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Example sentences for "turpitude"

Lexicographically close words:
turpe; turpentine; turpi; turpis; turpiter; turpitudes; turps; turquois; turquoise; turquoises
  1. In 1351 a Carmelite, preaching before the pope and cardinals, inveighed against their turpitude in terms which terrified every one, and caused his immediate dismissal.

  2. The writers of the period are as emphatic as their predecessors in describing the superabounding and universal turpitude of the Church during the remainder of the century.

  3. The frequency of envy makes it so familiar, that it escapes our notice; nor do we often reflect upon its turpitude or malignity, till we happen to feel its influence.

  4. Such is the horrible turpitude which arises out of this most honorable and most excellent part of our natural body!

  5. How much greater turpitude then is disclosed by the fact, that the slaughtered will, the corrupted understanding and the wholly defiled reason have changed man into an utterly altered being.

  6. But into what extremes of turpitude did they fall?

  7. These acts of turpitude he should heed, and make the subject of his lessons.

  8. The law makes little difference in the degree of moral turpitude between the suppressio veri and the suggestio falsi.

  9. What would the world say if his black turpitude were to transpire?

  10. Is he not justified in denouncing the errors or the downright turpitude of the magistrates whom that society has chosen to govern it, and who derive their power only from its good will and pleasure?

  11. They will perhaps yield in turpitude to that which the theatres of the Roman empire exhibited.

  12. The unconscious absence from the mind of Socrates of any notion of turpitude in the occupation of Theodote is very striking indeed.

  13. One other turpitude the Asiatic idolatry added to the Greek and Roman forms.

  14. Augustine, the utter perversion of morality, the consecration of fables equalling in turpitude the utmost license of the theatres.

  15. In order to form a notion how far this division of gods could descend, and what an incredible depth of turpitude it reached, see De Civ.

  16. But what may suffice entirely to destroy this whimsical system is, that it leaves us under the same difficulty to give a reason why truth is virtuous and falshood vicious, as to account for the merit or turpitude of any other action.

  17. For before reason can perceive this turpitude, the turpitude must exist; and consequently is independent of the decisions of our reason, and is their object more properly than their effect.

  18. This last argument is very conclusive; because, if there be not an evident merit or turpitude annexed to this species of truth or falahood, It can never have any influence upon our actions.

  19. Who ever dreamed of "turpitude in the author," as Dr.

  20. He was offended; yet he knew that it was to the turpitude of Brassfield that he owed this, rather than to any fault of Edgington's.

  21. You must acknowledge that the moral turpitude results, in the same manner, from the contemplation of the whole, when presented to a being whose organs have such a particular structure and formation.

  22. Beth fully realised her husband's turpitude with regard to the money, and also realised the futility of trying to make him see his own conduct in the matter in any light not flattering to himself, and she was deeply pained.

  23. The glimpse she had accidentally given the old lady of Harriet's turpitude had startled her considerably.

  24. Talk of the black turpitude of murdering with a dagger or a pistol!

  25. Lord William, his blood growing cold at the extent of the turpitude which he was contemplating.

  26. But it was freely predicted that he would never dare show his face in his native county after his turpitude during the war in fighting against his State, and he was commonly alluded to as a traitor.

  27. He began to remember with a frown Jack's turpitude about Judith's letters.

  28. His turpitude should not provoke surprise.

  29. The sincerity of his "death-bed" professions of godliness, and of sympathy for the men in bondage, is discredited by the actions of a lifetime as conspicuous for its turpitude as it was barren of virtues.

  30. That on the 15th of February, M'Rae met him at the Carolina coffee house, and he proposed to him to frame a conspiracy for the purpose of raising the funds; and Vinn asked him if there was any moral turpitude in the transaction.

  31. No language can paint the injustice and abominations of slavery, But in these United States, this vast amount of moral turpitude is (as I believe) justly chargeable to the Church.

  32. The disappointment itself was great, but the turpitude that attended it much greater.

  33. None, except to confirm what needs no confirming; except to shew the blindness, craft, and turpitude of his mind!

  34. From the turpitude of her daughter's conduct, she proceeded to its consequences.

  35. Hargrave, more and more enraged, as the recollection which De Courcy had recalled, placed before him the full turpitude of his conduct.

  36. Here are to be discovered the extremes of vice and virtue, strongly marked by the existing turpitude on one hand, and the noble instances of charitable munificence, displayed by the opulent part of the Community, on the other.

  37. To live encircled by fears arising from uncontrolled excesses of the human passions, either leading to turpitude or terminating in the commission of crimes, is to live in misery.

  38. Those of us who remember the fifties will recall how tightly revolvers clung to the name of their patentee, and the sort of moral turpitude that attached to their use.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "turpitude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandon; abjection; baseness; chicanery; corruption; decadence; degeneration; degradation; depravation; depravity; evil; knavery; roguery; turpitude; villainy