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Example sentences for "rigmarole"

Lexicographically close words:
rigidly; rigiment; rigimint; riginal; riglar; rigny; rigor; rigord; rigorism; rigorist
  1. What is it to the ragged grimy Freeman of a Tenpound-Franchise Borough, whether Aristides Rigmarole Esq.

  2. Neither Rigmarole nor Dolittle shall, by furtherance of mine, go and make laws for this country.

  3. Neither Rigmarole nor Dolittle will accomplish any good or any evil for this grimy Freeman, like giving him a five-pound note, or refusing to give it him.

  4. Cyril Tourneur and Heywood could certainly have produced very pretty rigmarole plays if they had begun where Shakespear began, instead of trying to begin where he left off.

  5. But Marlowe took that very pleasant-sounding rigmarole of Peele and Greene, and added to its sunny daylight the insane splendors of night, and the cheap tragedy of crime.

  6. But the pleasant-sounding rigmarole was the basis of the whole thing; and as long as that rigmarole was practised frankly for the sake of its pleasantness, it was readable and speakable.

  7. Accordingly, I have poetasted The Admirable Bashville in the rigmarole style.

  8. He jumped the track entirely, and went off into a rigmarole about ghosts and such like stuff, where I couldn't follow him, nohow.

  9. It's a rigmarole because the boy is a Rigmarole and we've come to Rigmarole Town.

  10. So the Wizard stopped a boy and asked: "Is this Rigmarole Town?

  11. That is true," Omby Amby added; "Flutterbudget Center and Rigmarole Town are called 'the Defensive Settlements of Oz.

  12. Aunt Em, impatiently; "what's all this rigmarole about?

  13. The place seemed even larger than Rigmarole Town, but was not so attractive in appearance.

  14. This road," added the Wizard, "leads to Rigmarole Town.

  15. The rigmarole of day dreams grew vaguer and finally ceased.

  16. They were the technically arranged versions of the rigmarole of secret make-believes that went on in his own as well as other people's heads.

  17. He'll tell you the whole rigmarole in the morning.

  18. In the same manner, those who have learned historical or chronological facts in a technical mode, must go through the whole train of their rigmarole associations before they can hit upon the idea which they want.

  19. Jake was a pet of mine, and had amused me very much on the occasion of my first visit to the judge's, and that's why I tell so long a rigmarole about him.

  20. Then Mars turns upon me, utterly absorbed in the same horse, and with distracting volubility tells me the same rigmarole he told Pauline, every word of which I had heard.

  21. There were moments of dream when he made plans--a fantastic amorous rigmarole of Rachel and himself walking together over the heads of the world; child dreams that substituted themselves for the realities he demanded.

  22. Should he mull around for extenuating epigrams--a fervid rigmarole on the mysteries and ethics of life?

  23. I asked his father, and Tony had a long rigmarole to tell me.

  24. The long and unctuous rigmarole wherein the other set forth the painful--the extremely painful--discovery he had so unexpectedly made, was all thrown away.

  25. Roden Musgrave, who occupies the clerk's table, is reading out the legal rigmarole which constitutes the indictment.

  26. We explain a whole rigmarole of motives and inheritance and environment.

  27. The governor's word settles it without any rigmarole of talk by lawyers.

  28. So ran the rigmarole with which Mrs. Nance had beguiled my infancy.

  29. Rigmarole or not, your plan is thoroughly sound: stock one house, and if the pinch comes, fortify.

  30. Zara wept into a dainty handkerchief and was delivered of a rigmarole of complaints against her brother, the servants, the children.

  31. Purdy and she saw things in the same light; no rigmarole of explanation was necessary.

  32. You never heard such a rigmarole but I could not laugh.

  33. So Lucy replied to her husband a cheerful rigmarole he could make nothing of, save that she was happy in hope, and still had fears.

  34. Here comes in Clarendon's famous story, a distortion of some convenient rigmarole of Ingoldsby's own in later times.

  35. And here what is chiefly interesting in the rigmarole is the evidence that Milton had been recently attending to the news from Scotland.

  36. Of course he told me a long rigmarole story, but he could not have believed it himself.

  37. Well," his uncle exclaimed, as he entered, "I suppose you have been sent to tell me they have got to the bottom of this rigmarole affair.

  38. Once he broke in on my rigmarole with a piece of news that fluttered me.

  39. In reply to this rigmarole I asked for food, since my head was beginning to swim from my long fast.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rigmarole" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    absurdity; babble; balderdash; bombast; claptrap; drivel; flummery; fudge; fustian; gabble; gibber; gibberish; humbug; jabber; jargon; nonsense; palaver; prate; prattle; rant; rigmarole; rodomontade; rubbish; trash; trumpery; twaddle