Thomas Thorpe second baron of the escheker, was committed to the Tower, where he remained long after, for that he was knowne to be great freend to the house of Lancaster.
With bils on their neckes: Be it knowne vnto all men by these presents Le Beu.
It tolde me it was Cynthias owne, Within whose cheerefull brimmes, That curious Nimph had oft beene knowne To bath her snowy Limmes.
Madame, to shew the smoothnesse of my vaine, Neither that I would haue you entertaine The time in reading me, which you would spend In faire discourse with some knowne honest friend, I write not to you.
And in Regions farre Such Heroes bring yee foorth, As those from whom We came, And plant Our name, Vnder that Starre Not knowne vnto our North.
Make knowne that fayth vnkindnes could not moue; Compare my worth with others base desert: Let vertue be the tuch-stone of my loue, So may the heauens reade wonders in my hart.
Had not mine eye seene thy Celestiall eye, Nor my hart knowne the power of thy name, My soule had ne'er felt thy Diuinitie, Nor my Muse been the trumpet of thy fame.
In this kingdome there are bred and brought vp more cattell then in any other parts knowne in all the world, as wel for the good climate and temperature of the heauen, as also for the fertility of the country.
The lawe is herein to be praised, that willeth the cou[n]sail of the parentes & frendes, to be knowne before the contracte.
Eidolopoeia is that part of this Oracion, whiche maketh a persone knowne though dedde, and not able to speake.
Norfolk at a lowe water I haue knowne them taken asleep vnder the cliffes.
That which is knowne by the name of a bee-bird [see Note 117] is a litle dark gray bird I hope to get one for you.
Be it knowne to all men that shall see or [and] heare this writing that the Inquest of fforty and eight Miners witnesses and confirmeth all the Laws comprized in ye said Roll for witnesse whereof they have put their Seales.
Tell me moreouer, hast thou sounded him, If he appeale the Duke on ancient malice, Or worthily as a good subiect should On some knowne ground of treacherie in him Gaunt.
But since I cannot, be it knowne to you, I doe remaine as Neuter.
And for this very reason Saint Austin also thinkes that there is nothing exprest concerning the creation of Angels which notwithstanding are as remarkable parts of the creatures, and as fit to be knowne as another world.
The macrobii and long liuers which I haue knowne heere haue been of the meaner and poorer sort of people.
But in my termes of Honor I stand aloofe, and will no reconcilement, Till by some elder Masters of knowne Honor, I haue a voyce, and president of peace To keepe my name vngorg'd.
It must be shortly knowne to him from England What is the issue of the businesse there Ham.
Oh had you knowne his conversation, You would not have him in suspition.
But prethie, Harry, do not leave the house, For then suspition will arise thereof, And if the thing be knowne we are undone.
Well, sister, I am sorry for your sake; But for your brother, he is knowne to be A damned villaine and an hipocrite.
Was ever knowne such a tempestuous night Of thunder, hayle, wynd, lightninge!
Then, father, get you hence, depart in time, Least being knowne you suffer for the crime.
By Gods-lid, if I had knowne it had bene you, I would not have said so to your face.
Yet they but feede upon theire knowne delights; Anon I'l make them surfett.
The King I feare is poyson'd by a Monke, I left him almost speechlesse, and broke out To acquaint you with this euill, that you might The better arme you to the sodaine time, Then if you had at leisure knowne of this Bast.
Oh Gods will, much better She ne're had knowne pompe; though't be temporall, Yet if that quarrell.
What harme can your beesome Conspectuities gleane out of this Charracter, if I be knowne well enough too Bru.
Oh, I am knowne Of many in the Army: Many yeeres (Though Cloten then but young) you see, not wore him From my remembrance.
I would not for a million of Gold, The cause were knowne to them it most concernes.
No Lords no: And now be it knowne to you my full intent.
I doe admire this accident: since I have sat Judge I have not knowne any such tryall.
Had I knowne Your passion would have vanquishd reason thus, You should have met your ruine unadvisd; Hugd your destruction; taken what the lust Of other men had left you.
To him make knowne my misery, Wooe him with teares, with praires: this kisse; be happie.
As we sitt Ile yeild you further reasons; i'the meane time Commaund him by the Officers of the Court Not to presse in untill your Lordships pleasure Be made knowne to him.
Like the great Turke he walkes in his Seraglio, And doth command which concubine best pleases; When he has done he falls to graze or sleepe, And makes as he had never knowne the Dun, White, Red or Brindled Cowe.
Already 'Tis knowne I favour you, and that hath drawne Libells against me; but the stinglesse hate Of those that wryte them I contempne.
Such humours are for men That live by brothell offices: let me know Who hath traduc'd me to you thus, he shall Be knowne no more.
I have knowne the day you have wayted like a suppliant And those knees bended as I past.
His name is well knowne in Lincolnsheire neere the fenns: there were his family antient gentlemen before the Conquest; some say ever since the flood.
They that brought the Letters Were knowne and but from you could have no notice Of any such design.
The Rubie is discerned by his pale rednes, and who hath not h[e]ard that the Lyon is knowne by hys clawes.
I knowe the least of my demerits merit this miserable death, but wilfull striuing against knowne truth, exceedeth al the terrors of my soule.
At last was that place iustified, God warneth men by dreams and visions in the night, and by knowne examples in the day, but if he returne not, hee comes vpon him with iudgement that shall bee felt.
Holde Capten, tis knowne that Horace is valliant, & a man of the sword.
It’s no matter Sir, the Flashes haue euer bin knowne to |1040| be quicke and light enough.
Long Meg a Westminster: Margaret of the Spread Eagle, but more commonly knowne by the name of Long Meg of Westminster .
But tidings there is none, I you assure, Save that which common is, and knowne to all, That courtiers as the tide doo rise and fall.
Sure verye straunge to be hearde of in these countries, and yet I heare some saye (I knowe not howe truely) that they haue knowne the like before in their dayes.
He was wont to say that, if he had read as much as other men, he should have knowne no more then[1] other men.
But for these barking and biting dogs, they are as well knowne as Scylla and Charybdis.
Noble Banquo, That hast no lesse deseru'd, nor must be knowne No lesse to haue done so: Let me enfold thee, And hold thee to my Heart Banq.
It is an accustom'd action with her, to seeme thus washing her hands: I haue knowne her continue in this a quarter of an houre Lad.
This disease is beyond my practise: yet I haue knowne those which haue walkt in their sleep, who haue dyed holily in their beds Lad.
Go too, go too: You haue knowne what you should not Gent.
She ha's spoke what shee should not, I am sure of that: Heauen knowes what she ha's knowne La.
He was knowne to be of a good and courteous nature, though not of most pregnant wit.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knowne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.