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Example sentences for "trains"

Lexicographically close words:
trainload; trainloads; trainman; trainmaster; trainmen; traipsing; traist; trait; traitement; traiter
  1. With the speed of express-trains two machines drew away from the whirlpool.

  2. I have watched the long hospital trains pull into London stations during a "big push.

  3. The great battle highway, in front of the hidden guns that are the most exact engines of death the war has developed, is screened carefully from the enemy to cover the passing of trains and men.

  4. Trains were overloaded with people; there was a scarcity of trucks and coaches; hundreds of people, panic-stricken, walked along the highroad with their belongings in a pack slung over their shoulders.

  5. They've got cars full of clothing, trains full of guns, ammunition, food enough to make a man burst!

  6. Locomotives belched huge clouds of black dense smoke rising in columns; the trains were overloaded with fugitives who had barely managed to escape from the captured town.

  7. So I ask of Him who children took On His knee in kindness great, "Take charge, I pray, of the trains each day, That leave at six and eight.

  8. Special trains were to be provided--and ships.

  9. Trains began to run again through France; at least they started, and I suppose they arrived somewhere.

  10. The Tennessee was reported to have reached England and the special American trains were promised soon.

  11. Then there were trains from Lucerne and elsewhere; also, special English trains.

  12. As to the process of deduction, it may be very simple and easily revised, as in the above explanation of the common pump; or it may be very involved and comprise long trains of mathematical calculation.

  13. There are two trains goin' east," said the Deacon, in response to their inquiries as to the facilities for returning.

  14. Everyone caught his breath at the sight, for beyond the stream were rebel camps, and moving trains and long, lines of marching men.

  15. Everybody in the neighborhood of Chattanooga had been ordered up, leaving only the meagerest possible guards for the trains and communications.

  16. Over it flew the yellow flag of the hospital service, and beyond could be seen the parked trains and other evidences of the line-of-battle.

  17. Rebels must've cut off the supply-trains where you've bin.

  18. The train had stopped on a switch, and seemed likely to rust fast to the rails, from the way other trains were going by in both directions.

  19. There was fighting and killing for the possession of automobiles and planes and for room in trains and buses.

  20. Trains could not be driven through the glutinous, wriggling mass that piled high on the tracks.

  21. The Canadians and Mexicans had been quick to protect their borders and forbid the landing of any American aircraft or the passage of trains and automobiles.

  22. The inconveniences of army life were pronounced enough, as it was, without the further infliction of the dreadful dude, in Sutler's trains or elsewhere.

  23. In 1864, the forces actually in the field required for artillery, cavalry and trains one-half as many animals as there were soldiers.

  24. Providence, assisted by timely hints from the wagon master, sometimes brought the supply trains within speaking distance by flag signal.

  25. The reduction of regimental trains from thirteen wagons to three was as efficient in ultimate results as the withdrawal of guards from confederate poultry-coops and the obliteration of zouave jackets; possibly more so.

  26. The trains were mostly made up of box cars, which were literally alive with soldiers inside and out, who would wave their caps and give us cheer upon cheer in return for our salute, doubtless taking us for little “rebels.

  27. We would walk the railroad ties until we saw the trains coming, when we would leap upon the porch and wave our handkerchiefs and hats at the soldiers as they passed rapidly by, the track being but a few feet from the house.

  28. I stood on the little upper porch of the hotel, counting the cars and watching the trains until they passed beyond my vision.

  29. Several trains arrived at noon, and emptied themselves of passengers into the Manassas House, and many times a lot of hungry soldiers came pouring in just as dinner was ready.

  30. Many long trains passed over the road on Sunday, bearing troops to the South.

  31. But I think there are no trains in and out again of West Sedgwick between those hours.

  32. Planes roared up and down from the airport which was about a block to the southeast; trains whistled and roared along the track that was a block to the south; cars and trucks and busses roared along the highway.

  33. The trains ran out to the aviation school every morning and afternoon, and returned before luncheon and again in the evening.

  34. The road was clogged with troop-trains carrying reinforcements to the Near-Eastern front.

  35. During the four hours I spent in the station twelve trains of British artillery passed by.

  36. As the trains came to a stop the men would make a rush for the station buffet, and the French would exchange all sorts of pleasantries with them.

  37. We're used to lost children on these shore trains in the summer.

  38. The fish are then put in barrels, with cracked ice to keep them fresh, and are sent on trains to distant cities.

  39. Arriving at Churubusco, I put up at a comfortable hotel near the railroad where the noisy passing trains kept me awake most of the night, and resumed the journey next day, after lunch.

  40. Somewhere past ten, I passed two tramps on the highway, but only they and the passing trains broke the monotony of the journey.

  41. You cannot board the Solano with your burros," said the officer, positively; "the boat is strictly reserved for passenger trains and people.

  42. Often, as the trains swept by, the engineers would salute with a deafening blast of whistles, frightening the donkeys and entertaining the passengers.

  43. Other trains may be jumped about on the time-card, the Commuter is oblivious of their fate.

  44. Her place is far out of the regular suburban district, and there are no regular trains that will enable her to reach it after the evening performance.

  45. Of course there are some trains that never go upon the "classification" at Randall's yard.

  46. Each of these tracks is like a separate entrance to the terminal, and when five are open from the train-shed simultaneously, as in this first case, five outgoing trains may be started simultaneously from as many tracks.

  47. The superintendent has absolute authority over the two officials who are chiefly interested in the conduct of the trains over the division--the train-master and the train-despatcher.

  48. Others reverse this need and so whole trains of sleeping and parlor cars go flocking north and south and then north again with the private cars.

  49. The great advantage of these trains over trains handled by either steam or electric locomotives is an operating advantage.

  50. For the conduct of the trains which their locomotives pull, both engineers and firemen are directly responsible to the operating department.

  51. Through passenger trains run each day and each night between Boston and Baltimore and Washington, and these trains are handled between Port Morris and Jersey City upon them.

  52. So, when the railroad came and drove the old stage-lines out of business, the conductors of the trains were asked to accept this side responsibility as an informal part of their work.

  53. Their trains ran by hard and fast train rules.

  54. In the Russian part, we had to procure our trains and provisions, and negotiate with practically independent Soviets in every district.

  55. They changed trains here, and Jozef had time to see the Spielberg, crowned by a citadel long used as a Government prison, with its horrible torture cells, which throw some light on the conception of humanity of the Hapsburg Monarchy.

  56. Then he became interested in the trains which kept shunting and whistling behind him.

  57. She remembered having seen trains with carriages marked "Liverpool" starting from the rickety old station at the end of Princes Street.

  58. The trains are passing every quarter of an hour in each direction.

  59. Duncan was friendly with the guard of his goods train, which is a thing not too common with those who have to run goods trains together, week in and week out.

  60. Several trains had gone out, bound for several destinations in different directions, during the past three hours, and no one answering the description I gave of the Boy had been seen to leave.

  61. I have a vague remembrance of treading on several trains as I went to meet her, intending to introduce myself, as her brother had not arrived.

  62. Accidents—when they happen—are beyond comparison more fearful on the railway than ever they were on the coaches; but they are rare indeed when it is considered how many trains are run.

  63. They would probably use the universal time only in their internal service, for the rules of the road, for the time-tables of their engineers and conductors, for the connection of trains at frontiers, etc.

  64. Upon the public and working railway time-tables generally the fact has been published that the trains are run by the time of the seventy-fifth or ninetieth, etc.

  65. Trains swept across the land loaded with men who gazed wistfully at the peaceful towns as they passed through, or chafed impotently when, imprisoned in day coaches, they were side-tracked outside of great cities.

  66. Have human mimes if you will; it is natural to humanity to caper and grimace and act a part: but for pity's sake do not countenance the torture with which Avarice mercilessly trains us "dumb beasts" for the trade of tricks.

  67. I think if you knew what you did, even the most thoughtless amongst you would not sanction with your praise, and encourage with your coin, the brutality that trains dancing-dogs.

  68. Lord William undertook to get them to Simla by special trains before midnight.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trains" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.