords, and lastlie with daggers.
Thus was prouision made that people should be relieued, and that none might perish for hunger.
But what order soeuer was taken for the punishment of him, sure it is he was displaced from his office of chancellorship, as before yée haue heard.
The Englishmē subdue diuerse towns in Flanders, and spoile the countrie.
Also they caused them to sweare that they should be readie to come to them whensoeuer they sent for them, and induce all their neighbours to take part with them.
Other things we let passe for this tyme, vntil we haue intelligence howe these our commaundements be fulfilled.
Captayne, a strong and lofty lubber to enter into a Caue, and when shee saw her best aduauntage, thacked him with stones, vntil he groaned foorth his grieslye ghost.
If all the rest had entred, all had bene lost: for the very hugenes of the Spanish fleete, if no other violence had beene offered, would haue crusht them betweene them into shiuers.
Twyd of Harwich: which went foorth the first day of February last.
I spake in the beginning of her Majesties praier, which I presumed (though vnworthy) to translate into Latine: and nowe at this very time there was some opportunity offered, for to make some vse of that translation.
An agreement made betweene King Henry the fourth and the common societie of the Marchants of the Hans XII.
And he himselfe in the meane space pursued the Spanish fleet vntil the second of August, because he thought they had set saile for Scotland.
In the night time they setle themselues to rest vnto the morning, vntil one of them by humming twice or thrice about, doeth so styrre them forward to flye out after the other.
And so let flie the bées by one and one, vntil they bring you vnto the place of the swarme.
Bycause that if you shoulde distill it so often ouer, vntil it will congeale or stiffen no more in the receiuer, then shall you make it ouer hotte, and so quicke in the mouth, that it is not possible by anye meanes to drinke it downe.
Through this countrie we were traueiling from the feast of Ascension, vntil eight daies before the feast of S.
Through this countrey we were traueiling from the eight day after Easter vntil Ascension day.
From thence vntil noone they sayled South nine leagues, then the latitude obserued was 42.
From thence they sayled Southwest vntil midnight: about three leagues from thence till the 25.
And thus was I kept without answere or order from his Maiestie, and remained at the saide Colmogro, vntil the 18.
Thus we lay stil for a wind vntil the 1 of December, which day we set saile at 6 a clocke in the morning, and at four in the afternoon we laid it to the inwards.
Faylle the Parlyment ys prorogyd [vntil the] vi daye of January.
By heauen I wil nere come in your bed Vntil I see the Ring Ner.
There he must stay vntil the Officer Arise to let him in: he is call'd vp Duke.
These fiue departing from the coast of England, in the moneth of Nouember 1585.
This I reckon to chance vnto me in stéed of most felicitie.
Scotish historie verie reprochfullie speaketh of Richard Grafton (a right reuerend man whiles he liued and of entier name also being dead) charging him with ignorance, and the report of a shamelesse lier.
Prescott his heyres and assignes vntil the 23d of May, in the yeare of our Lord sixteen hundred sixty and two.
These boats of theirs be very little and very light.
Gospatricius deceased and was buried in the abbey of Russin.
This kingdome was too litle for him, & his minde was not contented with it.
The same yere Alexander king of Scots prouided a great nauie of ships that he might conquere the islands vnto himselfe, howbeit falling into an ague at the isle of Kenwary [Footnote: Query, Kerrera.
Magnus the sonne of Olauus king of Man and of the Islands died at the castle of Russin, and was buried at the Church of St. Mary at Russin.
And if there be ought in your minde, whereby we might stand you in any stead, you may boldly signifie the same vnto vs.
Patric to see the place of battell, where the inhabitants of Man had of late fought, because many of the dead bodies were as yet vnburied.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vntil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.