Wherfore sith they are neither branched nor of anie great quantitie, what should I make long haruest of a little corne and spend more time than may well be spared about them?
Sometimes also in haruest time it sendeth downe such store of water, when the wind bloweth in the same quarter, that it drowneth all their grasse and corne that groweth in the lower grounds neere vnto the bankes thereof.
Sometimes also in haruest time it sendeth downe such store of water, when the wind bloweth in the same quarter, that it drowneth all their grasse and corne that groweth in the lower grounds néere vnto the bankes thereof.
He sent also at that time with the messengers aforesaid, at their returne into England, diuers learned men to helpe Augustine in the haruest of [Sidenote: Assistance to Augustine.
Againe in the later end of haruest about Michaelmasse, there was eftsoones such a drought, that men could get no grinding at the milles, but were constreined to go in some places a daies iournie off, to haue their corne groond.
In theharuest time fell there a great death and murren amongst cattell, and speciallie in Northfolke, in the fens and other parts of the south.
Also in the spring and summer of this yeare was a great drought, and in the haruest season fell such wet, that great floods by the rising of the riuers, and ouerflowing their banks, did much hurt in sundrie places of the realme.
Haruest and the last quarter of this yeere beginneth, as I coniecture, when corne is ripe.
Anon Haruest grewe on, and reft from the Grashopper his woonted moysture.
A declaration of the inclination and disposition of the Autumnall or haruest quarter.
But if the weather prooue seasonable, and the Haruest great, and the Barnes full of Corne: Rye is like to be cheap in Denmarke, and bread to be of a reasonable size, for the releeuing of the poore.
For all this good feasting, yet art thou not loose till ploughman thou giuest his haruest home goose.
The honest Tusser sets out the usage in jingling rhyme: Grant haruest lord more by a penie or twoo to call on his fellowes the better to doo: Giue gloues to thy reapers, a larges to crie, and dailie to loiterers haue a good eie.
Once ended thy haruest let none be begilde, please such as did helpe thee, man, woman and childe.
And let them further consider, that in the beginning of their bloodie reigne, the haruest of their iniquitie was not comen to full maturitie and ripenes.
Ile blast hisharuest and your head were laid, [eaw021] For yet I am not lookt on in the world.
Say that he thriue, as 'tis great like he will, Why then from Ireland come I with my strength, And reape the Haruest which that Rascall sow'd.
Scoffe on vile Fiend, and shamelesse Curtizan, I trust ere long to choake thee with thine owne, And make thee curse the Haruest of that Corne Charles.
The higher Nilus swels, The more it promises: as it ebbes, the Seedsman Vpon the slime and Ooze scatters his graine, And shortly comes to Haruest Lep.
And nowe the Haruest moyster than customably doth putrifie the Grapes, and causeth a small yéelde of wines that yeare, with the scarcitie of other fruites.
And if the Haruest be colder than customably, then shall follow the losse of the Haruest fruites both in the store and tast of them.
And if in the latter part of Haruestit be moyster, then in the yere following shal ensue the scarcitie of corne.
And if the haruest be hoter than customably, then shall followe a diseased yeare and that dangerus.
And if the firste daye of Ianuarie happen on Fridaye, then shall the Winter be verie cold and drie, the Spring boysterous and wette, the Sommer temperate, the Haruest more wette than drie.
And in the Haruest also some sheapheardes giue them to eate Gourdes seasoned with salt to encrease their milke, for by that meanes both the milke more plentifully issue forth of their teates, and the Ewes do sooner conceiue.
And if the Haruest bée drier in the first part, then in the yeare following shal Rie, and that smal graine named Mill, and suchlyke, be deare.
Also in Sommer is the colde Northerly water good for them, and in the Haruest the warme Southerly water good for them.
Paid to John Lavghton in haruest for feighinge the milne becke.
That tilth harrowde finely, set sede time an ende: and praise, and pray God a good haruest to sende.
The haruest lorde nightly, must geue the a song: fill him then the blacke boll, or els he hath wrong.
Thinges thus set in ordre, at quiet and rest: thyharuest goeth forwarde and prospereth best.
Then welcome thy haruest folke, seruauntes and all: with mirth and good chere, let them furnish thine hall.
Thy houses and barnes, would be loked vpon: and all thing amended, or haruest come on.
For all this good feasting, yet art thou not loose, till ploughman thou giuest his haruest home goose.
Thy haruest thus ended, in myrth and in ioye: please euery one gently, man woman and boye.
Of the time of Haruest and the gathering in of Corne.
Not long sithence, there came a flocke of Birds into Cornwall, about Haruest season, in bignesse not much exceeding a Sparrow, which made a foule spoyle of the Apples.
Their feasts are commonly haruest dinners, Church-ales, and the solemnizing of their parish Churches dedication, which they terme their Saints feast.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haruest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.