She smiled languidly as Jane entered, and then said, "I have been expecting you, Jane.
She was languidly brushing out her long black hair, and Jane tried to kiss a smile into her melancholy face.
Without a sufficiently interesting pursuit, a fatal torpor stole over my spirits--my blood circulated languidly through my veins.
Aileen, turning her eyes languidly on her friend, while a faint smile flickered on her mouth.
Whatever it was, the party attacked it with relish, and silence reigned until it was finished, after which conversation flowed again-- somewhat languidly at first.
To speak more at that moment he could not, and ere words came at his command, the library door slowly opened, and Caroline languidly entered.
A few languidly written letters her mother received from her during her tour; but the chief of her correspondence was reserved for Miss Malison and the lady who had so ably assisted their secret plans.
Behind him lagged the jaded dog, walking a few paces with drooping head and tail; then lying for a minute, and rising to walk languidly again.
A feeble gleam of winter sunshine camelanguidly through the little window.
Overhead the big white sail swayed languidly to and fro, cutting sharply into the blue, and Frank felt that he would like to sail on like this for hours, lounging at the helm, and listening to the water as it slipped along the sides.
He feltlanguidly content with himself and the simple, strenuous life he led.
But when at last the sun sank in flame beneath the horizon, people began to creep out languidly to woo the refreshment of the evening breeze.
But he kept up, nevertheless, and, with his head drooping languidly on his breast, went stumbling onward, he knew not whither.
The grass was wet; the pathways, and low places, were all mire and water; the damp breath of an unwholesome wind went languidly by, with a hollow moaning.
Day by day, and almost hour by hour, some drop of health came back, and mingling with the spent and feeble stream of life which circulated languidly within you, swelled it again to a high and rushing tide.
The grasp of his hand relaxed; the upraised arm fell languidly by his side; and he lay like one in a profound trance.
She had no longing to put them in her ears now: her head with its dark rings of hair lay back languidly on the pillow, and the sadness that rested about her brow and eyes was something too hard for regretful memory.
As Hetty began languidlyto take off the clothes she had worn all the night, that she might wash herself and brush her hair, she had a sickening sense that her life would go on in this way.
These thoughts drifted languidly through my fevered brain; the reaction after a brief period of excitement was beginning to tell, and I was fast coming to the end of my powers of endurance.
I felt too drowsy to reply, but languidly allowed the stranger to feel my pulse, which he did after lugging a huge watch out of his fob.
A few anchor lights swung languidly inside, and the indistinct, dark shape of a steamer shut out part of the wall.
The steamer drove on, a feather of foam shooting up her stem, and Wyndham languidly studied the faces of the passengers.
The tide was near its lowest ebb, the uncovered mud banks gave off a sickly smell, and for a time Marston pulled languidly down the channel.
Anchor lights swung languidly by the shore, and in the background the white town shone with a pale reflection against the dusky hills.
Vane strode to the scuttle and looked down at the flood which splashed languidly to and fro below.
It was very old music, the song of the primeval wilderness, and though he had heard it often, it had a strange, unsettling effect upon him as he languidly watched his companion.
Evelyn sat near him, reclining languidly in a wicker chair.
He stretched out his aching limbs beside the fire, and languidly watched the firs grow dimmer and the mists creep in ghostly trails down the steep hillside, until Carroll broke the silence.
She leaned back languidly and imperially on the luxurious cushions, and listlessly eyed the sky and the water, and ignored with perfect impartiality all the living creatures in the boat.
She was leaning languidly back, and the fire was dying out of her eye, and the color out of her cheek, and the blinds were drawn down.
She rang languidly when we rose to take leave, and sank back on her sofa, where lay a heap of French novels.
Barnes Newcome, who had condescended to attend his sister's little fete, and had been languidly watching the frolics of the young people, looked very much alarmed.
I leaned back and languidly scanned the scene; eyes halfshut, senses half-awake.
That his horse was in the same lost condition became apparent from its stopping without orders and looking round languidly with a sigh.
For a few minutes he stood gazing languidly on the plain beyond the ridge.
On the terrace, she caught sight of Vernon, who had just quitted his own room, where he always breakfasted alone, and who was now languidly stretched on a bench, and basking in the sun.
She had sat languidly with her book that day, as she sat now, immortalized by her son in clay.
His immense head lay languidly on one side, and he gently beat time with two of his yellow-white fingers.
He began trifling with the new set of coins and the little brushes immediately; languidly looking at them and admiring them all the time he was speaking to me.
Languidly interested, he leaned for a nearer scrutiny and a view of the florid headlines of the column next to the picture.
I looked at her vacantly for a moment, and falling back languidly in my seat, muttered faintly, "Go on.
He left with a promise to return soon again, I suppose he likes to comfort Bayard while his sorrows are fresh," she added, closing her eyeslanguidly and sighing faintly.
He smiled languidly at her, and swept a glance over her from head to foot.
I interrupted, passing my hand languidly over my brow and eyes.
Next day Elsie was languidly reading the local weekly journal, when she came upon a paragraph which related to themselves.
There was plenty of talk and laughter at the dinner-table, while the Countess and Lady Lesbia conversed gravely and languidly in the dimly-lighted drawing-room.
The Young Lady who is Ill, seated languidly in a red arm-chair, with her head on a pillow, may be compared with similar pictures in The Hague Gallery.