That I was guilty of licentiousness and loved boys sexually first became clear to me later on, when I knew the significance of erection as a sign of sexual excitement.
In this case there is no history of sexual excitement, probably because no proper medico-legal examination was made.
Darwin stated that there could be no doubt that various quadrumanous animals could distinguish women from men--in the first place probably by smell and secondarily by sight--and be thus liable to sexual excitement.
The symbolic sexual significance of urolagnia has hitherto usually been confused with the fetichistic and mainly olfactory perversion by which the excretion itself becomes a source of sexual excitement.
Great sorrow, great joy, a sudden severe jolt to the nervous equilibrium, sexual excitement, an overwhelming anger or grief may leave in their wake a permanent hyperthyroidism.
In fact, speaking generally, sexual excitement is characterised by a vigorous flow of blood to the genital organs.
It certainly never produced in me the remotest suggestion of any sexual act, though it did sometimes produce a slight amount of sexual excitement.
I found that when this lad spanked me it produced some amount of sexual excitement, and the desire for this form of stimulus grew upon me.
I have elsewhere shown that, of all the influences which increase the expulsive force of the bladder, sexual excitement is the most powerful.
Numerous distinguished gynæcologists have recorded their belief that sexual excitement is a remedy for various disorders of the sexual system in women, and that abstinence is a cause of such disorders.
British women, on the other hand, if a man is moderately kind, and shows that he has some feelings beyond mere sensual gratification, often abandon themselves to the wildest delights of sexual excitement.
I should say," he writes, "that in normal coitus foreign women are generally unconscious of sexual excitement.
Kisch has described, as a cardiac neurosis of sexual origin, a pathological tachycardia which is an exaggeration of the physiological quick heart of sexual excitement.
She writes: A scent to cause mesexual excitement must be somewhat heavy and penetrating.
The women who use these balls delight to swing themselves in a hammock or rocking-chair, the delicate vibration of the balls slowly producing the highest degree of sexual excitement.
No little skill may be displayed in introducing these subjects to the mind of the young person in such a way as to avoid arousing his passions and creating sexual excitement.
Its structure is cellular, and it contains a vast number of minute coils of blood-vessels which become turgid with blood under the influence of sexual excitement, producing distention and erection of the organ.
It may at least be assumed that inasmuch as even a slight intensity of these influences becomes a source of sexual excitement, the action of an excessive amount of the same will produce a profound disorder in the sexual mechanism.
These symptoms bring home to us the extent to which the organs used in the consumption of food and in excretion may become the bearers of sexual excitement.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sexual excitement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.