The Sophist and the Rhetor, addressing themselves to the present relish of an undiscerning public, are enabled to usurp the functions and the credit of their more severe and far-sighted rivals.
This honest spirit of antiquarianism, working on a most undiscerning intellect, seems to have kindled into a literary bigotry in his sateless delight of "the black-letter of our grandfathers' days.
Such a remarkable alteration of physiognomy could not escape the notice of the most undiscerning beholder, much less the penetrating eye of his severe judge, already whetted with what he had seen over-night.
The physicians, said to testify in behalf of the 'miracles' and the supernatural phenomena, are either ignorant and undiscerning quacks, or positive frauds in collusion with the priests.
Nothing is more unfounded than the objection made by some well-meaning but undiscerning persons, that the study of natural science induces a doubt of religion and of the immortality of the soul.
Thus fools, with undiscerning hearts, turn things upside down, and ruin their own interests and those of other people, and give such absurd answers.
So an undiscerning blockhead, though he sees a crime committed before his eyes, is satisfied with hypocritical flattery, and makes himself ridiculous.
But the undiscerning were not only to be kept quiet, they were to be made happy.
I must confess I have very often with much Sorrow bewailed the Misfortune of the Children of Great Britain, when I consider the Ignorance and Undiscerning of the Generality of Schoolmasters.
Pope's manuscript supplies two omitted lines: The boldest strokes of art we may despise, Viewed in false lights with undiscerning eyes.
O undiscerning world, That cannot from misfortune separate guilt, No, not in thought!
May not a publican put up the sign of the Saracen's Head, even though his undiscerning neighbour should prefer, as more genteel, the Cat and Gridiron?
I see in you a new instance of that abuse which is so generally made of talents, the admiration of an undiscerning public.
This untamed, though not undiscerning brute, was found capable of destroying the prospects of a man the most eminently qualified to enjoy and to communicate happiness.
If I was hard and undiscerning as regards Polina and De Griers, HE was hard and undiscerning as regards Russian people generally.
He wrote plays which Garrick nearly liked, but which theundiscerning public never liked at all.
Swinburne has expressed astonishment that the child Blake could admire such "lank and lamentable counterfeits of the poetical style" as Macpherson supplied to an undiscerning generation.
His mind took the contagion, but took it ad modum recipientis, in a form so mild that an undiscerning judge might doubt whether it were indeed the same fierce pestilence that was raging all around.