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Example sentences for "ruined"

Lexicographically close words:
ruinas; ruinate; ruinated; ruination; ruine; ruines; ruining; ruinous; ruinously; ruins
  1. Had he followed the dictates of his nature, he would rather have ruined his children by over-indulgence than severity; but the hope of counteracting the effect of their mother's weakness had guided his mistaken treatment.

  2. Ruined from earliest boyhood by weak indulgence, Alfred Greville felt sometimes a throb of natural feeling for his mother, though her counsels were of no avail.

  3. This very night the mountain spirit will take away our fairest maiden in a great cage to the ruined temple where you have spent the night, and in the morning she will be devoured by the wicked spirit of the mountain.

  4. At midnight the cats suddenly disappeared, stillness reigned in the ruined temple, and our warrior was able to resume his slumber.

  5. The evil spirits in the ruined temple used the name several times.

  6. I could wish we could prove there was anything of that in it; for that would imply some wit and thoughtfulness; but we are ruined merely by folly and neglect.

  7. This indeed is the very bottom of every man's thought, and the certain ground that we must be ruined unless the King change his course, or the Parliament come and alter it.

  8. I have known a most promising boy whose health was destroyed and his career ruined by a hypnotic experiment performed on him without his parents' knowledge.

  9. He was the first of a long line of degenerates, who ruined the great work of Solyman and his predecessors.

  10. At a meeting of the conspirators the charge against Ibrahim was formulated as follows:-- The Padishah has ruined the Ottoman world by pillage and tyranny.

  11. Dead leaves are wet among the moss, With weed and thistle overgrown - A ruined barge within the fosse, A castle built of crumbling stone!

  12. They were poor and had lost everything in the recent wars, which had also ruined Heribert, another sheriff, who with his daughter, the beautiful Gretchen, eked out a frugal but peaceful existence in the same neighbourhood.

  13. Okkenfels: A Rash Oath On a rugged crag overlooking the Rhine above the town of Linz stands the ruined stronghold of Okkenfels.

  14. The Cooper of Auerbach It is said that from the ruined castle of Auerbach a fragrant perfume of wine sometimes steals upon the air, and then the country folk whisper, “The cooper is tasting his wine.

  15. I have nothing but my sword, my ruined tower yonder, and honour.

  16. Flörsheim: The Shepherd Knight In the now ruined castle of Wilenstein, overlooking the wooded heights of the Westrich, dwelt Sir Bodo of Flörsheim and his fair daughter Adeline.

  17. The Blind Archer Another legend connected with the ruined stronghold of Fürstenberg is the following.

  18. You've ruined one pair of gloves for me already.

  19. The spot to which my companion led me was a ruined summerhouse, not a stone's throw from the outer garden hedge.

  20. Their clothes, ruined by the humid filth of their dungeons, moldered to decay.

  21. Should the Girondists, on the other hand, true to their instinctive abhorrence of these deeds of blood, dare to vote against the death of the king, they would be ruined irretrievably.

  22. Captain Simpson describes several ruined cities, which he visited, which show that the inhabitants formerly had a knowledge of architecture and design superior to any that the Pueblos of the present day possess.

  23. Yet if we travel northward from the Isthmus, we must pass by ruined cities and temples, traces of mighty peoples, who there flourished before a foreign civilization extirpated them.

  24. These men were severely censured by their fellow-citizens, many of whom had been ruined by the bad French currency.

  25. At this time, although his health was ruined by mental worry and bodily hardship, his purse emptied, and his army melted away, the emperor was still calm and hopeful.

  26. It is not to be credited how many persons have been ruined in fortune, driven into banishment, yea, delivered over to death, by careless words uttered without so much as a thought of the evil which should ensue from them.

  27. More girls are ruined in New York by marriage than by any other process.

  28. And did you hear what she said, Kitty dear--`More girls are ruined by marriage in New York than by any other process!

  29. Fathom is the wretch who hath thus injured your honour, and ruined my unsuspecting innocence.

  30. Henry Venn) could write out to New Zealand: "If all the colonial churches are to be made free, the Church of England would be ruined as a missionary church.

  31. For the view of the ruined church at Tamaki I am indebted to Miss Brookfield, of Auckland, and for the excellent representation of the scene at the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi to Mr. A.

  32. How little could he foresee the ruined churches, the abandoned missions, the apostacy of the tribes, or the closing of large tracts of country against himself and his clergy!

  33. Our heart's consuming pain, At sight of ruined altars, prophets slain, And God's own ark with blood of souls defiled!

  34. He leads them out of the cave and shews them his ruined hut, and tells how his ducats and his book had been stolen.

  35. On leaving her, he sets up as an innkeeper, and prospers, but is ruined through his own incorrigible knavery.

  36. I had naught but my money, which did but dazzle me, and my blind desires which led me astray, I giving them the rein, and mine own impudence, that ruined me and brought me to disaster.

  37. He then wrote The Ruined Cottage, now incorporated in the Fist Book of the Excursion.

  38. He had saved a little money in the last two years, and bought a partly ruined hut, a short distance north of his former farm.

  39. When I used to improvise on my violin at twilight in order to enjoy myself in my own way, they would take the instrument away from me, asserting that this ruined my fingering.

  40. There are many other ruined castles in this vicinity.

  41. He was very anxious for the building of his cathedral, which he found completely ruined since the earthquakes.

  42. There was more room than comfort in the ruined old farm-house, and the two boys slept on a bed of cut heather, in what had been the old malt loft.

  43. On up the purple hills to the old ruined house.

  44. Some of the travellers were ruined farmers, others were miners whose machinery and property had been destroyed by the natives.

  45. She knew he was a ruined man, with nothing in the world but a couple of hundred pounds, and the farm reduced to half its value.

  46. And here let me say that thousands of the best mules in the army, during the war, were ruined and made useless to the Government on account of the incompetency and ignorance of the wagon-masters and teamsters who had to deal with them.

  47. More mules are maimed and even ruined altogether by improperly fitting collars, than is generally believed by quartermasters.

  48. Hundreds of mules belonging to the Government are, in a measure, ruined by using a bridle bit that is not much thicker than the wire used by the telegraph.

  49. Hundreds of mules are in a measure ruined by allowing the throat-latch to be worked too tight.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ruined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bankrupt; beat; beaten; bested; blasted; blighted; botched; broke; broken; busted; confounded; crumbling; decrepit; defeated; derelict; desolate; desolated; destitute; destroyed; dilapidated; disabled; discomfited; disfigured; down; dusty; failed; fallen; finished; fixed; floored; fusty; gone; impoverished; incorrigible; incurable; inoperable; insolvent; irreclaimable; irrecoverable; irredeemable; irremediable; irreparable; irretrievable; irreversible; irrevocable; licked; lost; marred; mildewed; moldering; moldy; musty; outdone; overcome; overmatched; overpowered; overthrown; overwhelmed; panicked; piece; piteous; poor; prostrate; ramshackle; ravaged; rock; ruined; ruinous; rusty; scattered; settled; shabby; skinned; slummy; spoiled; stale; tatter; terminal; timeworn; tottery; trimmed; tumbledown; undone; upset; wasted; whipped; worn; worsted; wrecked