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Example sentences for "olde"

Lexicographically close words:
okrugs; olas; olav; old; olden; older; oldest; oldfashioned; olding
  1. I nam but a lewd compilatour of the labour of olde Astrologiens, and have hit translated in myn English only for thy doctrine; and with this swerd shal I 45 sleen envye.

  2. And if that olde bokes were a-weye, 25 +Y-loren were of remembraunce the keye.

  3. This olde fend, this Sarazin Let take anon this Constantin.

  4. For this thing is al of another tonne, Of olde story, er swich thing was begonne.

  5. He ne hath nat doon so grevously amis +To translaten that olde clerkes wryten, 370 +As thogh that he of malice wolde endyten Despyt of love, and had him-self hit wroght.

  6. Chaucer says he is 'but a lewd compilatour of the labour of olde Astrologiens.

  7. But wherfor that I spak, to give credence To olde stories, and doon hem reverence, And that men mosten more thing beleve Then men may seen at eye or elles preve?

  8. Ne may thee helpe the manie hartie vow, Which thy olde sire with sacred pietie Hath powred forth for thee, and th'altars sprent* Nought may thee save from heavens avengëment!

  9. Next did the myrtle tree to her approach, Not yet unmindfull of her olde reproach.

  10. For to wexe olde at home in idlenesse Is disadventrous, and quite fortunelesse: 100 Abroad, where change is, good may gotten bee.

  11. Olde woes, but ioyes, to tell, Against the bridale daye, which is not long: Sweet Themmes!

  12. Loe, here I let you see my olde vse of toying in rymes, turned into your artificiall straightnesse of verse by this tetrasticon.

  13. Nay, olde cherl, by God thou shalt not so, Sayde that other hasardour anoon, Thou partist nought so lightly, by seint Johan!

  14. Thus sayth this olde man, And everich of these riotoures ran, every one Til thay come to the tre, and ther thay founde Of florins fyn of gold ycoyned rounde, coined Wel neygh a seven busshels, as hem thoughte.

  15. Who readeth Æneas carrying olde Anchises on his back, that wisheth not it were his fortune to perfourme so excellent an acte?

  16. Bot wherof that this fievere groweth, Who so these olde bokes troweth, 580 Ther mai he finden hou it is: For thei ous teche and telle this, Hou that this fievere of Jelousie Somdel it groweth of sotie Of love, and somdiel of untrust.

  17. These olde Philosophres wise Thei writen upon thilke while, That he mai best a man beguile In whom the man hath most credence; And this befell in evidence Toward this yonge lord of Rome.

  18. Bot thei that taken otherwise Here lustes, ben none of the wise; And that whilom was schewed eke, If thou these olde bokes seke, Als wel be reson as be kinde, Of olde ensample as men mai finde.

  19. Thus is this vice forto drede; For who these olde bokes rede 2140 Of suche ensamples as were ar, Him oghte be the more war Of alle tho that feigne chiere, Wherof thou schalt a tale hiere.

  20. Iff thou be yonge then marye not yett, Iff thou be olde thou hast more wytt: For yonge men's wyves wyll not be taught, And olde men's wyves bee good for nought.

  21. Skelton, writing in 1520, declares how "Rede and lerne ye may, Howe olde prouerbys say That byrd ys not honest That fylyth hys owne nest.

  22. A] "By thys tale ye may se that the olde prouerbe ys trew that yt is as gret pyte to se a woman wepe as a gose to go barefoote.

  23. There was of very aunciente tyme an olde maner place wher Brooke Hall is now, and parte of it yet appearithe, but the buyldynge that is there is of the erectynge of the Lorde Stewarde unto Kynge Henry the vii.

  24. Tragedy is to say a certain storie, As olde bookes maken us memorie, Of him that stood in great prosperitee And is yfallen out of high degree Into misery and endeth wretchedly.

  25. Of remedies of love she knew parchance For of that art she couth the olde dance.

  26. Whilom, as olde stories tellen us, There was a duke that highte Theseus.

  27. The maner and custome of our olde fa- ders of Rome hath ben.

  28. His olde age he passed in rest and quyetenes fortunately / saue for one thyng / that his sonnes agreed euyll betwene them.

  29. MY maysters of this Citie of Ardea / which haue ben alwayes myne olde frendes / and now (by reason of myne exyle out of Rome) my new neighbours and ci- tizens.

  30. THe frenche men in olde tyme made myghty warre agaynste the Romaynes / and so sore be- sieged theym that they were by compul- cion constrayned to fall to composicion [C.

  31. Have you any olde bootes, Or any old shoone: Powch-ringes, or buskins, To cope for new broome?

  32. This is the Epistle which he woonders at himselfe, and like an olde Ape, hugges the Vrchin so in his conceipt, as though it should shew vs some new tricks ouer the chaine, neuer wish it published Martin, we pittie it before it comes out.

  33. Elderton swore hee had rimes lying a steepe in ale, which should marre all your reasons: there is an olde hacker that shall take order for to print them.

  34. A fine period; but I cannot continue this stile, let me fal into my olde vaine.

  35. And for a warning to teach you both wit, Ile tell you an olde wiues tale.

  36. Let all such (and I hope the world has not left her olde fashions, but there are ten thousand such) repaire hither.

  37. Hannibal shall flesh himselfe on an olde mans carkas, whose wisedom preserved his citye.

  38. When I perceiued that he masked in his rayling robes, I was so bolde as to pull off his shrowding sheete, that all the worlde might see the olde foole daunce naked.

  39. The other is said to be "newlye imprynted after the authors olde copy .

  40. His markes and his tokens are knowen very well; He alwayes is led with a dogg and a bell: A seely olde man, God knoweth, is hee, 75 Yett hee is the father of pretty Bessee.

  41. Down lower have ye Elbow lane; and at the corner thereof was one great stone house, called Olde hall; it is now taken down, and divers fair houses of timber placed there.

  42. This goodly foundation having a free schoole and almes houses for poore men (builded of hard stone) adjoyning to the west end of the church, was of olde time confirmed by Henry the Sixt, in the year 1447.

  43. Cornhill street, in some place raysed two fadome higher than of olde time, as appeared by buildings found so deepe.

  44. Ye Olde Cheese is too good a source of revenue for it to be destroyed, and the prospects are that for years to come Americans will flock there to exclaim over the high paneled walls and the sanded floors.

  45. Nearly everybody who goes to London finds his way, sooner or later, to Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese in Wine Office Court.

  46. That the riuer of Wels in the west parte of the Citty, was of olde so called of the Wels, it may be proued thus, William the Conqueror in his Charter to the Colledge of S.

  47. I am as well acquainted heere, as I was in our house of profession: one would thinke it were Mistris Ouerdons owne house, for heere be manie of her olde Customers.

  48. By my troth Isabell I lou'd thy brother, if the olde fantastical Duke of darke corners had bene at home, he had liued Duke.

  49. Already the Olde Hoven Brunnen and the Krid Brunnen were converted into firm ground faced with granite or ferro-concrete walls, while the work of reclaiming the Witt Klif Brunnen was actively progressing.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "olde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    olden days; olden time; olden times; older brother; older children; older ones; older people