Then he bade fetch Jaafer, and when he came before him, he acquainted him with the matter and said to him, "Shall this come to pass in my city and I have no news of it?
Thereupon they all dismounted and putting off that which was upon them of harness of war, came before El Abbas and tendered him allegiance and sued for his protection.
She did not move when he came before her, but looked up to him gravely without stirring her head.
Illustration: "She did not move when he came before her.
So it befell upon a certain midnight, the moon shining clear, he came before a fair and rich castle, whereof the postern gate was open towards the sea, having no keeper save two lions in the entry.
At length he came before a city which refused to obey him, wherefore he sat down before it to besiege it.
I chose the latter; and after running two leagues down the outside of the reef (for such it proved) we came before an opening that had the appearance of a good channel, through which we might go in for the land.
Then they took him and carried him to their king Zuhayr bin Shabib; and when he came before him, he said to him, "Of which of the Arabs art thou?
It was about the first hour after noon that we came before them.
After a little time Edward Pyot and I went to Whitehall to see Oliver Cromwell; and when we came before him, Dr.
When wecame before him, he told us that we had met "contrary to the Act.
From thence he came before Trois, and after twelue daies siege had that citie deliuered vnto him, by composition, that the capteine sir Philip Hall (with his people and mooueables) might depart in safetie.
As He came before, in the simple garb of a simple man, may He not come in that same form again?
When He came before He found them unprepared--so unprepared that they could not believe it was He.
Now Ilmeddin Senjer was at that time Master of Police and he was a man of experience, well versed in affairs: so the king sent for him and when he came before him, he discovered to him that which was in his mind.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "came before" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.