And therewithal contrarie imaginations began to ryse, whiche so contended with mutuall resistaunce, as they forced hym thus to saye.
But if you meane to abuse me, or hope for anye thing of me, contrarie to mine honour, you be meruailously deceiued.
The Decemuiri perceiuing, that contrarie to their expectation, no likelihode was of any persecution, to be done vpon them, condescended to those demaundes.
But to resolue vpon that which is most expedient, hauing geuen vnto you my faithe in pledge, to succour and helpe you euen to the abandoning of honor and life, I will not be contrarie to my woordes.
That no man should appeale to the said pope or archbishop, nor by their appointment hold any plée: and if any person were found dooing the contrarie herevnto, he should be taken and committed to prison.
Thus was the queene fortunate in hir two battels, but vnfortunate was the king in all his enterprises: for where his person was present, the victorie still fled from him to the contrarie part.
He hauing with him not fullie fiue thousand persons, contrarie to the minds of his faithfull councellors, would needs issue foorth to fight with his enimies.
This commotion was begun for certeine new exactions which the prior claimed and tooke of the citizens, contrarie to their ancient freedome.
But their trust deceiued them, for at the queenes departing from saint Albons, they were both beheaded; though contrarie to the mind and promise of hir husband.
The amiable Fortune mayst thou seen alwey windinge and flowinge, and ever misknowinge of hir-self; the contrarie Fortune is atempre and restreyned, and wys thorugh exercise of hir adversitee.
And also look on shrewes, that ben the contrarie party of goode men, how greet peyne felawshipeth and folweth hem!
The amiable Fortune bindeth with the beautee of false goodes the hertes of folk that usen hem; the contrarie Fortune unbindeth hem by the 15 knowinge of freele welefulnesse.
If thou do so, thy wit is wel biwared; By his contrarie is every thing declared.
And in this manere this necessitee Retorneth in his part contrarie agayn.
Antonius Triumuir, his enemie, and of a contrarie faction, who had power to kill and bannish whom the ready way to the Latin tong.
Isocrates: and the contrarie iudgement of Tullie against Caluus, Brutus, and Calidius, de genere dicendi Attico & Asiatico.
In the Diuorce, his contrarie proceedings Are all vnfolded: wherein he appeares, As I would wish mine Enemy Sur.
Hell, An Age of discord and continuall strife, Whereas the contrarie bringeth blisse, And is a patterne of Celestiall peace.
Iceni) had made the emperour and two of his owne daughters his heires, supposing by that meane to haue his kingdome and familie preserued from all iniurie: it happened quite contrarie to that his expectation.
The place which he thus chose was such, as the entries, the backwaies, and the whole situation thereof made for the Britains aduantage, and cleane contrarie to the Romans, as inclosed among high hils.
Notwithstanding Polydor Virgil is of a contrarie opinion, supposing the one to be Colchester in déed, and the other that is Camelodunum to be Doncaster or Pontfret.
I will not contrarie your Majestie; for time must weare out that love hath wrought, and reason weane what appetite nursed.
They tooke their ships at Hunflue, the foure and twentith of March (as before you haue heard) but throughcontrarie winds and tempests, they were driuen backe, and constreined to abide for conuenient wind.
But Geffrey of Monmouth & Polychronicon are of a contrarie opinion.
They also in their Masses do call vppon the saintes and holy men departed / which is a thing most contrarieto true godlynes / and vtterly vnknown and vnpracticed in the administracion of the Lordes supper.
Now compare the doctrine of the scriptures and of the papistes in this pointe together / and thou shalt se that their Masse is contrarieto christes Institucion.
But howe contrarie they are to the worde of Godd is not nowe again to be repeted / seinge that a lytell before / in this matter I haue sayde sufficiẽtlie.
The dutie of princes is to mayntain pure Religion amonge ther subiectes / and what inferior Rulars must do when they be commaunded contrarie by their superiors.
We must not goo vnto vnholy assemblees / we must not bowe our knees nor vncouer our heades before Idolls / we must not kisse thos thinges / which are contrarie to the gospell.
Now was Maximilian in great chafe toward the French king, not onelie for that he had refused his daughter, but also had bereeued him of his assured wife the said ladie Anne, contrarie to all right and conscience.
Truelie the realme of England was in maner diuided (with the rumor and vaine fable spred abroad of this twise borne duke) into partakings and contrarie factions.
The king being wearied with the tossing of the seas, as one not accustomed thereto, contrarie to the mind of his councellors, came on land to refresh himselfe.
Onlie, for difference, sum wordes ar marked with it, thus `, leaning contrarie to the acute.
Cingentorige capitain of the Frenche menne, for that he would not faight the field with Cesar, whom contrarie to his opinion, had passed a river, got awaie many miles with his men.
But first these Cures ought not to bee vsed, but where there is neede of them, the contrarie where of, is daily practised in this generall vse of Tobacco by all sorts and complexions of people.
Whear by the contrarie in this case, such is the miraculous omnipotencie of our strong tasted Tobacco, as it cures all sorts of diseases (which neuer any drugge could do before) in all persons, and at all times.
You haif bene lang out of your awin realme, so as the contrarie religioun to youris hes wone the upper hand, and the grittest parte of youre realme.
That affirmative was mocked, and the contrarie affirmed.
Yf he have sufficientlie improved my ressones, and establissed his contrarie propositioun, with als evident testimonyes as I have done myne, I shall nott be obstinat, but shall confess my errour and ignorance.
But since that it hath pleased the mercyis of God to reveill unto the unthankfull world the lyght of his wourd, the rycht use and administratioun of his sacramentis, he assayis man upoun the contrarie parte.
The plaintife sayth, I require the law: which is graunted: then commeth an officer and arresteth the party defendant, and vseth him contrarie to the lawes of England.
They haue no man of Lawe to plead their causes in any court: but euery man pleadeth his owne cause, and giueth bill and answere in writing: contrarie to the order in England.
For although they take great othes vpon them to doe the battell truely, yet is the contrarie often seene: because the common champions haue none other liuing.
Also of paiment of tithes, performing of vowes, auoiding of vndecent apparell, and abolishing of all maner of heathenish vsages and customes that sounded contrarie to the order [Sidenote: Curtailing of horsses.
This day the winde was contrarie and against them, which was the occasions that they sayled but little.
The naturall people whereof, neuer since they were conuerted haue beene found in any heresie, nor in any thing contrarie vnto the Romish faith.
It is vnder the Torrida Zona, yet notwithstanding it is of the temperature as I haue said, contrarie vnto the opinion of ancient philosophers, who said that it was not inhabited.
William Malmesburie writeth in the third booke of his volume intituled "De regibus Anglorum," the contrarie maie séeme true: his woords are these.
The Vine and the Coleworts be so contrarie by nature that if you plant Coleworts neere to the rootes of the Vine, of it selfe it will flee from them.
Gerard says the female hemp is "barren and without seede, contrarie to the nature of that sexe.
Preachers indeed inueied against such vnseemlie maners in men, as a thing more agréeable and seemelie for the contrarie sex.
Vpon the otherside, Anselme and his partakers with contrarie reasons sought to confute the same.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contrarie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.