A Poetical Petition against Galvanizing Trumpery and the Perkinistic Institution.
We have not loved one another for twenty years for a trumpery title to come between us now!
How it came among his trumperyarchives I know as little as he, but can guess.
You must excuse us, Maxim Nikolaitch, we are always troubling you with our trumpery affairs.
Besides the better class of locks made in South Staffordshire there are really trumpery locks made in abundance, and Willenhall enjoys an unenviable celebrity for the cheapness and worthlessness of its wares.
There are in Staffordshire certain firms who make safes of the lightest and most trumpery description, chiefly for export.
A childish legend," said Oldbuck, "invented to give consequence to trumpery womankind.
Oldbuck alone curled up his nose, and observed, that Miss Wardour's skill was something like that of the alchemists, for she had contrived to extract a sound and valuable moral out of a very trumpery and ridiculous legend.
Come, I told you this was but trumpery conversation for thinking people--and now I have my hand on the Ossianic Controversy.
Lord of Misrule had much difficulty in extracting from the Master of the Revels the fool's coat, hobby-horses, and other trumpery paraphernalia which he required for the proper support of his dignity.
There were some things (she considered) quite as fine as the trumpery masques and mummeries of the court that the London people seemed to talk about.
Had not even this brief portion of it caused him to think of her father's creations as if they were of a far more marvellous nature than the trumpery court performances that had engrossed his talk when first she met him?
And then all of a sudden, Molly, she'll take it into her head to spend goodness knows what on some trumpery or other and come to me for the money.
There's suffering enough, without adding to it with our trumpery judgments!
Some cases of trumpery rosaries were found and dispatched the same way.
Heave this trumpery overboard, and you, Senhores priests, may be thankful that you have been deprived of the means of cheating your countrymen and deceiving the ignorant natives by your abominable impostures.
He instantly ordered me to be seized, and at once declared that he had seen me on board the Madeline, engaged in throwing the trumpery overboard.
And to think that I should be almost trodden into dust, like the emmets in a hymn I used to learn, by a trumpery lot of common cockneys.
And even that, I think, it will only take a single trumpery harangue, cheered by our lackeys, to throw away also.
And there is the trumpery trinket which I had hoped you would have worn for my sake.
But he did not seem a bit angry; he very seldom is angry, unless at some trumpery thing, as when he threw the book away.
You are thinking of some old trumpery of former days.
I have lost the trumpery seat in Parliament for which I have paid so much.
And now on account of a trumpery fifty-odd pounds for goods supplied to himself, he was to be locked up in gaol!
Their trumpery imitators give the outward form of the essay without its inward spirit.
I was ignorant in those days of this affinity, and an easy prey to such trumpery contingencies; but I eventually reduced the trafficking to a science impossible of detection, and unfailing in its results.
Once, twice; will you take this check in exchange for your trumpery snuff-box?
Why, they don't think to trap us, sir; I could break that trumpery door with a kick of my foot.
It is all very well for the Macleods to interest themselves with these trumpery little local matters.
The hero of this trumpery piece was of this familiar type.
And trumpery as my income is, very little of it goes into his till.
But flimsy excuses and trumpery lies belong to the lowest race of savages, who live near the coast, and have been taught by Frenchmen.
But this time the villain is in earnest, I believe, with his trumpery invasion; and as soon as he hears that I am gone, he will make sure of having his own way.
I asked him to dine with us yesterday, as you know, because you would have done him so much good; but he sent some trumpery excuse, although his wife was asked to come with him.
You and he would not combine to cheat the old man, like a pair of lovers in a trumpery novel!
I'm not going to have it cut up for a lot oftrumpery girls!
Of course there is no comparison between the two pursuits, the rod and line seeming but very poortrumpery to one who has had the honour of carrying a noble firelock.
In this trumpery affair about myself, my heart is full!
I couldn't catch the name the first time, and the second time master knocked at the door, with his regular mouthful of questions, and another of his trumpery nosegays.
In that case there is no need for me to write about the trumpery scandal by which I was the sufferer--the innocent sufferer, I positively assert.
I declare he quite tormented us all, and when he was quiet at last, out he went into the bit of back garden, picking trumperylittle nosegays, and asking me to take them upstairs and make the sick-room look pretty with them.