Mr. Spenlow shut the door, motioned me to a chair, and stood on the hearth-rug in front of the fireplace.
She motionedto me, with her short right arm, to shut the umbrella for her; and passing me hurriedly, went into the kitchen.
The lady quietly and gravely motioned her to a seat.
She brought some eau de cologne, and tried to bathe the face of her mistress but was quickly motioned away.
I wish to see Mr. Leith," he said, and the old woman silently motioned him to follow her into the sick man's room.
Then she motioned to him to remain, and ran swiftly to the thicket to bring back her companions, who had paused in their flight, and were now watching with eager eyes the actions of the white man.
He placed the dagger in his belt and hastily tying the captive's hands behind his back, he motioned to his companions to follow, and struck into a narrow and almost undistinguishable path.
Henry motioned to Marguerite, and then, aloud, said: "Ah!
He scrutinized both gentlemen, so as to pick out the one he wanted, and then motioned Coconnas to follow him.
So saying, Coconnas stretched himself on his cloak like a man who is about to add practice to precept; but as his ear touched the ground he raised his finger and motioned La Mole to be silent.
Hortense motioned to Andy and they crept quietly across the kitchen to the door, Hortense pausing a moment 'on the way to fill her pockets with cookies.
Hortense motioned to Andy, who came as quietly as he could, which wasn't very quiet for his heels clumped loudly on the stairs.
Then turning to Ellen, she motioned her to approach.
Smiling to himself, Uncle Dick motioned Leo to the rear; and once more they began their progress, this time closer to the edge of the slide and working steadily upward all the time.
Uncle Dick reached out his hand for Leo's rifle and motioned for him to go ahead for a look.
Dan slept cautiously by, and motioned the stranger to tread softly.
He motioned to Azito, of whose presence Machado seemed to become aware for the first time, to stand behind a clothes-press near the camp-bed.
Will softly closed the door behind him, and motioned to Azito to stand at the door opening into the patio.
The next instant he motioned Mazie down as he dropped flat in the bottom of the boat.
Bowing his thanks, Johnny accepted a chair andmotioned Pant to another.
The emperor haughtily returned the borderer’s greeting andmotioned for him to be seated.
Glimpsing a stranger swinging down the brown trail that answered for the settlement’s one street, he motioned with his head for the men to pass inside.
Sevier twisted his head and motioned for Tonpit to ride beside him while the girl led the way.
Chief Watts gauged his thoughts correctly andmotioned for Polcher to withdraw.
McGillivray motionedfor him to advance but did not ask him to be seated.
The Nor'-Wester motioned me to keep behind the Frenchman and I heard his drunken lips mumbling my own name.
With that advice he motioned me to the only armchair in the room, and sitting down on the outer step to keep watch, began reading some theological disputation aloud.
Then he motioned me to remain in the gorge while he scrambled up the cliff to reconnoitre.
I motioned him to be silent and held it up in the moonlight.
Oliver looked up; the Jew, pointing to the candle, motioned him to light it.
The two attendants, after a little whispering, came out into the passage, stretching themselves as if glad of the temporary relief, and motioned the visitors to follow the jailer into the cell.
The Jew motioned to the Dodger to place what eatables there were, upon the table; and, seating himself opposite the housebreaker, waited his leisure.
Being desired to sit down, he put his hat on the floor, and taking a chair, motioned to Duff to do the same.
He laughed, and the luncheon being concluded, he rose from the table, and taking an easy-chair nearer the window, motioned Alwyn to do the same.
In the end they rose trembling, and having motionedto me to be seated in it, with the help of Kari pushed the balsa, which I noted with joy was large and well made, down into the sea.
So grasping his arm gently I led him off the quay where our horses were and motioned to him to mount one that had been ridden by a servant whom I bade to walk.
Then hemotioned to me to be seated and rang a little silver bell that stood upon the table.
Quilla seated herself upon a throne and motioned to me to take my place upon another throne at her side, which I noted stood a little higher than that on which she sat, and this, as I learned afterwards, not by chance.
Following the Roman custom, according to which the daughter of the house pours the tea, the princess motioned Nina to fill the office, and she herself sat at her desk and began rapidly writing on a pad of paper.
In the adjoining room she motioned him to sit beside her, but he stood instead, leaning against the window frame.
With these words he turned away, andmotioned to his son to depart.
The physician now motioned to Mor Perczel to approach within the magnetic circle.
The women understood his intention, butmotioned a refusal.
Perczel motioned to him to approach, and said, "Do you really believe that there is a battery concealed behind those vineyards?
She motioned to them to dry their tears--her majestic form, calm features, and commanding eye, seemed formed to be obeyed.
As we were leaving the town next morning, when we were about half way from the inn to the Clastidian Gate, Agathemer gripped my arm and motioned me up a side street.
He had sat down and had motionedme to be seated also.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "motioned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.