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Example sentences for "thoroughly washed"

  • The wound should first be thoroughly washed, and then sewn up, and fomented with tepid water.

  • The partially washed material is squeezed out by hand and tied up in a strong cloth and then kneaded thoroughly by hand in a basin of water which is repeatedly renewed until the fibre is thoroughly washed.

  • Consequently methods are devised by means of which the grass is thoroughly washed with as little water as possible, and some of the methods are very ingenious.

  • If potash is used it must be thoroughly washed away, by drawing pure water under the cover glass with a bit of blotting paper, until every trace of the potash is removed.

  • These when dried must be carefully examined, thoroughly washed, and then cooked rather quickly in boiling water.

  • Rice needs to be thoroughly washed to remove the earthy taste it is so apt to have.

  • All fruits and vegetables eaten raw should first be thoroughly washed.

  • All cooking utensils should be thoroughly washed, scalded, and dried before they are put away; the use of carelessly washed dishes is bad.

  • A patient, if able, prefers to use the toilet paper without assistance; her hands should afterward be thoroughly washed.

  • After the articles are dipped into the solution they are removed and thoroughly washed, then dried in sawdust to prevent streaks.

  • The picture will come out clear and plain, and if thoroughly washed out it will remain permanently.

  • The best that can be procured will be found far from clean, and it must, therefore, be thoroughly washed.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thoroughly washed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    blue morocco; boundary demarcation; considerable fortune; damage caused; deadly fear; ducal coronet; field system; great attraction; knew they; latent heat; meant originally; nine fathoms; proper consistency; pulled himself; severe illness; shall later; sleepless night; thoroughly cooked; thoroughly dissolved; thoroughly done; thoroughly good; thoroughly mixed; thoroughly understood; thoroughly washed; thoroughly well; town like