Of course the difficulty revives again: If a philosophy, why supernaturally revealed?
We all know at what a supernaturally early age the purple-born are appointed to high titular positions in the State Administration or in the army.
The supernaturally gifted man was no mere machine, no automaton ruled in spite of himself by a superior spirit.
The prophet poured out the truths supernaturally imparted to his highest spirit, in an inspired and impassioned eloquence which was intelligible even to the unspiritual, and was one of the appointed means of convincing the unconverted.
And as for the great proposition, that "the Gospel of Christ is a supernaturally authenticated gift," we cannot imagine how it is to be proved in general, without research into a single miracle.
Her hand was like fire on him, and her eyes supernaturally bright.
The figure was white as a sheet and seemed supernaturally tall; and it cried out in a voice like a wounded lion's, "You villain!
With this and her white poplin and lace veil she seemed framed in white, and her cheeks bloomed so, and her eyes beamed, with excitement and innocent vanity, that altogether she was supernaturally lovely.
Christ's divine nature, and held him to be merely man, whether naturally or supernaturally conceived.
It agrees with this that Christian moralists give to the chief principles of virtuous action the name of 'theological virtues,' and regard them assupernaturally imparted.
Such a gift belonged to the original condition of unfallen man, when his nature was itself supernaturally endowed with its adequate and sustaining grace.
It follows, however, from the Scriptural account of man that he has lost something which can only be supernaturally restored: and it is the practical task of ethics to point out the means of renewal, which Divine Wisdom has provided.
We might as well expect to besupernaturally nourished as supernaturally informed.
When we turn to the other passages in the Acts where the gift of tongues is mentioned, we find that the interpretation of foreign languages supernaturally imparted is quite out of place.
The theory of foreign languages supernaturally imparted without previous study may be definitively laid aside.
Peter does not, in explanation, simply state that they are speaking foreign languages which have just been supernaturally imparted to them, but argues (v.
And thus wee fall again into the fault of taking upon us to Judge of Good and Evill; or to make Judges of it, such private men as pretend to be supernaturally Inspired, to the Dissolution of all Civill Government.
By which it is manifest, that Angel signifieth there, nothing but God himself, that caused Agar supernaturally to apprehend a voice supernaturall, testifying Gods speciall presence there.
When a pilgrim at any time got bewildered, he would poise his staff perpendicularly, and there leave it to fall of itself; and in whatever direction it fell, that was the road he would take, believing himself supernaturally directed.
From the hands of Lao Tzu he received supernaturally a mystic treatise, by following the instructions in which he was successful in his search for the elixir of life.
I always wonder, whenever I come across a supernaturally pious, a supernaturally moral, a supernaturally cultured person, if they also have a reverse self.
My opinion is that all thorough religionists will have to take the ground and admit that a supernatural religion must be supernaturally preserved.
The cloudssupernaturally gathered, the wind rose to a gale in a moment.
Even the jocose man was as supernaturally solemn as could be well imagined; indeed, nobody knew he was the same man.
The admiral, however, looked sosupernaturally serious that Charles was foiled.
Supernaturalism consists in general in the conviction that God has revealed himself supernaturally and immediately.
The document itself, as well as the facts it relates, aresupernaturally produced.
Plainly they were impressed with Joseph; almost supernaturally impressed, and felt God through him.
And plainly, had they been supernaturally instructed in physical knowledge they would so far have been unintelligible to those to whom they spoke.
Defn: One believed to be supernaturally impressed with the marks of Christ's wounds.
Defn: Marks believed to have been supernaturally impressed upon the bodies of certain persons in imitation of the wounds on the crucified body of Christ.
This may easily be imagined when it is understood that both men's and women's dresses may be bought ready made in the bazaar, and that any dress will fit anybody unless they are supernaturally fat or of dwarfish stature.
Are they supernaturallycaused modes of thinking and feeling, tending to make men fulfill the conditions to happiness?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supernaturally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.