Representative government has tended to withdraw disaffection from the market-place, the purlieus of the poor, and the fastnesses of the forest, and to focus it noisily but peacefully in the columns of the Press and the arena of Parliament.
As disaffection naturally produces a correspondent vigour in authority, so affairs had been lately administered with greater severity than had been hitherto wont in the easy rule of the squire and his predecessors.
Lubeck, however, supported by the Bruges counter, despite the disaffection and jealousy on all sides hampering and sometimes thwarting its efforts, stood steadfastly for union and the necessity of obedience to the decrees of the assemblies.
The very air of the gay city breathes disaffection and suspicion, while upon the brightest countenance, beneath the merriest jest and laugh, one reads the fleeting look of terror, or hears the echo of strained anxiety.
Upon the whole, is not this author, justly to be reputed a defamer, till he produces instances wherein the conforming nobility and gentry of Ireland, have shown their disaffection to the succession of the illustrious House of Hanover?
And must a very great majority of those persons, be branded with the infamous aspersion of disaffection to the illustrious House of Hanover, should they refuse to give their voices for the repeal of the Test?
It was known throughout the State as a town much given to croaking and criticism, with a suspicion of decided disaffection on the part of some of its leading citizens.
To increase the disaffection and party strife in the hostile camp, the people of Muenster sent arrows amongst the besiegers, to which were attached letters, one of which has been preserved by Kerssenbroeck.
The bishop's officers now captured a herd of fat cattle belonging to some citizens of Muenster, which were on their way to Cologne, and refused to surrender them till the preachers of disaffection were sent away.
Considerable excitement had prevailed among the more scattered settlers, ever since the reports of the disaffection among the up-country tribes had reached them; and Dr.
Nothing more serious, however, grew out of this unhappy tragedy than a disaffection among the tribe toward Mr. Gray, which made his labors useless, and finally determined him to remove to the Wallamet Valley.
Our most difficult task is to deal with Irish disaffection and Irish distress: the former has never been so bold, reckless, and insolent.
All the accounts represent that the farmers are behaving well, paying their rents, and employing the people; but there is a strong feeling of dissatisfaction and disaffection amongst them.
Let me then assure your Lordship, and I speak advisedly in offering this assurance, that the disaffection now existing in Canada, whatever be the forms with which it may clothe itself, is due mainly to commercial causes.
Here, it is sufficient to say that one of the greatest and most truly patriotic of the Tokugawa shoguns himself unwittingly sowed the seeds of disaffection destined to prove fatal to his own family.
The Koreans perceived that her strength might be paralyzed by the sins of her sovereigns and the disaffection of her soldiers.
Through all these years he had to struggle, not only with a hostile majority in office, but also with disaffection among his own followers.
Hopes of a success to be gained through French disaffection were as ill-founded as those based on American loyalism.
The Irish of all classes behaved with exemplary loyalty; the country people afforded every assistance in their power to the troops at Bandon, and no symptom of disaffection appeared in Dublin.
The defences of Quebec were in bad condition, the garrison was small, and there was much disaffection among the inhabitants.
The approaches to this state of regeneration, are marked by turbulent disaffection on one hand, inflexible severity on the other; its progress is marked by the dissolution of the social ties, and its crisis with blood and tears.
It was discovered, and everything put in the best state possible to defeat it, when the whole fell through on account of the sudden death of one of the conspirators and the disaffection of another.
Its disaffection and declaration that they were not strong enough to resist the force about to be brought against them, created a panic among Stanley's men.
In due course the disaffection of the sepoy army began to stir up certain classes of the civil population.
Bengal was completely separated from Delhi by the disaffection which flooded the North-west Provinces.
The paymaster pointed to the regulations, but the result was disaffection amounting to mutiny.
Some disaffection was shown in the Bombay army which was nearest to the Bengal sepoys, and caught something of the contagion.
The slightest movement of disaffection or revolt would have been followed by a terrible slaughter.
Out of this widespread discontent and incipient disaffection sprang the Hartford Convention to voice this growing Anti-Southern sentiment, and to cast about for a remedy for what was rightly deemed bad political conditions.
She did not disguise the ugly fact that she was sick of her bargain under the Constitution--was discontented almost to disaffection with Southern domination in the Union.
Warnings of serious demoralization came daily from the army, and disaffection was so rife in official circles in Richmond that it was not thought politic to call public attention to it by measures of repression.
In connection with these precautions, Colonel Stone, who commanded these forces, had kept himself informed about the disaffection in Baltimore, through the agency of the New York police department.
Great and embarrassing as were the difficulties already noticed, they were augmented by the disaffection of the city of New York, and of the adjacent islands.
She found Spain anarchic, without any power over disorders and with so many elements of disaffection that it seemed hopeless to think of making it a unified powerful country.
The Wars of The Roses in England and the many wars in Italy, with the political disaffection in Germany and the disturbed state of France, made human life very cheap just when it was capable of most enduring accomplishment.
It was suppressed under Henry VIII, but owing to the disaffection among the people it, as well as a number of other institutions of the kind, were reestablished under Edward VI and have come to be known as Edward VI Grammar Schools.
It was during this time at disaffection that Brigham Young, Heber C.
These men, and others in Kirtland, influenced some of the brethren in Missouri, and the spirit of disaffection in Caldwell County commenced to grow.
He pushed his arguments with fiery zeal, urged the disaffection of all classes, the hatred of the Commons, the defection of the Lords, the alarm of the Church, and the wavering loyalty of the army.
The disaffection of the inhabitants was now openly shown.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disaffection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.