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Example sentences for "theym"

Lexicographically close words:
thews; they; theyd; theye; theyll; theyr; theyre; theys; theyselves; theyve
  1. Truely the kingdome of the bloudsuppers for to theym is giuen daily out of your kingdome.

  2. So captyue are your lawes vnto theym that no man that they lyst to excommunicat may be admitted to sue any accion in any of your courtes.

  3. Ye[a] and they loke so narowly vppon theyre proufittes that the poore wyues must be countable to theym of euery tenth eg or elles she gettith not her ryghtes at ester shalbe taken as an heretike.

  4. These be they that haue made an hundreth thousand ydell hores yn your realme whiche wolde haue gotten theyre lyuing honestly, yn the swete of theyre faces had not theyre superfluous rychesse illected theym to vnclene lust and ydelnesse.

  5. For whyche cause, at my departynge into Italie, I put an Epistle before theym dedicatorye to the right Reuerend father in God Thomas Thirlbye, now Bishoppe of Norwiche, because thesame maister Framyngham loued hym aboue others.

  6. The foure and twenty houres passed duly, they may putte on theire clothes warme, aryse, and refresshe theym selues with a cawdle of an egge swietelye made, or such other meates and sauces reasonably and smally taken, as before I mencioned.

  7. Non of theym were in her mynde But only Litulle Jon.

  8. Tyll this small sore, at the last become mortall Suche wyll no counsell ensue, nor mesure haue Nor temper theym selfe in lesse nor yet in more.

  9. Many wodes ben betwyne dyuers co[=u]trees and londes: and departyth theym asondre.

  10. And thanne the seid man desired to have ageyn the writtis, and toke hem a geyn; and whanne he had theym he seid they shuld not come in their handes a vii.

  11. My Lorde and my Lady sayn ye shall be right welcome and ye will se theym this Crisemasse.

  12. Wyth that the lumbardis fledde away Guy Guy and heraude and terrey pfay Chased after theym gode wone, They slowe and toke many one, The Lumbardis made sory crye.

  13. Now, and ye have as many ladyse as ye wer wont to have, I reqwere yow for hyr sake that ye best love of theym all, onys trowbyll yowr syllf for me in thys mater, and be owght of my clamor.

  14. Hault, but he wold it shold be fyrst of our mocyon, and we wold [it] shold com of theym fyrst; our mater shold be the bettyr.

  15. Also that my horsse be sent, with my stele sadelles; and byd the yoman of the horse cover theym with ledder.

  16. Freers, Master John wyll not alowe theym a peny, for he seyth wher the dettes may not be payeid, set the beqwestes at nowght.

  17. I suppose the better is but a sclaunder, and therfore be ye avised howe ye delyver theym as tidynges.

  18. Leycester before the Kyng and the Lordes, hys lyfe graunted and godes, so he make amendys to theym he hath offended.

  19. I fele by theym they be not right corageous in theyr werkes, ner nought wold if they myght have a resonable trete.

  20. Kynges chamber were confedered to have steked the Deuk York in the Kynges chamber; but hit was not so, for they have clered theym therof.

  21. Also that ye breke noo mannys heggys in goynge abowte your dysportes: ne opyn noo mannes gates but that ye shytte theym agayn.

  22. And all those that done after this rule shall haue the blessynge of god & saynt Petyr, whyche be theym graunte that wyth his precyous blood vs boughte.

  23. Thei armyd theym in mattes, Thei sett on theire nolles 60 Gode blake bolles, Ffor to kepe theire pollis Ffor batteryng of battes.

  24. THe frenche men in olde tyme made myghty warre agaynste the Romaynes / and so sore be- sieged theym that they were by compul- cion constrayned to fall to composicion [C.

  25. I wyll that myne executoures shall gyue to my doughters at the tyme of theyr maryage euery of theym an hundred shepe / suche as they wyll.

  26. The maydens say nay thereto / but that it was theyr fathers mynde that they shulde haue euery of theym an .

  27. To reward theym euenly were not equyualent.

  28. For yf he so theym toke lost they we{re} for euer ¶ He sayd Vyce to forsake better late thy{n} neuer.

  29. With Vyce his rewarde he cam theym for to fet ¶ Then came there downe goodly ladyes tweyn.

  30. And as for theym whome thou dedest serue.

  31. And euen sodenly or they coud beware ¶ wyth a sodeyn pyry he lapped theym in care.

  32. I shalle walk eest, I shalle walk west, And gar theym wyrk welle war.

  33. This light thou has purvayde For theym that lyf in lede,[440] That I before of the have saide I se it is fulfillyd in dede.

  34. And he vouchsafes the reason for not keeping the wine, with "all other necessayre thinges they haue, with theym in the trees.

  35. And your Monkes of whome ye write if ye send theym hither I wil be contentyd to common with theym and to do therin as the case shall requyre.

  36. Yf they saye by the Lawe of god, Lett theym bring foorth scriptur but I thinke theym not so impudent as to saye so.

  37. To the Mayres Sheriffes and Bayliffes Custumers Comptrollers and Serchours within the townes and portes of Suthampton Portesmouthe and Pole and euery of theym and the Crekes belongyng to theym and euery of theym this be youen.

  38. And as for the yeres that malery and his wyff haithe yitt to com ye shall vnderstaund that I haue Agred with theym for his lease Thus fare ye hartely well from Eltham, the xxiiii day of Nouembre.

  39. And were as I am acerteynyd that the Rowmes of your foure Clarkes are now furnyshyd & non of theym voide.

  40. And youre said adversarie, that ententid to gete the saide cite, besieging theym withe a grete nombre, mightilie resisted withe men and ordenaunce, so grevously hurt, being fayne to voide incontinent.

  41. And that done he sent for all the thryfty commoners within the sayd cytie, and theym exortyd in lyke maner, whiche for the more partye granted to hym the wages of halfe a man for a yere, the whiche amounted to iiijli.

  42. But, fynally, by that I can esteme by the nombre of theym that I sawe goe on foote the next daye, I think there is lost above viij c horses, and all with foly for lak of not lying within the campe.

  43. And universally all their company saye playnly the devyl was that nyght among theym six tyms.

  44. Carvers for my Loords Boorde, and a Servant bitwixt theym both, except thai be at their frendis fyndyng, and than ather of theym to have a Servant.

  45. Cupberers for my Lorde and my Lady, and a Servant allowed bitwixt theym, except they be at their Frendis fyndynge, And than ather of theym to have a Servant allowid.

  46. Two Sewars for my Lordis Boorde, and a Servant bitwixt theym, except they be at their Frendis fyndynge, and than ather of theym to have a Servant.

  47. And the stronger wee bestowed on the myine and the lighters; the rest wee dismyssed, with the promise of a dooble paye if we met with theym agayne.

  48. Somerset, Barks, Oxforde, and Essex; and that few or none of theym had been about London above iij.

  49. The Mrs of Bridwell receyved theym, and immediately gave theym punishment.

  50. Thenne the olde man axed theym what they were, and of what regyon.

  51. And he was gladde to here theym talke of the welfare and holynesse of theyr kynge Saynt Edward.

  52. Maior and thaldermen, vz:—for cloth for the uttorside lyning of leather feathers and for making of theym as by a bill appearth.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "theym" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.