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Example sentences for "timper"

Lexicographically close words:
timocracy; timore; timorous; timorously; timorousness; tin; tinajas; tinamou; tinas; tinct
  1. And the timper of him--Misther Garon, the timper of him's that awful, awful!

  2. I; 'I can't keep my timper much longer, an 'tis like I will hurt you.

  3. Dennis left aff blubberin’ so the Pooka got his timper back.

  4. Then Quane Peggy Joyce, that hadn’t seen the timper that was an him, come in from the panthry wid a shmile an her face an’ a big noggin o’ milk in her hand.

  5. Pass along the jug, to wash me timper down, ye know.

  6. He would have killed the chap, his timper was so ruffled, if the man hadn't nearly killed him afore he had the chance.

  7. An' how do you find the Misthress's timper now, might I ax?

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "timper" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.