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Example sentences for "narrowness"

Lexicographically close words:
narrowed; narrower; narrowest; narrowing; narrowly; narrownesses; narrows; narry; narthex; naru
  1. The width or narrowness of the valley in relation to its depth depends greatly on the condition of the rocks, the harder and tougher they are the narrower as a rule being the valley.

  2. Horace realized the ignorant narrowness of his aunt's position.

  3. Where these rivers unite, one very narrow river is formed out of the two; and on account of its narrowness the current is swift.

  4. For there were some who persuaded Darius that he had forsooth got the worst of it in the battle fought at Issus, from the narrowness of the battle-field; and this he was easily induced to believe.

  5. But when they were seen to be useless there on account of the narrowness of the ground, he ordered most of these also to ride round to the right wing and join their comrades there.

  6. If you stood in the central room, or rotunda, and looked down the long stretches which departed from you in every direction, you had a sense of narrowness and confinement not compatible with their length.

  7. Latterly, as he had become inured to it all, the sense of narrowness and humiliation had worn off.

  8. Self-confidence is either a petty pride in our own narrowness or a realisation of our duty and privilege as God's children.

  9. And yet, in spite of this, there was none of that narrowness of outlook, which is generally associated with burgher-society immersed in trade.

  10. But the narrowness of the river and the prompt measures that were taken to call out the militia and man the forts prevented any further success.

  11. In general, there is not perhaps, any one article of expense or consumption by which the liberality or narrowness of a man's whole expense can be better judged of than by his house-rent.

  12. By means of it, the narrowness of the home market does not hinder the division of labour in any particular branch of art or manufacture from being carried to the highest perfection.

  13. In small towns and country villages, on account of the narrowness of the market, trade cannot always be extended as stock extends.

  14. The trade of the grocer may be necessary for the conveniency of the inhabitants, and the narrowness of the market may not admit the employment of a larger capital in the business.

  15. She does not reflect enough to take it seriously, and contrives to lay the blame upon the narrowness of Miss Charlecote's training.

  16. Now and then a degree of scorn, for the narrowness of dogma, would appear in reading history, but in general she was understood to have opinions which she did not obtrude.

  17. The leafy and quieter wing of the mill-house was the part occupied by Mrs. Garland and her daughter, who made up in summer-time for the narrowness of their quarters by overflowing into the garden on stools and chairs.

  18. But the narrowness of Mrs. Garland's rooms absolutely forbade this, and the houseless treasury of experience was obliged to look for quarters elsewhere.

  19. It is but narrowness or intellectual pharisaism to turn from a great author because in his life and works there may be things of which we cannot approve.

  20. She was one of the first to call attention to the emptiness and narrowness of the existing conception of woman's emancipation and its tragic effect upon the inner life of woman.

  21. And yet we find many emancipated women who prefer marriage with all its deficiencies to the narrowness of an unmarried life; narrow and unendurable because of the chains of moral and social prejudice that cramp and bind her nature.

  22. Hence he lacks the intensity, drive, and narrowness that make for competitive success.

  23. Although Cuba possesses hundreds of running streams, generally known as rivers, the narrowness of the Island necessarily curtails their length, and the longest, the Cauto, is but one hundred and fifty miles from its source to the sea.

  24. The habitual self needs to go out of the narrowness of its accustomed grooves into the spacious air of more generous behavior.

  25. Shrinking from apprehension of the evil to others consequent upon our behavior, because such realization would demand painful effort to change our own plans and habits, maintains habitual dimness and narrowness of moral vision.

  26. The statesman who declares "there is but one side to a question" may sometime by his narrowness assist in plunging his country into a great war.

  27. This word shows that he is talking of his many trials when in Italy and the narrowness of his escape, while also indicating some other time when he was hunted by the Austrians.

  28. That those who ascribed their fear to a pretense about the deficiency of supplies and the narrowness of the roads acted presumptuously, as they seemed either to distrust their general's discharge of his duty or to dictate to him.

  29. Conflicts in the conscience are thus quite natural and would continually occur but for the narrowness that commonly characterises a mind inspired by passion.

  30. Value is attributed to rival forms of life; something of the intensity and narrowness inherent in the private will is surrendered to admiration and solicitude for what is most alien and hostile to one's self.

  31. It is here that the narrowness of the mind of woman is revealed in all its meanness.

  32. Phimosis, or narrowness of the opening of the prepuce is nearly always of embryonic origin.

  33. And the narrowness of his intellects, the optics of these connoisseurs were not calculated to discern.

  34. Mr. Godfrey inveighed with warmth, and sometimes with partiality, against the coldness and narrowness of the age.

  35. But wherever it was first made it is reasonable to suppose that the narrowness of the streets made a smaller vehicle than either coach or horse-litter convenient.

  36. Coming to Italy, he found Milan, in spite of the narrowness of its streets, abounding in rich coaches.

  37. He would make friends, he would learn to be like other lads, he would forget the bigotry and narrowness to which he had committed himself.

  38. Under the man's surface-narrowness and superiority was a deep, true heart that had only been waiting the hour of its great emancipation.

  39. This specimen, then, shows approach to noveboracensis in narrowness of the mastoidal region, to primulina in other respects and to spadix.

  40. Selected differences of inyoensis in comparison with latirostra are larger size, less inflated tympanic bullae and relative narrowness of the postorbital, interorbital and preorbital parts of the skull.

  41. American Museum of Natural History, from Webb, Clay County, shows approach to primulina in the narrowness of the rostrum.

  42. Characters indicating its affinities with noveboracensis are smaller size of skull, general narrowness of skull, and relatively low tympanic bullae.

  43. The color and narrowness of the underparts are typical of noveboracensis.

  44. Upon direct comparison the narrowness is especially noticeable in the interorbital region, mastoid region, tympanic bullae, and across the zygomata.

  45. These ratios reflect the relative narrowness of the skull of primulina.

  46. Michigan, has a large skull, which shows approach to primulina in its narrowness anteriorly and in some other features.

  47. The relative narrowness indicated by the mastoid breadth is maintained throughout the skull.

  48. They have been supposed to describe a quality or characteristic belonging to Christ or the Gospel; and, so construed, they have sometimes been made the watchword of narrowness and of intellectual indolence.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "narrowness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.