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Example sentences for "timocracy"

Lexicographically close words:
timidity; timidly; timing; timmer; timo; timore; timorous; timorously; timorousness; timper
  1. Such a timocracy (of which the Roman Church is a good example) would differ from the social aristocracy that now exists only by the removal of hereditary advantages.

  2. If power remained in the people's hands, the government would be democratic; but a full development of timocracy would allow the proved leader to gain great ascendancy.

  3. It is clear, for instance, that timocracy would exclude the family or greatly weaken it.

  4. A timocracy would therefore seem to unite the advantages of all forms of government and to avoid their respective abuses.

  5. Timocracy would have to begin by uprooting the individual from his present natural soil and transplanting him to that in which his spirit might flourish best.

  6. From Timocracy the transition is to Democracy, they being contiguous: for it is the nature of Timocracy to be in the hands of a multitude, and all in the same grade of property are equal.

  7. The former are Kingship, Aristocracy, and that which recognises the principle of wealth, which it seems appropriate to call Timocracy (I give to it the name of a political constitution because people commonly do so).

  8. Of these the best is Monarchy, and Timocracy the worst.

  9. Ought I not to begin by describing how the change from timocracy to oligarchy arises?

  10. Thus in Ambracia, about the same time as at Athens, the timocracy gradually passed into a democracy,(24) and at Argos also the democracy rose at the same period.

  11. In Athens Cleisthenes had deprived the union of the houses (the last support of the aristocracy) of its political importance; and Aristides was at length compelled by circumstances to change the timocracy into a democracy.

  12. But how did timocracy arise out of the perfect State?

  13. The individual who answers to timocracy has some noticeable qualities.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "timocracy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.