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Example sentences for "simple matter"

  • While the serving of fruits is a simple matter, it should be done in as dainty a way as possible, so as not to detract from their natural attractiveness.

  • If a house is wired for electricity, drying foods by means of the air-currents generated by a moving electric fan is a simple matter.

  • At first thought, this seems somewhat of a task, but in reality it is a simple matter if the directions are carefully followed.

  • For this record it is possible to buy sheets of paper or cards already ruled at any stationery store, but it is a simple matter to rule sheets of blank paper that will answer the purpose very well.

  • It was not a simple matter of choice with the dramatist or the lecturer in what direction they should turn their special gifts.

  • That the organ of the mind brings with it inherited aptitudes is a simple matter of observation.

  • The physiology of the spinal cord seems a simple matter as you study it in Longet.

  • The Salesman found it a simple matter to transfer himself to an establishment over the way; he had very little to move, and required very small accommodations.

  • Hence it is a simple matter to study the routine of the different individuals and to mark the extent of their wanderings.

  • Moreover, when a species is represented by comparatively few individuals, and each pair occupies a comparatively large tract of country, it is a simple matter to trace the movements and analyse the behaviour of the birds.

  • This practice was obviously a dangerous one, since even by the modern methods of examination it is not always a simple matter to be sure of the fact.

  • It is a simple matter to distinguish between the ancient types of ink that were in use during the early centuries of the Christian era until they were gradually replaced by iron-gall inks and modern writing inks.

  • If you have a box of different proportions it will be a simple matter to make such alterations in the details as it will require.

  • The Cars= for this railway will have their trucks constructed alike, and it is a simple matter to transform a car from one style into another.

  • With the sheet of cardboard thus prepared it is a simple matter to =Reproduce the Drawings= of Figs.

  • The making of a solution of the chemical would seem to be a simple matter, but to judge by the ill-effects sometimes observed in the dry rubber the simplicity of the operation appears to have been overrated.

  • In theory it seems a simple matter to have a number of sieves ready so that a clean one may be substituted for a clogged one, which should be cleansed at once with water.

  • To the layman, and certainly to the native who usually has charge of these substances, it is not a simple matter to distinguish between them without special knowledge.

  • Nothing appears more attractive than =A Cosey-corner=, such as shown in the illustration, and it is a simple matter to fit one up.

  • When the lines have been accurately drawn, it is a simple matter to make the kerfs, if you have had any practice in sawing and can keep to a line.

  • We had the prisoners to guard, and had we not been forced to take Abel Hunt as we did, then might it have been a simple matter, for we could frighten Horry Sims into submission.

  • If it's such a simple matter, why don't we try it ourselves?

  • It was a simple matter, and the position of the columns made the story very clear.

  • It was a simple matter, in the impulse of the first moment, to say that all was at an end, that he gave her up, even as she had rejected him, with a sort of savage pleasure in the coldness of the words he spoke.

  • I tried to think--and it is no simple matter to be reasonable when one is exhausted by starvation and tortured both in body and in mind.

  • Were my hands not bound behind my back, it would be a simple matter to escape.

  • Of his personal appearance I have yet to write; and if it be a simple matter to describe that which is outwardly apparent, it is by no means easy either to fathom or to portray a man's soul and mind.

  • If the left side of their machine became lower than the right it was a simple matter to pull down the left halves of the rear edges of the two planes, and so catch the air currents which would force that side upward.

  • Cameras were unheard of, or it would have been a simple matter to have recorded on paper the actual motions of the bird's wings in order to study their significance.

  • A simple matter--one, I dare say, which it will seem to you difficult to avoid.

  • At the outset this may seem a simple matter, but it quickly proves as complicated as life itself.

  • Writing a letter is a simple matter, but it is a moral matter and an artistic; for it may be done either with imagination or with raw self-centredness.

  • And as for finding you, that would be a simple matter, for every night thief and beggar waiting for the dawn would give attention to such a big man as you and would report your movements.

  • This, too, as it turned out, proved to be a simple matter, but its first step was one to make your hair stand on end to look at, nevertheless.

  • It won't be a simple matter to get him out of there, if that is what you are after.

  • The unravelling of this crime is not going to be quite such a simple matter as Inspector Payne seems to think.

  • The prevailing impression of all previous visits was that, since it was a simple matter to get lost involuntarily in the labyrinth, it would be a simple matter for any one to disappear voluntarily and remain hidden from search.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "simple matter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are only; before breakfast; both continents; commissioned officer; highly remarkable; little bush; mond ring; outward nature; poor little; president elected; second home; she had never before; simple conversion; simple enough; simple enumeration; simple explanation; simple faith; simple form; simple fracture; simple ideas; simple language; simple sentence; simple sentences; simple syrup; small gold; state affairs