It wouldn't do, then," March replied, and left him to divide the responsibility between the paucity of the rooms and the enormity of the rent as he best might.
They strolled about the anomalous village on foot, and once more marveled at the paucity of travel and the enormity of the local preparation.
In fact, these energetic men, in spite of their paucity of numbers, were swiftly surrounding the British, cutting off the thirteen States from the smiling interior of America, and aiming no doubt at their final extermination.
Thousands come to the land every year to swell the throng, and paucity of population is no longer a source of anxious thought for the governments of the various States.
But the subject is beset with difficulties from the paucity of particular instances recorded by the inspired historian, and from the multitude and character of these instances found in the Fathers and Ecclesiastical historians.
It approaches nearer to handicraft, in thepaucity and rudeness of its mechanical appliances, and there is more of the element of mastery and subservience.
This, perhaps, is owing to their poverty and paucity of food, and to the treatment they receive at the hands of the men; but the latter did not show any unkindness towards them in our presence.
Vast flights of wild fowl passed over us, but always at a considerable elevation, while, on the other hand, the paucity of ducks on the river excited our surprise.
For this reason, and because of a paucity of information concerning stream-fish populations in Kansas, the study here reported on was undertaken.
All which shows thatpaucity of air is nothing like the barrier to life we ordinarily suppose and is not for an instant to be compared with dearth of water.
And therefore what hath been under this kind delivered, concerning the plurality, paucity or anomalous situation of eyes, is either monstrous, fabulous, or under things never seen includes good sense or meaning.
Others there are which make good the paucity of their breed with the length and duration of their daies, whereof there want not examples in animals uniparous: [SN: A Million of Beeves yearly killed in England.
On account of paucity of data it is difficult to say which of these emotions is the commoner among savages; probably the feeling is a mixed one, compounded of fear and friendliness.
Paucity of departmental gods and absence of highly specialized gods.
By reason of paucity of data it is difficult to determine the precise characters of various Celtic, Slavic, and Germanic deities whose names appear in the records.
On account of the paucity of our information, it is not possible to make a general statement on this point, but examples of future moral control occur in many savage creeds.
The complications of early ideas and customs and the paucity of data for the formative period of early religion make an answer to these questions difficult.
Babylonian influence was felt in Asia Minor and Eastern Europe; but, in view of the number of possibly independent centers of culture in this region in ancient times and the paucity of data, the question may be left open.
I question if we had a single man in hospital upon the day of the fight, which is certainly most providential, considering the extreme paucity of medical comforts, and the very few dhoolies available for the sick and wounded.
Nearly every officer in camp, and a good number of the men, have been down this morning for a bathe, which is doubly refreshing after the fatigue of yesterday and the paucity of our present washing appliances.
No; Wagner cannot justly be convicted of a paucity of melodic effect in his writing for the voice.
The paucity of shells in such a vast deposit is not astonishing.
In the animal, as in the vegetable kingdom, diversity is the law; there is a great paucity of individuals compared with the species.
The paucity of quartz, and the absence of basalt, are remarkable.
But you will be disappointed at the paucity of animal life.
Only a paucityof years--he was under eighteen--withheld Pioggi from topmost honors.
It often happens that, in an excess of ardor and a paucity of room, two couples in their dancing seek to occupy the same space on the floor.
The paucity of examples in this department is a demonstration of the statement made elsewhere that nature does not provide music with models for imitation as it does painting and sculpture.
Yet music that has a high degree of emotional expressiveness, by diverting attention from externals to the play of passion within the breasts of the persons can sometimes make us forget the paucity of incident in a play.
In many of the country districts the population is sparse and scattered; and, however willing the people may be, the paucity of their numbers renders it hard for them to support a church.
The labourer of to-day is the employer of to-morrow; and as soon as a man acquires landed property his chief complaint is the paucity of hands to improve his holding.
Sir Henry Maine adduces another cause of paucity of women: the wanderings of our race, and expeditions across sea.
We cannot demonstrate that it is derived from a time when paucity of women made capture of brides necessary.
Mr. M'Lennan collected a very large mass of testimony to prove the wide existence of this cause of paucity of women.
There are doubtless errors in the original rolls, owing to the paucity of records in the hands of those whose duty it was to make them at the time of muster-out, owing to resignations and other casualties.
The student will be puzzled on finding such a paucity of records concerning this disastrous movement.
There was a great paucity of officers, too; and of these, many were about to take their year's leave home, worn out and weakened by the unhealthy climate.
If we bear in mind the undoubtedly archaic character of both poems, the paucity of inconsistencies points to an entirely opposite conclusion.
But the paucity of earlier evidence renders it probable that this was a recent innovation; and the orthographical characteristics of eighth century documents point to the same conclusion.
In dealing with questions such as these we cannot hope to get beyond a reasonable hypothesis, since the paucity of common features between the two versions admits of few definite conclusions.
So that much inconvenience was felt by the employers at the paucity of industrial bone and muscle procurable in the district.
The paucity of the sacred volume, if it rendered their pens more liable to err, served to enforce upon them the necessity of still greater scrutiny.
Yet while we thank God for this great boon, let us refrain from casting uncharitable reflections upon the monks for its comparative paucity among them.