It is almost the only place where I would avoid cheapness as a plague and run away from mean printing and petty pages with disgust.
Great cheapness you would have, no doubt, but nobody would be able to buy.
No cheapness of food can countervail the pressure of our heavy taxation.
In the first place, we wish you to observe that the cheapness of manufacturing products does not of itself induce consumption.
If cheapness is a blessing in food, it is a blessing in clothing and in everything else.
Cheapness means only a temptation to commit bankruptcy; for the resources of irresistible artistic cheapness are inexhaustible.
The cheapness of acid phosphate, as compared with animal bone, is the decisive factor.
The amount of lime that should be applied to an acre of land depends upon the degree of its acidity, the nature of the soil, the cheapness of the lime, and the character of the crops to be grown.
He does not believe in cheapness if it is the result of sweating or of underpaid labour.
But, unless cheapness is due to some mischievous cause, they are just as anxious that we should buy cheaply as the most ardent Cobdenite, and especially that we should buy cheaply what we cannot produce ourselves.
The Tariff Reformer is all for the open market, but he is for fair play as between those who compete in it, and he holds that even cheapness ought not to be sought at the expense of unfairness to the British producer.
Certainly they hold that the blind worship of immediate cheapness may cost the nation dear in the long run.
Certainly Tariff Reformers do not think that cheapness is everything.
He believes that private enterprise, working under a system of unfettered competition, with cheapness as its supreme object, is the surest road to universal well-being.
If it helps a young couple to do with one maid, or with none, instead of two, it makes for cheapness of living.
I suppose you know that New York abounds in tables d'hôte of a cheapness unapproached in the European capitals?
We were not convinced by the eloquence which had overheated our friend, and we objected: "But those ladies you speak of give their whole lives to housekeeping, and ought cheapness to be achieved at such an expense?
It is the one-girl household, or the two-girl, which makes living costly because it makes living wasteful; it is not the luxurious establishments of the rich which are to blame for our banishment to the mythical cheapness of Europe.
The sheds to accommodate them were constructed of wood both for cheapness and speed of construction and erection.
In that way cheapness of construction will be effected together with increased rapidity of output, and in addition the strength of the whole structure should be increased.
Books are generally far from expensive in China; for a few dollars, comparatively, one may, owing to the cheapness of labour and of cost of production, purchase quite a large supply of ordinary literature.
Owing to the extreme cheapness of labour, the least well-to-do classes of Chinese are able to avail themselves of these convenient conveyances, the use of which is doubly agreeable in such a hot climate.
Slimak went round to the neighbouring cottages and bought what he needed, making a penny profit on every penny he spent, while his customers praised the cheapness of the produce.
First: His Majesty should be informed of the ease and cheapness with which stone buildings are made and can be made.
The lure of the cheapness of the merchandise overcomes all other considerations.
Probably the explanation is to be found in the relative cheapness of fuel.
Minor advantages are greater cheapness of construction owing to wholesale buying of materials, and the provision of a more liberal repair fund than is contemplated by the ordinary landlord.
The cheapness of labour, the excellence of materials, and the success of the manufacture in the excluded country,[277] may appear to an unprejudiced man to be rather reasons for the encouragement than for the prohibition.
The lowness of taxes in Ireland seems to fall within the objection arising from the cheapness of labour.
Will you ever forget the meanness and the cheapnessof it?
But I do not want to whip a woman, even in such an affair, through the cheapness of some man.
While the demand for other articles may not grow absolutely less, it becomes relatively less because of the comparative cheapness of the one product.
The cheapnesswith which form utility is created in the mill and place utility on the railroad are the two causes which are at work.
The economy which leads to this lies altogether in the greater cheapness of the manufacturing.
Obviously the displacement varies inversely with the extent to which increased cheapness enlarges the consumption of the article affected.
It is the cheapness of carrying by railroads and steamships which has made it possible to get the fullest benefit from the so-called law of increasing returns in manufacturing.
The excellence of the music as well as the cheapness of the entertainment, was marvellous to us Americans.
The cheapness and convenience of these little one-horse open barouches of Paris make us long for the time when they and the English Hansom cab shall displace the great, cumbersome carriage we now use in America.
It is the intense competition of civilized life, that gives rise to the excessive cheapness of labor, and the excessive cheapness of labor is the cause of the evils in question.
The relative cheapness of building these electric lines, and the less expense for power, equipment and maintenance make their further extension probable as well as necessary for years to come.
The old-fashioned farmer, particularly in America where methods have been so wasteful because of the cheapness of land, has planted and harvested just for the season's returns, with little regard for the future.
The price of the produce of any country must materially depend on the cheapness of subsistence.
This, Sir, must, nevertheless, depend in a great degree upon the cheapness with which your citizens will furnish such things as the public may want.
You reject abstract theories, and have little consideration for cheapness and plenty.
The association, attributing this disaster to the cheapness of land, raised its price to 12s.
The cheapness of land and the scarcity of labor, nevertheless, made impossible the triumph of the huge estate with its semi-servile tenantry.
The answer to the enigma is to be found partly in European conditions and partly in the cheapness of transportation after the opening of the era of steam navigation.
The cheapnessof the passage shortened the term of service; but the principle was older than the days of William Penn.
The extent and cheapness of public lands is a subject for comment, and the land laws and methods of survey are minutely detailed.
The amount of money spent by Byron on the Hunt family was not great, but, considering the comparative cheapness of living in Italy at that time, and the difference in the value of money, Byron's contribution was not niggardly.
I mentioned the great cheapness of property in Attica, and the possibility of my purchasing some of the villas near the city.
But the best Post-Office is where letters at the smallest charge are faithfully carried to every door, thus combining cheapness and efficiency.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheapness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.