Therfor I think of hym to reid, 276 And till schaw part of his gud deid, And till discryve yhow his fassoun With part of his condicioun.
For that the partis of his heritage lay in Creit by the sey cost, and for he vsit mekill salyng and rowyng, and fand the craft or art therof, therfor is he clepit god of the sey.
And becaus this said Acca or Lupa maid Romulus hir ayr, therfor sais Virgill he was cled in his motheris or nuryce tawbart.
I woll therfor that ye suffre hym, his men and shippys, .
Therfor I wol seye a proverbe, That "he that fully knoweth th'erbe 290 May saufly leye hit to his ye" .
Her heped vertu hath swich excellence That al to lene is mannes facultee To declare it, and therfor in suspence Her due preysing put mot nedes be.
IA fawght therfor I told has been corrected into Fawe they were I-told.
For we han wel deserved hit, Therfor is right that we ben quit.
Of trewe men I finde but fewe mo In alle my bokes, save this Piramus, And therfor have I spoken of him thus.
Oon seyde, Omere made lyes, Feyninge in his poetryes, And was to Grekes favorable; Therfor held he hit but fable.
Therfor now let us syng To love oure lord Jesus, Unto his blys he wille us bryng, Te Deum laudamus.
Therfor bihoveth him a ful long spoon That shal ete with a feend," thus herde I seye.
And therfor herkneth what that I shal seye, 2155 And lat me tellen al my tale, I preye.
And therfor have I greet necessitee 1425 Up-on this queinte world tavyse me; For evermore we mote stonde in drede Of hap and fortune in our chapmanhede.
And therfor preye I god bothe day and night, An irous man, god sende him litel might!
And therfor to the feend I thee resigne, 780 Let him endyten of thy traitorye!
Therfor I make protestacioun That I wol stonde to correccioun.
Therfor my theme is yet, and ever was-- 425 "Radix malorum est cupiditas.
Therfor I wol gon slepe an houre or tweye, 3685 And al the night than wol I wake and pleye.
Therfor with wilde hors he dide hem drawe, And after that he heng hem by the lawe.
In this manner a just balance is maintained: "Our Comons be riche, and therfor they gave to their kyng, at sum tymys quinsimes and dismes, and often tymys other grete subsydyes.
Triads were dedicated to them, which were nothing but slanderous litanies: Herfor, and therfor, and therfor I came And for to preysse this praty woman.
There be therfor mo men hangyd in Englonde in a yere for robberye and manslaughter than their be hangid in Fraunce for such cause of crime in seven yers.
Item, the cawse is thys, as it is told me by dyvers, that ye meke no more swte to my Lord for yourself than ye do, and therfor they do the wors to me for your sake.
I wolle not sende you no mor, therfor I remytte all this matre to your wysdom.
Jone Walshamys evydence to Lovell, whyche I have in kepyng; and be cause I wyll not delyver Lovell the evydence therfor we fyll owt, in so myche that he seyth he wyll stryppe me fro the maner of Sweynsthorpe.
As for Herry Hallman, my brodyr wyll axe hym no sylver tyll ye be payeyd; therfor ye may send to hym and have it.
And whan that yer was past he desyred hyr to be my Lords wedow another yer; and than she seyd that she had lever lose that that she had do, than to lose that and meer; and therfor she seyd pleynly that she wold no mor of that mater.
Remembr what labour I had with your suster, therfor do your parte to help her forth, that may be to your wurchiep and myn.
I know not how to do therfor, for by my trowth I have it not, nor I can not make shyft therfor, and I shuld go to preson; therfor comune with your brother her of, and send me word how that he wull make shyft ther for in hast.
The yerde is bet that bowen wole and winde Than that that brest; and therfor I yow rede To folwen him that so wel can yow lede.
For if thou therfor wenest thy-self nat weleful, for thinges that tho semeden ioyful ben passed, ther nis nat why thou sholdest wene thy-self a wrecche; for thinges that semen now sorye passen also.
And therfor it is thus, that honour ne comth nat to vertu for cause of dignitee, but ayeinward honour comth to dignitee for cause of vertu.
And therfor is it that men oughten to wene by right, that bountee be the soverein fyn, and the cause 165 of alle the thinges that ben to requeren.
And therfor I beseche you in all hast sende me wourde by the bryngger herof in hast, quia mora trahit periculum.
Therfor purvey that thei may have sume comfort, that thei be no more discoraged; for if we lese our frends, it shall hard in this troubelous werd [world] to kete them ageyn.
Therfor I askyd off the juge hys accounts, and specyally the deposicionys and attestacionys off the wytteness that wer swor in the seyd codicill, &c.
Therfor I lete yow wete, I wold know hym or he know myn entent, and how wel he hath ocupiid his tym now he hath had leyser.
And if ye be not thanne at Castr, I pray you send me worde that I may come soner to you to comon with you in this mater, and in all other what ye wil, and sone departe to London fro thens; and therfor I wil abide with you a good while.
And by cause of my moders yereday holden this day, God have hir sowle, and to morwe shal be a good day, I wol by Goddes grace dispose me to His mercy ageyns Thursday, as I have used; therfor I pray you pardon my comyng.
It is tolde me yf ther hade no folks a' be left here in thys plase whyll I have be owt, they choulde a' be neue masters her by thys tyme; therfor it is not good to leve it alone yett.
Ther is no time to be lost, therforloose none, but come speedeley.
Therfor make all the hast you can to showe yourself a dutifull sonne, and a carefull one, to doe all that is in your power to serve him: otherwise you may ruine the King and yourself.
Aboue all hillys bedeyn the water is rysen late Cubettis fyfteyn, bot in a higher state It may not be, I weyn, for this well I wate: This forty dayes has rayn beyn; it will therfor abate 445 Full lele.
Therfor shall I fordo all this medill-erd 100 With floodis that shall flo and ryn with hidous rerd; I haue good cause therto; for Me no man is ferd.
A ship He bad me ordayn, to safe vs and oure fee; Therfor with all oure mayn thank we that fre, 310 Beytter of bayll.
Yei, water nyghys so nere that I sit not dry, 370 Into ship with a byr therfor will I hy For drede that I drone here.
Therfor I drede lest God on vs will take veniance, 55 For syn is now alod, without any repentance.
Therfor the Kirk hes concludit, That no Bischops salbe electit or made heirafter, befor the nixt Generall Assemblie.
Now thanne thus,' quod she, `I wolde him preye To telle me the fyn of his entente; 125 Yet wist I never wel what that he mente.
They seyn right thus, that thynge is nat to come, For that the prescience hath seyne byfore That it shal come; but they seyn that therfore That it shal come, therfor the purveyaunce Woot it bifore, withouten ignorance.
The said scolemaster payingtherfor as oft tymes it shalbe renewed vjs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "therfor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.