Se eahtodha daeg, the thaet cild on ymbsniden waes, getacnode dha eahtodhan ylde dhyssere worulde, on thaere we arisadh of deadhe ascyrede fram aelcere brosnunge and gewemmednysse ures lichaman.
Thaet belimpdh to lofe and herunge ures Haelendes, sedhe his halgan cydhere dha arwurdhan byrgene gegearcode.
Nu is dhis faesten eallum cristenum mannum geset to healdenne on aelces geares ymbryne; ac we moton aelce daeg uresmetes brucan mid forhaefednysse, dhaera metta the alyfede sind.
Swa swa Crist mid his handa hrepunge thone hreoflian gehaelde, swa eac he alysde us fram ure sawla synnum dhurh anfenge ures flaesces; swa swa se witega Isaias cwaedh, "Sodhlice he sylf aetbraed ure adlunga, and ure sarnyssa he sylf abaer.
Ac eft seo miccle mildheortnys ures Drihtnes us alysde thurh his menniscnysse, gif we his bebodum mid ealre heortan gehyrsumiadh.
Swa swa aelmihtig wyrhta, he wyrcdh his weorc thurh his gecorenan, na swylce he behofige ures fultumes, ac thaet we geearnion thaet ece lif thurh his weorces fremminge.
Spiritual existence the one fact When we are awake, we dream of the pains and pleas- ures of matter.
Now is the time for so-called material pains and material pleas- 39:24 ures to pass away, for both are unreal, because impossible in Science.
General Guerrero, shame on his brow and rage in his heart, fled at full speed along the Ures road, pursued closely by the French cavalry.
I will set out at once for Magdalena: it is a large pueblo, commanding the two roads from Ures and Hermosillo.
They will imagine the lancers and dragoons have come from Ures or Hermosillo, and recoil on our enclosure.
They threaten Ures and Hermosillo; already they have overswarmed I know not how many farms--those houses are smouldering, their people are stiffening after indescribable tortures!
Meanwhile Yocupicio caches arms in Ures and the bland Japanese continue charting the harbors and coast lines.
Ures is the central cache for arms smuggled into Sonora by Yocupicio, and the Rebey brothers and Cuen are among the chief contraband runners.
A secondary route used by one of Cuen's chief aids, a police delegate from the El Tiro mine, lies over the roads to Ures by way of Altar.
I believe in the equality of man, and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creat- ures happy.
Being satisfied that he has the exact truth in this matter, he meas- 291 ures all other people by his standard, and if they fail by that measurement, he holds them personally responsible, and believes that his God does the same.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.