And on this wise, he who has the barest knowledge [7] of the art of tillage can still discern the nature of the soil.
So, too, at present I am easily persuaded that if I am to direct my care aright in tillage I must have a knowledge of the art of tillage.
But I should like to revert to your remark that you understood the reason why the tillage of one man brings him in an abundance of all he needs, while the operations of another fail to make husbandry a profitable employment.
And by the same token land itself is no wealth to a man who so works it that his tillage only brings him loss?
The tillageof the fields shared alike by the old men, women and the boys, was very light.
Its rapine and carnage were regarded as occupations superior to the tillage of the soil or the arts of peace.
The time in the season to stop tillagedepends on the locality, the season and the variety.
Tillage is difficult in hilly regions and the operation is often neglected in hillside vineyards, as in the Central Lakes region of New York, but even here some sort of tillage is universal.
The chief function of tillage is to save moisture by checking evaporation and to put the soil in such condition that its water-holding capacity is increased.
Tillage with harrow, cultivator, weeder or roller then proceeds at such intervals as conditions demand, seldom less than once a fortnight, until time to sow the cover-crop in midsummer.
The chief objection to this method is the amount of summer tying involved which comes at a time when attention to tillage should be given.
Tillage should always follow a heavy rain to prevent the formation of a soil crust, this being a time when he who tills quickly tills twice.
As soon as the shoots have made sufficient growth they are loosely tied to the wires that they may be kept away from the tillage tools.
Clean tillage for the first part of the season and the raising of a cover-crop in the latter part, to be plowed under, is a standard and dependable procedure.
The general advice for the growing of strong apple-trees is to give the land good tillage from the first and to withhold other cropping after the trees come into profitable bearing.
The tillageand care of plants lessen the struggle for existence.
For this reason, budded trees are usually very large and strong for their age when compared with piece-root trees grown under similar conditions of climate, tillage and soil.
The tillage lands of the city are not barren gravelly soils, but like the fertile plains of Asia, which produce abundant crops, and fill the barns of their cultivators with "Ceres' plenteous sheaf.
This is shown by the paintings of the tombs, which frequently represent a person of consequence inspecting the tillage of the field, either seated in a chariot, walking, or leaning on his staff, accompanied by a favorite dog.
It is always washing away into ravines and gullies, exposing the roots of trees, and rendering the tillage of the land a thankless labour.
We must know Ireland from its history to its minerals, from its tillage to its antiquities, before we shall be an Irish nation, able to rescue and keep the country.
After a long march we came before a Tillage near Ututa, governed by--" "By whom?
This Tillage was protected on one side by a stream of considerable magnitude.
Supposing the crop to be half a ton to the acre, the bare tillage will be 10s.
We passed through the parish of Highclere, where they have enclosed commons, worth, as tillage land, not one single farthing an acre, and never will and never can be.
This is a good custom; because it ensures good tillage to the land.
Heavy liming of an acid soil pays when a seeding to permanent pasture is made, and old sods on land unfit for tillage may be given a new life by a dressing.
The purpose of tillage is in no small degree to bring about disintegration and resulting exhaustion of vegetable matter.
Tillage is no more to be commended for this purpose than a quantity of lime equivalent in power to do the needed work.
It is the soil rich in lime that can make the best response to tillage and fertilization.
This amount probably will permit fertilizers and tillage to make their full return in heavy sods that will provide humus.
Among settled communities which live by tillage the succession of the crops from year to year acquires immense importance.
I -- The Tillage of the Soil I HAD just been looking long and sadly at Holbein's plowman, and was walking through the fields, musing on rustic life and the destiny of the husbandman.
The marked tendency which has been visible for so many years in Ireland for pasturage to increase at the expense of tillage makes the improvement of live-stock a matter of vital importance to all concerned in agriculture.
Even in the mountainous districts which are unsuitable for tillage there is often sufficient soil to yield, with the aid of the moist atmosphere, abundant pasturage of good quality.
Depend upon it, Unity lies in profounder strata of our nature than any tillage of the mere intellect can reach.
For want of that answering look, it is all as the tillage of the black desert; digging by night without a heaven above, and sowing in sands which no dew shall fertilize.
Then it becomes a matter of good economy with the largest farmer to apply his own live stock and implements to the tillage of his land.
Superficial tillage strains the productive forces of the upper layers of the soil, while lack of live stock prevents the fertilizing of the land on a reasonable scale, the fields being manured on an average once in eighteen years.
Wheat-farming represents the crown of agricultural achievement in England, and very good yields per acre are garnered, because the tillage is careful, the manuring generous, the climate favourable.
To some extent, also, labour-saving machinery is displacing the manual worker where the tillage of the soil still survives.
The second description of tillageconsists also in growing mountain or dry land rice.
The land having been measured and placed under its slight course of tillage during the two or three preceding mouths, is sown broadcast as soon as the ground has been well moistened, or even in prospect of approaching rain.
No race or kingdom can endure which is not rooted in the soil, drawing sustenance from natural forces, increasing by tillage and forestry, pasturage and mining and manufacture, the aggregate of the world's production.
The land is all part of Malietsie's location, and patches of tillage and an occasional cluster of huts gave it a habitable air.
Pertaining to tillageof the earth, or agriculture.
An agricultural implement used in the tillageof growing crops, to loosen the surface of the earth and kill the weeds; esp.
Tax on tillage was often levied in kind upon corn.
A kind of shallow plow used in tillage to break the ground, and clear it of weeds.
A man employed in labor, whether in tillage or manufactures; a worker.
Cleared land; land suitable for tillage or pasture; cultivated ground; the open country.
If they are consumed where grown, and the refuse restored to the soil, its fertility is preserved; nay, more, the effect of tillage is to increase its productive power.
The quantity under tillage is a multiple of the area under grain.
A decrease in the breadth under tillage means an addition to the pasture land, which in this climate only produces meat during the warm portions of the year.
Of all arts, tillage or agriculture is doubtless the most useful and necessary, as being the source whence the nation derives its subsistence.
Much food is in the tillage of the poor, but there is that is destroyed for want of Judgment.
It, therefore, enacted that the king shall have the moiety of the profits of lands converted from tillage to pasture, since the passing of the 4th Henry VII.
In the succeeding reigns the efforts to encourage tillage and prevent the clearing of the farms were renewed, and among the enactments passed were the following: 5 Edward VI.
Ancient casuists of this nation enter into the most minute details on tillage and sowing, and also on the gathering of olives, on the tithes which were paid to the priests, and the portion set aside for the poor.
Others, chiefly what are here called Dutchmen, have resumed their tillage with unabated zeal, and large fields of cabbages, one of them embracing not less than sixty acres, testify to their energy.
The next day and evening are a repetition of the foregoing scenes, with more plantations in view, and a general air of tillage and prosperity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tillage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.