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Example sentences for "unmoving"

Lexicographically close words:
unmortified; unmotivated; unmould; unmounted; unmoved; unmurmuring; unmusical; unmutilated; unmuzzled; unnamable
  1. A strange and woe-worn wight Arose beside the battlement, And stood unmoving there.

  2. Glancing whitely over her shoulder from this secure coign, she saw that Jack Dalhousie's father still stood unmoving on her sidewalk, staring and leaning on his cane.

  3. She stood unmoving in the doorway, her fingers tightening on the silken hanging.

  4. A little sob, quickly smothered, came from Winifred, but his mother sat unmoving with her eyes fixed on James.

  5. He shot a glance at her who stood unmoving against the wall with her head up and her hands clasped, for all the world as if she were going to be shot.

  6. But he caught just in time the softly sighing whispered "Yes" from the unmoving lips of the Sister, and he lied promptly and swiftly, efficiently and at full length.

  7. The unmoving eyes answered "No" again, and the doctor stood up.

  8. Tharn lay there unmoving while the minutes slipped by and became hours.

  9. She glided half way across the room, paused, looked at me, and pointed toward the unmoving door.

  10. There was something of the past world about the hanging woods, the little veils of unmoving mist--as if time did not exist in those furrows of the great world; and one was so absolutely alone; anything might have happened.

  11. Exhausted by his seasonal battle with the mating spiders, he lay unmoving and death-like in the larger cave below them, buried in the deep, recuperative sleep of an insect.

  12. Putting away his pride, he stepped slowly and deliberately toward the man-child's unmoving form.

  13. A time of Indian summer, the sky deep blue, with here and there a cloud island, unmoving as though painted on a canvas.

  14. The face of the Mar-chesa retained its unmoving aspect of plaster.

  15. But Kituwia had a darker complexion, and there was evidence in his unmoving face, erect head, and compressed lips of a hard pride, amounting to contempt for all and everything.

  16. A dark brown, unmoving face looked through a crevice in the rock.

  17. But Pete still stood rigid and unhearing, clutching his gun with a desperate grip, and glaring with bulging, unmoving eyes across the plain.

  18. Behind the wings of the battery stood the Lieutenants, leaning on their sabers, and gazing with fixed, unmoving eyes on the thunderous wrack and ruin.

  19. Jerry stared with a craned neck at Alexander McGivins until slowly his body came round to an easier posture, but upon his steady and unmoving fixity of eye, the rest of him moved as upon an axis.

  20. At first he did not even marvel at the stunned, groping blankness of the unmoving features.

  21. As long as he lay unmoving the pain seemed quiescent, and his head felt crystal clear--his thought efficient.

  22. Slowly the sunset grew brilliant--then the foregrounds gave up their detail in a soft veiling of purple dusk, and the tree between the house and the road became a dark ghost-shape, etched in the unmoving majesty of spread and stature.

  23. Facing this new statement of alleged fact the brother of the dead man remained in his unmoving posture of amazed silence for a space, then he responded with a scornfully disbelieving laugh.

  24. So the wounded man fought back the sense of clear and persistent reality, which had altered kindly features into a gargoyle of vindictiveness, and lay unmoving until Rowlett rose and turned his back.

  25. All right an' unharmed," he responded, as he stepped to the side of the door frame and stood there a rigid and unmoving sentinel.

  26. He heard the snores of the man and woman sleeping below, but the unmoving figure beside him had not relaxed in slumber.

  27. Still the son remained as unmoving as bronze while his eyes sustained unflinchingly the wrathful gaze of a patriarchal order.

  28. For a time he sat there in his saddle, as unmoving as though he and the beast he rode were inanimate parts of an equestrian group; the statue of a pioneer lad rough-mounted.

  29. She was, in her quietly borne distress, an appealing picture, and the hands that lay in her lap had the unmoving stillness of wax--or death.

  30. But as the man's face relaxed and he reached toward the biscuit plate his posture froze into an unmoving one--for just an instant.

  31. He landed again, and found the earth covered intermittently with thin patches of ice, sometimes deepening and joining together into shrunken, unmoving streams, or withered oak leaves of many fingers.

  32. She looked up at him with shining eyes, kissed his unmoving lips, and said: "Olaf, are you all right?

  33. Blackbird's eyes, without the snake-restlessness of her race, dwelt unmoving upon him.

  34. He put up his leather stained hand coyly, and motioned her unmoving figure back.

  35. A toad, plump and bloated, lay unmoving before his path; the rays of the lamp fell upon its unshaped hideousness and red upward eye.

  36. JONES stops cooking and stands unmoving at the table.

  37. JONES, who stands unmoving with her hands crossed on the rail.

  38. The unmoving blackness was a middle-aged man in work clothes and boots, lying on his back, with the slash across the throat standing out clearly.

  39. The shadow of the desk spread across the floor and in that shadow bulked a large, unmoving blackness.

  40. Rest here, beneath the unmoving shade, And on the silent valleys gaze, Winding and widening, till they fade In yon soft ring of summer haze.

  41. With her glittering robe, worth the purchase of a principality, drawn round her as closely as if it were the common drapery of a statue, she sat not unlike the statue in classic gracefulness, but cold and unmoving as the marble.

  42. A survey of the inside of the chamber, the unmoving nurse and her senseless charge, with the fumes of brandy and tobacco, reassured the visitant.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unmoving" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adamant; cold; dead; dormant; firm; fixed; frozen; grim; idle; immobile; immovable; inactive; inanimate; inflexible; irremovable; lifeless; motionless; obstinate; passive; quiet; relentless; rigid; sedentary; stagnant; standing; static; stationary; still; strong; unemployed; unmoved; unyielding