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Example sentences for "thoroughfare"

Lexicographically close words:
thoro; thoroly; thorough; thoroughbred; thoroughbreds; thoroughfares; thoroughgoing; thoroughly; thoroughness; thoroughwort
  1. Market Place; note the quaint, narrow thoroughfare at its W.

  2. The Station Road is a wide pleasant thoroughfare stretching from New Barnet Station, G.

  3. She could hear the market carts rumbling in the great thoroughfare beyond, and as she had gone asleep with the rattle of wheels in her ears, she asked herself, wonderingly: "Does London never rest?

  4. As it happened, a stranger in New York could not have entered the city's main thoroughfare at any point better calculated to bewilder and astound than the very corner where Curtis had picked up the cab.

  5. The city of the winds, where the purifying currents of keen air sweep through every thoroughfare and eddy round every corner--perched up so high upon her rocky throne, she seems to sit in a freer, finer atmosphere than all the world beside!

  6. Then the soldiers arrived and the thoroughfare was empty save for their presence.

  7. Twelve o'clock and the thoroughfare below still teeming with life.

  8. The Belgian army headquarters were then at the Hotel St. Antoine, on the Marche aux Souliers (shoe market), a small thoroughfare which leads from Place de Meir to Place Verte.

  9. One can be anti-German, and at the same time acknowledge that this thoroughfare is a charming one to behold.

  10. Hartley crossed the busy thoroughfare below the Pagoda steps and went on quickly, for he recognized the outline of Mhtoon Pah on his way to burn amber candles before his newly-erected shrine.

  11. The main street of the huge bazaar in Mangadone was as busy a thoroughfare as any crowded lane of the city of London, and it blazed with colour and life as the evening air grew cool.

  12. There is but the smallest vestige of this famous (or infamous) thoroughfare left.

  13. Recent incision~, the busy thoroughfare on the Surrey side of the Thames, known to sober people as the New Cut.

  14. Field Lane was a low London thoroughfare leading from the foot of Holborn Hill to the purlieus of Clerkenwell.

  15. I rushed down the crowded thoroughfare as if all the hounds of heaven were on my trail.

  16. The fenced-in yard of this house was large, and by an ingenious system of curves a roadway had been built from the public thoroughfare up to the little house.

  17. The wide thoroughfare running along the waterfront presented a scene of bewildering confusion.

  18. While this is done, or being done, there is not a thoroughfare worthy of the name from South to North, from Park Lane to Chancery Lane.

  19. As he passed along the lane which later debouched upon the main thoroughfare of Poketown, it was evident to the most casual glance that the old Day house was not the only dwelling far along in a state of decay.

  20. A brown ribbon of main thoroughfare wound up from the wharf, but was soon lost under the shade of the great trees that interlaced their branches above it--branches which were now lush with the late spring growth of leaves.

  21. There is a little thoroughfare far downtown called Dutch Street.

  22. Long since gone are the social glories of that thoroughfare that once boldly stepped forward to challenge the supremacy of the street that is the subject of this book.

  23. Chambers is likely to turn off, bound for one of the antique shops that are to be found in the parallel thoroughfare two blocks to the east.

  24. It was about 1901 that the movement began that was to transform Fifth Avenue from a residential thoroughfare into a shopping street beside which the vaunted glories of London's Bond Street and Paris's Rue de la Paix seem dim.

  25. Then, in 1824, the first stretch of the Avenue, from Waverly Place to Thirteenth Street, was opened, and the northward march of the great thoroughfare began.

  26. It is obvious that, under these circumstances, the true policy of General Pope was to obstruct Thoroughfare Gap, the only road by which Lee could approach promptly, and then crush Jackson.

  27. Jack Sheppard, after whistling to Blueskin, hurried down a short thoroughfare leading from Wych Street to the back of Saint Clement's Church, where he found Thames Darrell, who advanced to meet him.

  28. The great public thoroughfare alone separated the houses from the banks.

  29. True, the site was on the great thoroughfare of the city, a very public place in which to do him violence; but for that reason it was more accordant with the audacious genius of his enemy.

  30. Out southwest to the gates of the Grove, the magnificent thoroughfare stretched a little over four miles from the city.

  31. The traveller or the student familiar with the sacred locality will recognize the thoroughfare described as part of the Via Dolorosa--with Christians of more interest, though of a melancholy kind, than any street in the world.

  32. To make the place, it was necessary for him to cross the thoroughfare so soon to receive sorrowful Christian perpetuation.

  33. This Watertown turnpike was a principal thoroughfare for the great salt trade between the east and Pittsburg and Louisville.

  34. In one great thoroughfare running east and west the sky-line of the houses stood distinct, and bathed in light of many colours; whilst down below there was a wall of shadow.

  35. Gable Inn lay tranquil, the afternoon shadows already settling deeper on the little quadrangle than on the broad and roaring thoroughfare without.

  36. Germain Street was the only way open to him, and by this thoroughfare he journeyed till he reached Queen Square.

  37. Above rises the wall with no sign of a gate, and on either side and below us stretch the wet sands,--no thoroughfare there surely.

  38. That wide thoroughfare was crowded, yet no accident happened, and the car, rounding the arch, fled away down the avenue of the Champs-Elysees at the same furious pace.

  39. If, perceiving that, the visitor feel impelled to smile as at an anticlimax, he would perhaps do well to hesitate; for this Park Lane has probably a wider reputation than any other thoroughfare in Europe.

  40. The little side-tables between the centre thoroughfare accommodate two persons very comfortably, and the manner in which the coloured waiters attended was irreproachable.

  41. Be it noted that our small crowd at the corner of a street close to the most dignified thoroughfare in New York attracted little or no notice from the passers-by; but presently there was a thunder of wheels and hoofs, and a cry of "Hi!

  42. A far cry, indeed, this restaurant in Colt, Colorado, from his old haunts along the dark thoroughfare that is misnamed a lighted way!

  43. A dozen buildings with false fronts, some painted, some without pretense of such nicety, faced one another across a thoroughfare four times as wide as Broadway.

  44. Surely the few hazards of this thoroughfare were not to be compared with that!

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thoroughfare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alley; arterial; artery; avenue; bypass; byway; causeway; close; court; crescent; dike; drag; drive; driveway; expressway; freeway; highroad; highway; lane; mews; parkway; passage; path; pike; place; road; roadbed; roadway; row; street; terrace; thoroughfare; track; turnpike; highroad; highway; lane; mews; parkway; passage; path; pike; place; road; roadbed; roadway; row; street; terrace; thoroughfare; track; turnpike