Now, for that he still defended his cause, and would not reuolt from his will, Offa depriued him of all his possessions & reuenues that he held or inioied within anie part of his dominions.
And therevpon he said (as hath bin reported) that then might his successours account themselues kings of England, when they inioied such prerogatiue of high and supreme honor.
Richard deferred the dooings of his homage vnto king Philip for the dutchie of Poictou, which by his fathers appointment he now inioied and held.
Now bicause such as obteined this fauour, inioied great liberties, manie were glad to bestow largelie, to be so preferred, the frier being redie to admit those that offered most.
Certes the priuileges of this law, and benefit of the latter, as well in Scotland as in England, be inioied to this daie, few causes by late positiue laws among vs excepted, wherin the benefit of wager of battell is restreined.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inioied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.