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Example sentences for "timorousness"

Lexicographically close words:
timo; timocracy; timore; timorous; timorously; timper; tin; tinajas; tinamou; tinas
  1. Litvinov, but with a kind of indulgent timorousness glided over him, and she was paler than usual.

  2. His words drove the timorousness from my heart, and before he ceased speaking I was aiding Paul in severing the thongs with as much eagerness as if it had been my idea rather than his to perform such perilous work.

  3. Even as I stood by her side my determination grew fainter; in five minutes more timorousness might overcome me.

  4. It was well for me that just at the instant came a change in the situation, else might I have given proof of the timorousness which was in my heart.

  5. Who or what is it that fills you with such timorousness and mistrust, that you are almost turning back from the way to life altogether?

  6. The apprehension that it will do so is due rather to timorousness and a desire to find a fair reason for the comforts of silence and reserve.

  7. Percy laughed derisively; but I am willing to confess that there was something very like timorousness in my heart as the Tory lad spoke, for I knew full well he had not dared say so much unless friends were close at hand.

  8. Kitty's timorousness returned to me; I believed now that she had actually been trying to tell me something else, whatever it was; and so I tossed and turned on my pillow, vainly racking my brain.

  9. Again that inexplicable look of timorousness came into her small eyes.

  10. Had we been forced to remain there inactive an hour longer, I believe of a verity that the courage would have oozed out of my finger-ends entirely; but, fortunately, before I was overcome by timorousness the time for action had arrived.

  11. During the remainder of that long night we lads did our full share of guard duty, I dwelling upon the possibilities until the old timorousness came upon me, and I was almost a coward.

  12. Then thine own natural weakness, and timorousness shall not overcome thee.

  13. It is not yet wholly true; a cultural timorousness yet shows itself; there is still a class which looks to England as the Romans long looked to Greece.

  14. The words underneath the verses were, "This stage was built to punish such upon, who, through timorousness or mistrust, shall be afraid to go farther on pilgrimage.

  15. Several cases passed under my observation, in which the husband was unable to use his marital rights for weeks owing to the timorousness and bashfulness of his youthful spouse.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "timorousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    confusion; cowardice; diffidence; embarrassment; fear; humility; shyness; softness; stammering; timidity; weakness