Constitu]] Iustiniane the Emprour determineth / that all thinges shulde be spoken openlye and plainlye in the Temples / that they mighte bothe be hearde and vnderstonded / But this the papistes regarde not.
Bothe these thinges these mayntayners of massehaunting do want.
Wherfore seinge the papistes do bothe thincke and teache otherwise in this matier then the holie scripture dothe teache / and do defend their errour with an obstinate mynde they are heretikes.
It is most manifest and playne / that Christe our Sauiour did otherwyse institute it / euen to be mynistred in bothe kindes to all communicauntes.
That bothe the humblenes of the lorde in goinge to synners / and the power of hys doctrine in conuertinge the penitents / mighte be declared.
Yeat les they shulde seame to saye nothing / They saye / That the Lord did delyuer it in bothe kindes vnto prestes onlye / that is to his Apostles.
Bot al he putte in Goddes hond, And torneth hom, and what he fond Unto his wif he hath it schewed; And thei, that weren bothe lewed, Acorden that he scholde it selle.
Sithen schall I come agayne To deme bothe goode and ill Tille endles ioie or peyne; 35 [Th]us is my Fadris will.
Bot it was tho per chance falle, Into that pet was also falle An ape, which at thilke throwe, Whan that the corde cam doun lowe, 60 Al sodeinli therto he skipte And it in bothe hise armes clipte.
And men eten bothe the frut and the best: and [th]at is a gret merueylle.
And soche exercises, bothe on foote and on horsebacke, as thei were then easie to bee doen, so now thei should not be difficult to thesame common weale, or to thesame prince, whiche would cause them to be put in practise of their yong men.
You cannot do bothe to me, and unto these other, a thing more thankfull then this.
This necessitie considered wel, bothe of them that gave the lawes to Empires, and of those that to the exercise of service wer apoincted, made that the life of Souldiours, of other menne was praised, and with all studie folowed and imitated.
Of the antiquitie, these were made of the moste richeste, havyng regard bothe to the yeres, and to the qualitie of the man, and thei chose CCC.
This waie Alexander of Epirus used againste the Illirans and Leptenus of Siracusa against the Carthaginers and bothe to the one and to the other, the devise came to passe most happely.
Gladd to bee rid of such a slavery, Yet sadly weepinge for her casket's losse, That which included ample testimony Bothe of her name and parents.
May the disease of Naples now turn'd Frensh Take bothe the Judge and Jurors!
Fayre flesh and cleane they bothe appeare And not lyke gypsies umber'd.
There appeares In his grave lookesbothe zeele and charity; Letts to his sight boldly expose ourselfes.
Monarchie, bothe for the felicitie of it, and stedfaste state.
CIcero did exercise hymself verie moche, to declaime, bothe in Greke and Latine, with Marcus Piso, and with Quintus Pampeius.
Seing bothe lawes and the Prince, hane that honour and strength, that without them, a Chaos a con- fusion would followe, in the bodie of all common wealthes and kyngdomes.
The migh- tie volumes of Philosophers, bothe in morall preceptes, and in naturall causes, knewe not the delicate and dissolute life of these our daies.
Horatius Cocles is bothe a witnesse and a light to the same, by whose aduenture the mightie and stronge Citie Rome was saued: For at what time as the Hetruscians entred on the citie, and [Fol.
It is a rare thyng to be a good manne, but a more difficult matter, to bee a good Magistrate: and moste of all, to be bothe a good man, and a good Magistrate.
And the techyng of the forme of making of potages & of meetes bothe of flessh and of fissh.
Aftirward it techiþ for to make curious potages & meetes and sotiltees [9] for alle maner of States bothe hye and lowe.
Therfore I aske deeth and my juwyse; sentence But slee my felaw in the same wyse, slay For bothe we have served to be slayn.
Alone walkyng, In thought pleynyng mourning And sore syghyng, Al desolate, Me remembryng remembering Of my lyvyng, my way of living My deth wyshyng wishing Bothe erly and late.
Arcite is riden anon unto the toun And on the morwe, or it were dayes light, before Ful prively two harneys hath he dight, prepared Bothe suffisaunt and mete to darreyne sufficient The batayl in the feeld betwix hem tweyne.
But first, quod he, her at this ale-stake[175] I wil bothedrynke and byten on a cake.
For this witterly was his ful entente-- To slen hem bothe and never to repente.
And with that word[193] it happed him par cas by chance To take the botel ther the poysoun was, wherein And drank, and yaf his felaw drink also, gave For which anon thay stervede bothe two.
Grisild is deed, and eek hir pacience, also And bothe at oones buried in Itayle; once For whiche I crye in open audience No weddid man so hardy be to assayle His wyves pacience, in hope to fynde Grisildes, for in certeyn he schal fayle.
And also what an honorable thynge Bothe to the realme, and to the Kynge, To have had his domynyon extendynge There into so farr a grounde, Whiche the noble Kynge of late memory, The most wyse prynce, the VII.
The word of Horn wide sprong, How he was bothe michel and long.
On the 20th they were to give additional proof of their strength by casting "the barre on foote, and with the arme, bothe heavit and hight.
Between this and the next line the author makes the following observation: "These ben hawkes of toure, and ben bothe illured to be called and reclaymed.
Than, for sothe, that Knyght comely In Agincourt feld faught manly; Thorow grace of God, most myghty, He hath bothe felde and victory.
Thus we read that 'bothe monks and chanouns forsaken the reules of Benet and Austyn'; Wyclif's Works, ed.
Good Samaritan in the parable that he 'breyde to his boteles, and bothe he atamede,' i.
Citrinatione is bothe a coolor [colour] and parte of the philophers stoone.
Of alle maner of minstrales, And gestiours, that tellen tales Bothe of weping and of game.
Of whiche I have y-piked out the beste, Bothe of hir nether purs and of hir cheste.
The thridde deceyt of thise ordris is that thei passen othere in preyeris, bothe for tyme thei preyen and for multitude of hem'; Wyclif's Works, ed.
And thus she brenneth bothe in love and drede, So that she niste what was best to rede.
This thing anoon was couth in every strete, Bothe in thassege, in toune, and every-where, And with the firste it cam to Calkas ere.
Dredelees, it cleer was in the wind Of every pye and every lette-game; Now al is wel, for al the world is blind In this matere, bothe fremed and tame.
But playnly to the effect right for to go, In Ioye and seurte Pandarus hem two A-bedde broughte, whan hem bothe leste, And thus they ben in quiete and in reste.
And vulgarly to speken of substaunce Of tresour, may we bothe with us lede Y-nough to live in honour and plesaunce, 1515 Til in-to tyme that we shul ben dede; And thus we may eschewen al this drede.
And after this, whan that hem bothe leste, They spedde hem fro the soper un-to reste.
Non swich they felten, sith they were born; Now is this bet, than bothe two be lorn!
For love of god, make of this thing an ende, Or slee us bothe at ones, er that ye wende.
For-why this ilke Fortune hath departed and uncovered 25 to thee bothe the certein visages and eek the doutous visages of thy felawes.
For, by that god that boughte us bothe two, 1165 In alle thinge is myn entente clene.
And yit, certes, they wolden bothe han renounced hir power; of whiche two Senek enforcede him to yeven to Nero his richesses, and also to han gon in-to 40 solitarie exil.
Toke he there this gentyll knight, With men of armys stronge, And led hym to Notynghamwarde, Bounde bothe fote and hande.
He sporned the dore with his fote; It went open wel and fyne; And there he made large lyveray, Bothe of ale and of wyne.
The shyref there fayled of Robyn Hode, He myght not have his pray; Than he awayted this gentyll knyght, Bothe by nyght and day.
Infinite be the sorrows and the tears Of olde folk, and folk of tender years, In all the town, for death of this Theban: For him there weepeth bothe child and man.
Your bedfelawe seigh bothe my other writynge and this, and he recomaundeth hym to yow, and shuld have wretyn to yow, if he had not be prevy to my writyng.
And they gef you counsell in all wise that ye labour to have Yelverton Juge at that tyme, and in all wise bothe in that materz and in all other, that ye be war that Prisot have not to have do in any wise, for than all wole be nought.
Moreover, as for the mater of Sir John Sibton, Geney and Raulyns gef ful counsell that it shuld abyde tyl the mater of Bradwell myght procede, so that bothe maters myght take up on a day, for they sey it wold drawe xx.
Wherfor me thyngkyt that they haye forfett bothe schypps and godys at our Soverayn Lord the Kyngys wyll.
And if ze thinke it to many lerned men, take ze one, and he another; and if they may not accorde, ze and I to be umpere, for we stande bothe in like cas.
Quintilian briefly hathe wrytten bothe of the Gramatical and rhetorical Shemes, but so that you may soone perceyue he did it by the waye, as muche as serued hys purpose.
They are called common places, because thei be entreated of, of bothe partes, althoughe not in all one cause: as he that is sore spoken agaynste by witnesses, swadeth that we shulde not geue credite to witnesses.
It wolde be meete to exercyse chyldren in suche themes, wherby shal be gottẽ bothe wysedome and eloquence.
Ther is an amplificacion also whẽ contraries be set together, wherby bothe the partes seme bygger, and more euidente.
Wherefor by the meenys of the seyd Sʳ John Paston to my seyd Lord Chamberleyn bothe my Lady and ye of the towne kowd not have a meeter man to be for yow in the perlement to have yoʳ needys sped at all seasons.
Remember saythe he, that bothe he is a yonge man, and that thou hast ben one thi selfe.
And that dragon is bothe a greke worde and a latine also, saue that the grekes says dracontes in the genitiue case.
But it is a more merueylous monster that a beastes mynde shulde be in a mans bodye, and yet do very many please them selues in suche chyldren, and bothe the fathers seme, and the common people thynke suche to be verye wise.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bothe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.