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Example sentences for "sympathetically"

Lexicographically close words:
symmetrical; symmetrically; symmetries; symmetry; sympathetic; sympathetick; sympathie; sympathies; sympathise; sympathised
  1. No biography was ever truer; no appreciation was ever more sympathetic; and in the long line of cats none was ever more worthy to have his story truly and sympathetically told.

  2. Two learned but despondent university professors met, not long ago, at an afternoon "coffee," and drew sympathetically together in a corner.

  3. The only way in which to apprehend reality's thickness is either to experience it directly by being a part of reality one's self, or to evoke it in imagination by sympathetically divining some one else's inner life.

  4. He expressed most sympathetically his delight to see Little Billee looking so strong and so well (Little Billee looked like a pallid little washed-out ghost, after his white night).

  5. The perception of audition, like that of vision, therefore consists in a repercussion (an affection sympathetically felt) in the universal organism.

  6. When O'Rane spoke sympathetically of Jim Loring's death, she answered almost callously that it must have been preordained.

  7. The savage Besisis of the Malay Peninsula fear to bury their dead at noon, because they fancy that the shortness of their shadows at that hour would sympathetically shorten their own lives.

  8. M102 The rule of continence observed by savage warriors is perhaps based on a fear of infecting themselves sympathetically with feminine weakness and cowardice.

  9. Clearly the effect which the wife's adultery is supposed to have on the poison is a case of sympathetic magic; her misconduct sympathetically affects her husband and his work at a distance.

  10. Here, therefore, the rule of continence probably springs from a fear of infecting sympathetically the traps with feminine weakness or perhaps with menstrual pollution.

  11. She could not literally dance with the daffodils as I had prophesied, for her full strength had not yet returned, but there she was among them, and she smiled at them sympathetically as though they were dancing in her honour.

  12. After all, one has one's own life to live, and however understanding of one's friends and sympathetically inclined towards them one may be, one cannot follow them emotionally through all their bleak despairs and furious passions.

  13. The other girl sighed and her friend gazed at her sympathetically but a little curiously.

  14. There was a new shyness upon her, and she inquired sympathetically and kindly about the children.

  15. In the Cameroons, also, the life of a person is believed to be sympathetically bound up with that of a tree.

  16. Some of the Papuans unite the life of a new-born child sympathetically with that of a tree by driving a pebble into the bark of the tree.

  17. During the period of initiation the novice is sympathetically united to the fetish by which his life is henceforward determined.

  18. His voice was low and his enunciation sympathetically fluent.

  19. Our young man is undergoing a variety of interesting changes: "Partly experimental, partly sympathetically responsive, always tenderly curious, this young man drifted gratefully through the inevitable episodes to which all young men are heir.

  20. If the passion which sympathetically awakened these movements of the frame be often renewed, if this sensation of soul become habitual, then these movements of the body will become so also.

  21. Well, then, that which the will or intention leaves undetermined can be sympathetically determined by the state of moral sensibility in which the person is found to be, and consequently can express this state.

  22. And here, again, our resentment is sympathetically increased by our observing a similar disgust in others.

  23. The body must be elastically and sympathetically tall, and also sympathetically expanded, man must stand as if held up from above rather than from below, expanded and elevated by feeling and thought rather than by mere will.

  24. They should lie down, as has been said, sympathetically and expansively long.

  25. Then he smiles back at you and cracks another of those absurd remarks of his, and you know he is "sympathetically ridiculous.

  26. Bobbie would have made life for him "sympathetically ridiculous," for Bobbie is a Penguin Person.

  27. They prevent us from taking life too seriously; they make everything "sympathetically ridiculous"; they are often "as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.

  28. One feels everything in the world so sympathetically ridiculous; one can't be angry when one looks at a Penguin.

  29. Let the boy dream on, and help him to dream by sympathetically sharing his visions with him.

  30. The joy is lost for the child when he becomes conscious of the adult as interfering even sympathetically with his own personality.

  31. Was she affecting to weep sympathetically in view of these remote contingencies?

  32. These causes can only act by influencing sympathetically the brain and nervous system, and in that way interfering with the healthy operations of the mind.

  33. The stomach, intestines, and liver, may be originally the seat of the irritation, and the brain may be sympathetically deranged.

  34. At the brow of the grade he passed the oil-tank car, and nodded sympathetically at a round-faced, tow-headed Swede who was snatching a surreptitious drag at his pipe in the lee of the car.

  35. Ronald shook his head sympathetically at this stage of the story.

  36. Neither was attuned to the message which the other brought to humanity and it proves that in order to apprehend truth in any quarter a man must be sympathetically disposed toward it.

  37. For here the same law prevails between sun and earth that no message can be received except by some object which is sympathetically attuned to it.

  38. Among men, how many there are who, when they see suffering, hasten to withdraw themselves from the spectacle, in order to escape the pain which it sympathetically awakens in them.

  39. The primary virtues and ideals of which Cooley writes so sympathetically are, for the most part, projections from family life.

  40. Rapport implies the existence of a mutual responsiveness, such that every member of the group reacts immediately, spontaneously, and sympathetically to the sentiments and attitudes of every other member.

  41. The fact that A responds sympathetically toward B and C implies the existence in A of an attitude of receptivity and suggestibility toward the sentiments and attitudes of B and C.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sympathetically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.