Unfortunately, he took no pains to locate the mound, and as the bush in this neighborhood is literally covered with mounds in all directions, he has never been able to find this particular one again.
She is literally chopped limb from limb; but whereas the bodies of other victims executed in this way are always buried, that of the pulya is left for the dogs and vultures to dispose of.
These facts go far to show that it is literally true that the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children.
The word leucorrhœa is derived from two Greek words, and means literally a “white discharge.
He was literally faithful to the line of conduct which prince Korasoff had dictated, and placed himself every evening near madame Fervaques' armchair, but he found it impossible to think of a word to say to her.
But in either case the popularity of the type points to a real underlying truth; and we should err less in taking the early romances literally than in accepting Ivanhoe, for instance, as a typical picture of medieval love.
Few men could lay better claim than Chaucer to this happy accident of birth with which Matthew Arnold endows his Scholar Gipsy, if we refrain from pressing too literally the poet's fancy of a Golden Age.
If I could quit my bedroom, I would have hazarded everything rather than not have come, but I have such violent fits of sickness and diarrhoea that it is literally impossible.
As quickly as possible the men began hauling up to the stricken fish so that Allen might give it the lance, when to their astonishment the killers seized it and literally tore it to pieces in a few minutes.
He literally hurled his fury at the money-lender, who was now standing confronting him.
Lablache gasped out the words which seemed literally to be wrung from him.
Beads of sweat stood on John Allandale's forehead as heliterally hurled his acceptance at his companion.
Before the ship starts the iron gates of communication are shut and padlocked, so that all Chinese passengers are literally enclosed in a steel cage, shut off alike from the upper deck and the engine-room.
The hours spent in those unsavory neighborhoods were literallyher times of refreshment.
He told us the heathen might dread pain, but not the Christian; that one really worthy of the name must be content to be the cross bearer, to tread really and literally in the steps of the Master.
With the exception of a few hundred pounds that had been mother's portion, the only dowry that her good old father, a naval captain, had been able to give her, we were literally penniless.
But there was no good reason that it should have been so literally construed as to leave the division unsupported.
The road was literally obstructed with the mingled and confused mass of struggling and dying horses and riders.
It is too often the case that men of the loftiest ideals seek to attain them by the most objectionable means, and the maxim Fiat justitia ruat coelum cannot be literally applied to great affairs.
It may be said of Jackson, as has been said so eloquently of the men whom, in some respects, he closely resembled, that "his Bible was literally food to his understanding and a guide to his conduct.
Obeying orders very literally himself, Jackson found it difficult to believe that others did not do the same.
A general in the fieldliterally walks in darkness, and his success will be in proportion to the facility with which his mental vision can pierce the veil.
Kham literally means black, and Egypt in early times was called "the black country," from the black alluvial soil brought down by the Nile.
Amen literally means "the concealed one," and was the name applied to the sun after it had sunk below the horizon.
Pasht, literally a lioness, the goddess with the lioness head, was the female personification of the sun's rays.
Hieroglyphs or hieroglyphics, literally "sacred sculptures," is the term applied to those written characters by means of which the ancient Egyptians expressed their thoughts.
It then passed through another process within the powerful furnaces, which separated the ore from the rock and poured it forth, literally in a stream, golden as the river Pactolus.
After supper the gentlemen went out to hunt opossums by moonlight, and shot two, literally 'up a gum-tree.
In the orchards the trees are literally broken down from the weight of their crop, while quantities of fruit which the boughs cannot support are given to the pigs and cattle.
The entire Bible, which he had chiefly studied on his knees, he knew literally by heart.
While believing the story, to be literally true, I do not guarantee its authenticity.
The legs of my bunk had actually been sunk in the richest part of the ground, they must have literally been touching some of the nuggets.
The bottom of this channel was literally paved with nuggets.
Personally I could relate some which, although literally true, are so grossly improbable that I candidly confess I would not believe them myself had I not seen them happen.
Having now come literally to the end of my resources, I again started carrying down stuff to the little spring and there panning it out.
These resembled sausages strung across his face literally from ear to ear.
That clear and bountiful spring still flows through the street of Elphin before the site of the monastery of Asicus, literally in the green, and it is only a short time since the stone itself was carried off by some profane hands.
There is not a congregation in the wildest part of Ireland that will not listen with the most intense interest to a preacher who can clearly and literally explain the Gospel or Epistle for any Sunday.
It was this mass that saved them, for the rest of the carriage had been literally crushed into splinters.
It seemed, somewhat to our inconvenience, to be literally and very rigidly observed in the circle in which we moved.
Travelling at this rate was literally cheaper than staying at home.
These hills, for more than 100 miles before you come to Pittsburg, are literally heaps of coal.
The two wretches burst into a grotesque mixture of weeping and cursing, and I heard them literally dancing about the room in the ecstasy of their terror.
I repeated the manoeuvre of pretending to unbolt the door, and smiled as I heard him literally dancing with frenzy inside.
Already Hay literally staggered in his tracks for weariness.
I say on the Cher, for such is literally its position.
You have tried its sea-worthiness in one department, your military organisation, and you find that it literally falls to pieces.
It was alleged by Orthodox Friends that the meetings were disorderly, which may have been literally true.
In the midst of the second opportunity of the opposing Friend the audience melted away, leaving him literally without hearers.
The carpenter of a century and a half ago had to be able to wield the broad-ax, and literally know how to "hew to the line.
To restore the boilers, a ship has to be torn literally almost to pieces.
They have literally been engaged in a continual race across the ocean for seven years, determined at whatever cost and hazard to far excel those of the Cunard line.