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Example sentences for "supernumerary"

Lexicographically close words:
supernaturally; supernaturals; superne; supernormal; supernumeraries; superos; superpersonal; superphosphate; superphosphates; superphysical
  1. After leaving the District Brother Pillsbury has been stationed at Bay View and Menasha, but, his health failing, he took a supernumerary relation at the last Conference, and at this writing is residing at Minneapolis.

  2. In 1865, he took a supernumerary relation, but the following year, being made effective, he was appointed to the Bible Agency, which position he has continued to hold up to the present writing.

  3. All this being duly accomplished, I obtained leave of absence from my first lieutenant, an old acquaintance, who, in a ship crowded with supernumerary midshipmen, was but too happy in getting rid of me and my chest.

  4. I was ordered, with about thirty more supernumerary midshipmen, to take my passage in a ship of the line going to Bermuda.

  5. I was ordered, with about thirty more supernumerary midshipmen, to take my passage in a ship of the line, going to Bermuda.

  6. The supernumerary toe on each foot almost always disappears with the first cross; but it is a point which can very well be spared without much disadvantage.

  7. When marks of declining vigor are perceived, the cock must be displaced, to make way for a successor, which should be chosen from among the finest and bravest of the supernumerary young cocks, that ought to be reared for this special purpose.

  8. He wrote a civil letter to the librarian for his "supernumerary kindness," but insinuated that he could write a very readable history without any further aid of such paperasses or "paper-rubbish.

  9. In the Diporpa condition of Diplozoon there are two supernumerary hooks, associated with a dorsal sucker at the centre of the body, and it is by means of these organs that a conjugation between two such juvenile forms is effected.

  10. Leaving the steamer next morning, we proceeded on foot, accompanied by a native Portuguese and his men and a dozen Makololo, who carried our baggage.

  11. But, as in our own case at home, nothing less than the instruction and example of many years will secure their moral elevation.

  12. The fact that His Son appeared among men, and left His words in His Book, always awakens attention; but the great difficulty is to make them feel that they have any relationship to Him, and that He feels any interest in them.

  13. From her marriage with a man naturally formed, were produced ten children, with a supernumerary member on each limb; and an eleventh, in which the peculiarity existed in both feet and one hand, the other hand being naturally formed.

  14. The latter marrying a man of ordinary formation, they had four children, of which three had one or two limbs natural, and the rest with the supernumerary parts; while the fourth had six fingers on each hand, and as many toes on each foot.

  15. Mr. Carlisle knew a family in which supernumerary toes and fingers were observed for four generations: they were introduced by a female who had six fingers on each hand, and as many toes on each foot.

  16. Johnny was duly entered the next day as one of the supernumerary pages without salary, and entered upon his duties at once, which consisted simply of waiting in anterooms and following the Queen at a distance in her walks.

  17. I told the Lamas that I had remarked many cases of goître and also other abnormalities, such as hare-lip and webbed fingers and toes, as well as the very frequent occurrence of supernumerary fingers or toes.

  18. There were frequent cases, too, of crookedness of the legs, and clubfoot was not rare, while one constantly met with webbed fingers and supernumerary fingers and toes, as well as the absence of one or more of them.

  19. Quære, whether it would not be better to consider the supernumerary challenge as merely void, and to proceed in the trial.

  20. He designed to relieve the ear from the clash of supernumerary consonants, and to liquify by a vowelly confluence.

  21. That Lance-Corporals Spencer and Stirling shall be granted the distinguished conduct medal without annuity, and promoted to the rank of Corporal, to be borne supernumerary till absorbed.

  22. He wandered about for a while, and saw that the supernumerary went to the galley, where, in the scarcity of accommodations for the extra persons on board, he was obliged to sleep on the floor.

  23. Dave realized that the supernumerary was well informed in regard to current history in connection with naval matters, and he was willing to believe that he was quite as shrewd as the officer at his side.

  24. He was a supernumerary on board, and any one who had anything to do called Pink to do it.

  25. The supernumerary ascended the ladder, and the officer set him at work to lace on the sailcloth to the railing of the bridge, to shelter those on duty there from the force of the sea blast.

  26. A supernumerary canon, when he obtains a prebend, becomes a numerary canon.

  27. Supernumerary rainbow, a smaller bow, usually of red and green colors only, sometimes seen within the primary or without the secondary rainbow, and in contact with them.

  28. Exceeding the number stated or prescribed; as, a supernumerary officer in a regiment.

  29. Then we have so many corresponding windows, supernumerary doors, "and passages that lead to nothing," that all our English ingenuity in comfortable arrangement is baffled.

  30. Then he took snuff, and had a supernumerary calico handkerchief?

  31. A man returning from a residence of several years abroad has a sense of superfluity in his own country--he has become a mere supernumerary whose presence or absence makes no particular difference.

  32. An instance has been already given of supernumerary digits appearing in four children out of six in a previously unaffected family.

  33. The most interesting point with respect to supernumerary digits is their occasional regrowth after amputation.

  34. Occasionally there are several supernumerary digits; but usually only one, making the total number six.

  35. Isidore Geoffroy[807] has remarked on the tendency of supernumerary digits in man to appear, not only on the right and left sides, but on the upper and lower extremities.

  36. Supernumerary fingers and toes are eminently liable, as various authors have insisted, to transmission, but they are noticed here chiefly on account of their occasional regrowth after amputation.

  37. Thus gold-fish often have supernumerary fins placed on various parts of their bodies.

  38. He was not only a father to Will, but attached him to his person as a sort of supernumerary member of his staff.

  39. The families residing there were as much left to themselves, as if there had not been a supernumerary visitor near them.

  40. One case has been given me, but with hardly minute enough details, of a supernumerary little finger which has already been twice cut off, and now the operation will soon have to be done for the third time.

  41. Darwin withdrew his belief that the development of supernumerary digits in man is "a case of reversion to a lowly-organised progenitor provided with more than five digits.

  42. Supernumerary digits, more frequent in men than in women; inheritance of; early development of.

  43. The very same character, such as deficient or supernumerary digits, colour-blindness, etc.

  44. Burt, on the greater frequency of supernumerary digits in men than in women.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supernumerary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accessory; additional; ancillary; another; auxiliary; collateral; contributory; empty; excess; extra; extraneous; farther; fresh; further; leftover; more; mute; new; other; over; plus; redundant; remaining; spare; standby; substitute; super; supererogatory; superfluous; supplementary; support; surplus; ulterior; understudy; unused