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Example sentences for "therevpon"

Lexicographically close words:
thereunder; thereunto; thereupon; thereuppon; therevnto; therewith; therewithal; therewithall; therfor; therfore
  1. Sidenote: This might come to passe before the agreement was made in the fift yeare of the kings reigne as aboue is mentioned, and so therevpon he might be restored.

  2. This yeare there fell great abundance of raine, and therevpon insued morren of beasts: also corne so failed this yeare, that a quarter of wheat was sold at fortie shillings.

  3. Sir Iohn Chandois gladlie consented to this request, and therevpon got licence of the prince, and came into Britaine, where he found the earle of Mountford at the siege of the foresaid castell of Aulroy.

  4. Robert Foxton got the kings pardon, and so purchasing foorth a supersedeas, the suit therevpon against him was staied.

  5. It was nine of the clocke yer euer he had thus visited all his battels, & therevpon he caused euerie man to eat and drinke a little, which they did at their leisure.

  6. Ruscand called a councell at London, & propounded great causes why the prelats ought to aid the pope, and so therevpon demanded great summes of monie.

  7. And therevpon he procured the bishops of S.

  8. And therevpon after Easter, Hugh de Neuill, and Brian de Lisle, were sent foorth as commissioners, to take that inquisition.

  9. This bishop had aduertisements at his manor of Burlie néere to Okam in the parties about Stamford, of the sturre which the commons in Norffolke kept, and therevpon resolued streightwaies to |746| see what rule there was holden.

  10. The parlement shortlie therevpon tooke end, after that the merchants had granted to the king for a subsidie certeine customes of their wooles, which they bought and sold, called a maletot, to endure for foure yeares.

  11. The Indians gaue credite to his talke seyng so many bearded men and horses, and therevpon began to attende and serue him, leauyng their olde friendes in Vera Crux.

  12. But king Iames not regarding his offers, would neither performe the one nor the other; fearing to cope with the English nation in anie condition; and so therevpon fled in the night season with all his puissance.

  13. But at length it was thought best to delaie no time but to giue them battell, before they should increase their power, and therevpon he remooued to Notingham, & there by a little wood called Bowres, he pitched his field.

  14. Egbert: and therefore vpon good aduisement taken in the matter, they resolued to submit themselues, and therevpon sent ambassadors to him to offer their submission, committing themselues wholie vnto his protection.

  15. And therevpon he said (as hath bin reported) that then might his successours account themselues kings of England, when they inioied such prerogatiue of high and supreme honor.

  16. King Edward hauing intelligence héereof, purposed to preuent him, and therevpon entering with an armie into his countrie, cruellie wasted and spoiled the same.

  17. The earle hearing of king Henries comming with an armie, was put in great feare, and therevpon wrote letters to his brother in law king Lewes, requiring him with all spéed possible to come vnto his aid.

  18. But as the king was now readie to inuade his countrie, Rouland came to him, and vsed such meanes vnder pretense of satisfaction, that he made his peace with the king, who therevpon brought backe his armie, and did no more at that time.

  19. In the end the bishops of Lincolne and Rochester, with the abbat of Peterburrow, were appointed by the pope to haue the hearing of this matter, as iudges authorised by his buls, who sat therevpon at Northampton, vpon S.

  20. After this solemne feast ended, a great aid and subsidie was granted for the continuance of the conquest in France, and so therevpon monie was gathered, and men were prepared in euerie citie, towne, and countrie.

  21. And when they would haue the whole body to consume away, then take the remnant of the sayd Picture, and burne it: and so therevpon by that meanes, the body shall die.

  22. Geffrey the archbishop of Yorke, who therevpon departing secretlie out of the realme, accursed all those that laid any hands to the collection of that paiment, within his archbishoprike of Yorke.

  23. But among all these, the kind of meat which is obteined with most difficultie and cost, is commonlie taken for the most delicat, and therevpon each guest will soonest desire to feed.

  24. The truth is that of old they had liberties giuen vnto them for three hundred fornaces or more, and therevpon they giue a fee farme (or Vectigal) of one hundred pounds yearelie.

  25. Malcolme should doo homage to king William for the realme of Scotland, and therevpon deliuer sufficient hostages: and that on the other side, king William should pardon all the English outlawes in Scotland which then rebelled against him.

  26. The king (as some write) vpon aduised consideration hereof had, misliked of the motion, & therevpon commanded that from thencefoorth they should not presume to studie about anie such matters.

  27. This cost the lord Fleming his life: for after it was knowne that he had disclosed to the earle of Northumberland what was meant against him, and that the earle therevpon was shifted awaie, certeine of the Scots slue the said lord Fleming.

  28. Therevpon foorthwith they brought him vnto the king his brother into the bishops palace at Paules, and from thense thorough the citie honourablie into the Tower, out of the which after that daie they neuer came abroad.

  29. The protector set the lords fast in communing, and therevpon praieng them to spare him for a little while, departed thense.

  30. And therevpon the duke sent word vnto the lord protector, of the being there of a great and honourable companie, to mooue a great matter vnto his grace.

  31. The archbishop therevpon asking licence of the king, & not obteining it, found meanes to steale awaie in a small bote, not without danger of his person.

  32. Thus was Henrie the sonne of the empresse made the adopted sonne of king Stephan, and therevpon the said Henrie saluted him as king, and named him father.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "therevpon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.