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Example sentences for "thincke"

Lexicographically close words:
thimbleful; thimbles; thimsilves; thin; thinck; thine; thing; thinge; thinges; thingis
  1. Do not deiect yourself nor rayle at fortune; They are no helpes: thincke what you have to answeare.

  2. Betweene Us two, what thincke you of a wench?

  3. Thincke you this rare pile of perfection.

  4. And yet I thincke womens’ hartes coulde skarce aforde to go before: therefore I thincke they came behinde like mourners, bearinge braunches without leaues, their beades in their handes, praying for all christen soules.

  5. My dere and louinge souldiours, which sith the death of Alexander the great, haue (with mee) atchieued a thousande glorious enterprises: I thincke it meete and conueniente that yee be partakers of that which I purpose to bringe to passe.

  6. Wherefore goe to, and let fall your teares with women, and if you purpose to be cruell, kill him and let me also drincke of the same Cuppe, if you thincke we haue deserued it.

  7. And yet neuerthelesse, I (like a caytife) haue so shamefullye neglected my dutye towards the chiefe person of the worlde, to whom I am greatly bounden, as I die a thousand times that day wherein I thincke vpon the same.

  8. Goe your wayes, (dere sister and frend) goe your wayes, make much of him, and entreate him as you thincke beste.

  9. Surely I would thincke mine estate happie, if like valiaunce were to be found wythin the boundes of my countrye.

  10. Whereupon wee thought good to giue thee aduertisement hereof, lest if any such thing did chaunce, the cities should not thincke that we were priuie to the fact: for wee delite not to fight with giftes, rewards and treason.

  11. Ordered that the 2 Chirurgeons Governo{rs} & whome they shall thincke fitting to call to them Attend the Archbishopp of Canterbury conserning his Barber practiceing Chirurgery.

  12. Wherfore seinge the papistes do bothe thincke and teache otherwise in this matier then the holie scripture dothe teache / and do defend their errour with an obstinate mynde they are heretikes.

  13. Neither did Eliseus / as our men do thincke / graunte Naaman licence or libertie to do so as he hadd sayde / but only he saide vnto hym / goo in peace: which manier of speaking was a kind of takinge leaue vsed in that age.

  14. Hovv sum do thincke that they may be at Masses, ãd hovv thei vnderstõd the masse.

  15. Thincke not that I am come to sende peace vnto the earthe.

  16. Of this corrupt affection yf thei be cleare / and only for Religions sake do resiste the wicked proceadinges of theyr hygher princes and Lordes / let them not thincke that they do herin anye vnrighteousnes at all.

  17. For when I see the breade and cupp / I do not thincke vppon the transubstãciation which the pope hath fayned / but on the sacrament of Christe.

  18. With such a kinde of mẽ yet do theis men communicate / which wold thincke it a hurtefull and damnable thinge / if they shuld admitte vnto their diuine seruice / the cõpanions of the religion of the gospell with their faithe.

  19. Wherby we can not thincke any other thing of them / then this / That they do not at the hart esteme the gospell of Christe.

  20. Which thinge whilest they do saye / they do not thincke this with themselues / that all synnes haue their proper wieght and burthen.

  21. But Godd will thincke vppon them / if it be true that either a man must satisfice / or go to pugatorie / if Godd wil so sharply punishe them by such paynes as they saye are in purgatorie.

  22. Another hystorie of like example I thincke meete to bee annexed: which telleth howe in the Cittie of Tours in Fraunce, there was a fayre and honest wyfe which for her vertues was not onelye beloued, but also feared and esteemed of her husband.

  23. Such as I thincke doth please you best," answered Florinda.

  24. But content your selfe: all they that weare hornes be pardoned to weare their capps vpon their heads: for they be so sweete and pleasaunt, as they vncappe no man, and they weare them so light, as they thincke they haue none at all.

  25. I thincke it time that trouth doe remoue from you the foolishe loue, that you beare to him which loueth you not: and that iust and reasonable loue should expell from you the feare, which out not remaine in a noble and vertuous hart.

  26. And now sir I know what kinde of speach to vse, and thincke that you do not loue so well, your owne goodes, purse or honour, as I doe with all my hart tender and imbrace the same.

  27. What" (quoth the Doctour) "I thincke you be a foole.

  28. I purpose not to tel you the sorow which Amadour felt by hearing those words, because it is impossible not only to write them, but also to thincke them, except it be of such as haue had experience of the like.

  29. Doe you thincke that if I loued him, as you mystrust, that I would suffer him to tarry beneath in this greate colde to coole himselfe?

  30. And truely all sutch be voyde of their right wits, which thincke themselues beloued of a Whoore.

  31. In meane while let vs reioyce, and thincke the goods, and richesse shee hath gotten of vs, wil not cause hir Bagges mutch to Strout and Swel.

  32. Ah, my Companion, and right well beloued Freende, can you thincke mee to bee so Trayterous, and Cowarde a Knaue, as that I dare not tell to them to whome I beare displeasure what mallice lurketh in my heart?

  33. And weare it not that oure grounde lieth in the common fieldes, intermingled one with another, I thincke also oure fieldes had been inclosed, of a common agreement of all the townshippe, longe ere this time.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thincke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.