Skillfull hability, also, for any occasion, or purpose, to deuise and vse the aptest and most necessary order, array and figure of his Company and Summe of men.
And this is the summe of that which I obserued in Island.
Vnder the title of the houres, where any number exceedeth 24, it is the summe or casting vp of so many other dayes and partes of dayes going next before, as conteine the foresayd summe.
And here of had thei als gret marvaylle, that summe of hem trowed, it were an impossible thing to be.
And often it hathe befallen, that summe of the Jewes han gon up the mountaynes, and avaled down to the valeyes: but gret nombre of folk ne may not do so.
And for because that at my departure from Pegu, Opium was in great request, I went then to Cambaya to imploy a good round summe of money in Opium, and there I bought 60.
The summe of this double doctors sermon is thus much in briefe.
They tooke vp in such debts as were owing to him in those parts, to the summe of three thousand pounds, and of his rents to the value neere hand of a thousand pounds.
Better, my Boy, thou shalt thy maister finde And he shall finde the partie he requires, And yet not find the summe of his desires.
The summeyou shall moue him to furnish Us with shall be Ten thousand Pistolls.
That I allow of noe great game for any considerable summe to bee played in my family, nor indeed of any at all when my poor box is forgotten, which I doe recommend more earnestly than my Butler's.
And the forenamed Patrone Norado, whereas before he had libertie and did nothing he then was condemned slaue perpetuall, except there were paiment made of the foresaid summe of money.
Thy selfe which hath the summe of Art and Wit Thus much I know unto me would have said; Thy silver bell could not so sweetly sing If that too soone thou hadst begun her ring.
First, that Pandrasus should giue his daughter Innogen vnto Brute in mariage, with a competent summe of gold and siluer for hir dowrie.
And so beyng inquired, why hee burste out into so horrible blasphemies, he answered, that he had appointed a farre other argument: and in fewe woordes declared the whole summe of hys sermon.
After the sayd Perruse was returned, messire Passin was sent againe to the sayde Basha, for to know of him if the great Turke would be content with any summe of money for his costes and expenses, that he had made for his armie.
But wherein men should seeke the common commoditie, and what way, and by what meane that is to bee brought about, is the point or summe of the matter, since euery good man is ready to imploy his labour.
It is the nature of the Good to impart itself, and so the highest Good must be "summe diffusivum sui," which can only be in hypostatic union.
And againe no small summe of monie they had receiued of the archbishop of Burdeaux, when vpon an accusation brought against him by the cleargie of his prouince he should haue béene deposed.
Robert Ros to paie for a fine, the summe of twelue hundred marks, which the prisoner should haue paied for his ransome: and further, commanded William de Spinie to be hanged for his disloiall dealing.
King Richard therfore comming to Towrs in Touraine, required a great summe of monie of the cleargie in those parts, and the like request he made throughout all those his dominions, on that further side of the sea.
Moreouer, where he had borrowed a great summe of monie of the merchants of the staple, he wrought a feat with the moonks of the Cisteaux order to discharge that debt.
But the bishop of Chester had verie ill lucke with his collections; for hauing gathered a great summe of monie to the kings vse, he was spoiled thereof in one night, as he lodged neere vnto Canturburie, being vpon his iournie towards the king.
The two kings might plaie, and command their seruants in their presence likewise to plaie, so that they excéeded not the summe of 20 shillings.
Neuerthelesse by his letters dated at Rutland, on the said eleuenth of the said month of Nouember, it is euident that he receiued of the said Leolin the summe of two thousand marks sterling, by the hands of Thomas Beke keeper of his wardrobe.
Sir Rafe de Hingham a iustice also, to whome in the kings absence the ordering of the realme cheefelie apperteined, being accused of diuerse transgressions, and committed to the tower, redeemed his offense for an infinit summe of monie.
LONG have we thristit,[209] deir Brethren, to haif notifeit unto the warld the summe of that doctrin quhilk we professe, and for the quhilk we haif sustenit infamy and daingear.
And yet, we have heard, that a certaine summeof money and victuals should be assigned by the Queen's Majestie for sustentation of our Ministrie.
The summe of all our Answer is but this: We would not seeke a Battaile as we are, Nor as we are, we say we will not shun it: So tell your Master Mount.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "summe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.