Here the theosophist has more in common with the evolutionist than one or two of the preceding paragraphs would seem to indicate.
The Theosophist believes that we can be trained to see all this and illustrates it in coloured plates which are, to the uninitiated, not over convincing.
For the theosophist desire is the master mischief maker.
Here the theosophist makes much use of vibrations and colours, and apparently our changing play of emotion is reflected in a play of colour which puts the chameleon to shame and makes us in our most excited moment rivals of the rainbow itself.
We think of our physical bodies as the instruments, on one side at least, through which the physical world communicates with us, but for the theosophist they are only instruments through which we communicate with the world.
Theosophist and Yogi can everything, all the same--can much more, but not show.
But Johannes had the misfortune to notice that the slate which should have been written upon was quickly exchanged by the theosophist the instant that he succeeded in diverting the attention of all the on-lookers.
The theosophist bowed again, smiling with closed eyes, but at the same time contracting his brows as if struggling with his aversion.
She's down on the theosophist she hired about something or other.
Everyone has a theosophist at their evening functions to give a seance or read futures.
There is only one of him in each set of envelopes, and sometimes the Theosophist has to revise his ideas about man when he begins this practical line.
The standard of the Theosophist as to right and wrong is always higher than that of the less instructed man, yet he is far gentler than the latter in his feeling towards the sinner, because he comprehends more of human nature.
What manner of man then is the true Theosophist in consequence of his knowledge?
For the Theosophist the whole of this feeling is entirely swept away.
To the Theosophist death is simply the laying aside for a time of this robe of flesh.
Finding that there is a Supreme Power who is directing the course of evolution, and that He is all-wise and all-loving, the Theosophist sees that everything which exists within this scheme must be intended to further its progress.
Ruspoli is an Italian theosophist recently living at Adyar, with whom Mr. Leadbeater stayed in Italy.
This last is the only kind of Occultism that any Theosophist who admires 'Light on the Path,' and who would be wise and unselfish, ought to strive after.
I say again, every earnest Theosophist regrets to-day, from the bottom of his heart, that these sacred names and things have ever been mentioned before the public.
Marie Louise Kirby (an Italian theosophistrecently at Adyar) who was his sister.
A fellow-theosophist once found him hanging from the windowpole, but cut him down in the nick of time.
Every Theosophist knows what a circle signifies and it need not be repeated here.
And from this account too, it will be perceptible how foolish it is for people to ask the Theosophist to "procure for them communication with the highest Adepts.
I am neither a Theosophist nor a sectarian, but am the worshipper of the only Om.
The present-day Theosophist would probably have objected to such playfulness, but such things were continually happening in the early days.
And not by the Theosophist alone, for that word in other religions has been applied to the Founder, the Chief of the faith.
The Theosophist recognises that the Divine Thought, of which the universe is an expression, puts limitations on his own power of thought, on his own creative activity.
The books in which much of it is written are as free to the non-Theosophist as to the Theosophist.
And so theTheosophist is content to go to the root of the matter, and try to build up for you the citizens out of whom your future State is to be made.
All such mighty beings by the Theosophistwould be given the name of Master.
As usual in such cases, the theosophist believed he was the victim of a delusion.
When I told this to my friend the theosophist in Lund, he remembered an occurrence to which he could never find the key.
One Sunday evening the theosophist and his wife were going down a back street, when he saw the man a little before him on the same pavement.
Beelzebub, the chief of the demons, is also subject to the power of magic: and who can blame the theosophist for believing in the devil?
The theosophist who is worthy of partaking of the divine light, has no occasion for adopting a positive religion, nor of subjecting himself to any kind of religious ceremony.
They pretended that the wonders performed by Simon and his disciples were works of the devil, and they branded the Samaritan theosophist with the title of "Sorcerer,"[15.
It appears certain, then, that Simon of Gitto was a theosophist of the type of Philo and the Kabalists.
In such crises she generally sent for Susan Fleet, if the theosophistwere within reach.
After repeated attempts on her part a meeting was at last arranged, and one afternoon the Theosophist made her appearance in Berkeley Square and was shown upstairs to Charmian's little sitting-room.
To be absolutely wise and good--that is perfection; and the Theosophist is so keen-sighted as to have observed that everything desirous of improvement eventually attains perfection.
These extracts make it sufficiently plain with what courage the daring theosophist censured the most influential class of Moslem society in his day.
The celebrated theosophist Zu'l Noun is known as the first who introduced into Islam visions and mystic ecstacies.
They regarded the theosophist as far superior in every respect to the theologian.
For some years he remained in Kashmir, and would often say, "The theosophist ought to profit by length of life.
For there is always a theosophist on earth and he is better fitted for the post than the philosopher, as the place of God's Vicar on earth cannot remain unoccupied.
Spirit' is a misleading word, for, historically, it connotes immateriality and a supernatural kind of existence, and the Theosophist believes neither in the one nor the other.
And at this stage of my life-story, it is necessary to put very clearly the position I took up and held so many years as Atheist, because otherwise the further evolution into Theosophist will be wholly incomprehensible.
I like the Theosophist schools, although I do not like all Theosophists.
I think my Theosophist would argue that the charitable person is growing in grace, thereby rising above his previous lives.
If, as I have heard a Theosophist declare, the children in the slums are miserable because they failed to learn their lesson in previous lives, then the people who try to abolish slums are all wrong.
In the second saloon was the theosophist Colonel Olcott--an odd mixture of philanthropy and humbug--but discussions with him often served to pass the time.
A fellow theosophist once found him hanging from the window pole, but cut him down in the nick of time.
A Theosophical student (=mutasavvif=) is he who seeks to become a Theosophist through asceticism and purification, and disciplines himself in the ways of the Theosophist.
The Theosophist is one who has lost the self, exists in the True One, is beyond the reach of the lower nature, and is at one with Truth.
The first Theosophist was Adam, and the last Mohammad; and Theosophy has continued amongst the followers of Mohammad.