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Example sentences for "timorously"

Lexicographically close words:
timmer; timo; timocracy; timore; timorous; timorousness; timper; tin; tinajas; tinamou
  1. He felt the hand that had closed round his wrist with his disengaged fingers, and his fingers went timorously up the arm, patted a muscular chest, and explored a bearded face.

  2. Timorously she reached out her hand towards his face; he did not stir.

  3. Timorously she peeped out, and saw Lionel Belmont, in his shirt-sleeves, disappear round the corner.

  4. Therefore, there was no need to fret over the position, or to be timorously concerned because she was called upon to confront those who by human law alone were made superior in rank to the rest of mankind.

  5. Her eyes lighted on Teresa, who had timorously withdrawn to a corner of the apartment where she stood apparently busied in arranging some blossoms that had fallen too far out of the crystal vase in which they were set.

  6. Sholto looked timorously round till he met the bright reassuring glance of Lotys, and then he replied hesitatingly-- "Yes!

  7. They waited timorously all through the dark hours for menacing sounds to crash suddenly through the steady dripping of the nightly rain around them.

  8. Jon went timorously where the picked-over remnant of the cricket's carcass might still yield an instrument of defense.

  9. Burl and Saya sat on the same section of fungus, the other trustful but frightened tribes-people clustered timorously about.

  10. Burl's fellow tribesmen sometimes came upon a cocoon when it was just about to open, and if they dared they waited timorously beside it until the creature inside broke through its sleeping-shell and came out into the light.

  11. Burl spoke--fortunately without arrogance--and Dik and Tet came timorously from their hiding-places.

  12. Bainton glanced up timorously at his master's pale set face.

  13. Maryllia peered timorously at him, with her pretty head on one side, like an enquiring bird.

  14. The women, who had cheerily given us everything a few days before, now with anxious faces timorously offered us water and fruit.

  15. The other two basked on some hay in the sun, while I went back and pleased myself immensely by reporting to the officers who were timorously trotting along that there wasn't a sign of a Uhlan.

  16. From the train of thought naturally awakened by this spectacle, she was roused by the shouts of the pursuers; and, glancing timorously behind her, beheld them hurrying swiftly along the valley they had just quitted.

  17. He chuckled rather timorously after blurting out this inspired and (to him) audacious remark.

  18. He rapped timorously on one of the thick boards.

  19. He snapped up Louada Murilla with scant courtesy when she tried to give him the history of Smyrna's most famous organization, and timorously represented to him the social eminence he had attained.

  20. Now he bellowed autocratic command, and his soul swelled when he saw Broadway timorously hastening to obey.

  21. He drew his scalp quite down to the bridge of his nose, and, seeing that my horse pricked up his ears, timorously smiled like the idol of Baal.

  22. The ship-lights quivered on the water; the figures of men moved to and fro before the fagots; the stars peeped timorously from the vault; the woods and steep banks were blackly shadowed in the river.

  23. I peeped timorously from my place, and recognized the Provost-General of the Grand Army.

  24. He trembles, and {turning} pale, is alarmed, and timorously utters some words of excuse.

  25. The slave, encouraged by the boldness of her superiors, divested herself also of her long palla, and crept timorously to the opposite corner of the hearth.

  26. Some of his movements recalled the clumsy actions of an owl in a cage when it feels that it is being looked at, but itself can hardly see out of its great yellow eyes timorously and drowsily blinking.

  27. Often in the lonesome evening she looked timorously from the fireside to the bed, with almost a hope of recognizing a ghastly face upon the pillow.

  28. But, draining the last drops of their liquor, they stole timorously homeward, and answered not again if the rude mob reviled them in the street.

  29. Her eyes wandered timorously from brake to tree, as if in fear lest each should conceal a lurking enemy; and often, as Edith looked back, she was struck with the singularly mournful and distressed expression of her countenance.

  30. With the candle in his hand, Grabman stole down the rugged steps even more timorously than Beck had ascended them, and put his finger to his mouth as they came in the dread vicinity of No.

  31. The Home Secretary sat apart, cowering in an easy-chair, and stretching out his hands timorously from time to time to meet the radiant heat of the great oil stove.

  32. And when the little soldier laughed and was very happy about it, she laughed too, timorously at first, then more joyously than he.

  33. Yes," said her mistress, more timorously than she had ever spoken of him.

  34. Alizon peeped timorously into the little room, which was lighted up by the moon's rays.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "timorously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.