Cutter Made of a Wafer Razor Blade A useful instrument for seamstresses and makers of paper patterns and stencils can be made of a piece of steel or iron and a wafer razor blade.
The way to prepare stencils is to leave a portion uncut, which is known as a tie, and the letter will appear as shown in Fig.
On wagon work the flat scroll put on by means of stencils is not often seen.
Stencils of any of the above alphabets of Letter Patterns will be cut on the very best prepared Stencil Paper at double the price quoted for the patterns; all stencils are shellaced ready for use in oil or water colors.
These stencils could be cut from variously colored papers and then pasted upon ordinary note; the whole being caught together with a piece of ribbon.
A snow-flake caught upon a black surface, and examined in a cold room, will furnish many suggestions for stencils designed for copy.
After the black portions have all been cut away, open your folded form, and you will have a very pretty stencil, which can be used in decorating your playthings, or for the various other purposes stencils are so extensively employed.
If the parents are rich enough the stencils are destroyed, and the dress consequently becomes unique.
These had been printed by homemade stencils and pen, and had occupied our leisure time while we were hut-building.
There was at first no attempt at opening school; but stencils and cardboard had been brought along, and with these charts were printed in the syllables and sentences of the language as nearly as we understood it.
The color was more even than with a brush, but not everything could be cut out, because the stencils had to have the necessary connection.
If enoughstencils are made, the whole design can be made by spattering.
On each sheet everything that falls into the category of one of the four chief tones is cut out with a sharp penknife so that the four sheets are like the stencils of card painters.
Once, when Herr Steiner conceived the idea of illuminating pictures with stencils in the way used by card-makers, I had made many experiments in that line.
Again, these thin stencils easily slipped out of place, a defect that displeased me.
Therefore I needed two stencils for every color shade.
Lay one of thestencils on it exactly, weight it that it may not move, and perform the operation of spattering.
In the early days of my invention I tried color-printing with a crayon plate and had the best success by using stencils such as are used by the painters of cards.
Some decorators in making stencils do rather more than they intend to use when stencilling, so that parts overlap, which is done to get the repeat true.
In cutting stencils this matter of tying or supporting all the interior or enclosed parts of the composition is very important, and should never be lost sight of.
The use of stencils is familiar to most people in one form or other.
When the stencils are cut give them a good coat of varnish back and front, and allow it to dry hard.
Indeed the mere getting of an impression is a mechanical matter, as can be seen by the way packers mark boxes with stencils of letters.
By keeping your stencils in repair they will last you years and do any amount of work.
Birds, insects, fish, can all be cut as stencils if you attend to this ornamentalising which is necessary.
In stencils requiring two plates to produce them, you draw out the design and then arrange in your mind the portions you will cut out of the first plate.
You know there’s a special knife that comes to use for cutting stencils but I’m using scissors.
No, you discovered thestencils and I discovered the patterns.
Now, while you sew, I’m going to try stencils and see if I can make them out of wall paper designs.
I’m so glad you discovered the stencils and the patterns.
I'll let Harlow help Easton paint the room out, so as you can get your stencils and things ready.
I think that's all, except a few sheets of cartridge paper for stencils and working drawings.
The walls and ceiling was not papered, but painted: you know what I mean; sort of panelled out, and decorated with stencils and hand painting.
Little has been written about these stencils but many museums and school art departments have collections.
Stencils and print blocks may also be used in the application of the resist.
The old stencils were strengthened by a net work of human hair placed between two stencilscut at the same time.
In cutting stencils the Japanese use a number of tools.
By means of these holes the respective stencils are easily applied so that the color scheme is accurately reproduced.
The old stencils are more simple and the paper of better quality.
These stencils were then pasted together with rice paste.
The stencils shown in the illustration were collected by Ernest Fenollosa, an authority on Japanese art.
He has actually made stencils or something of the sort on which by some mechanical process he has actually forged the hitherto infallible finger prints!
With his hands, still carefully gloved, he rubbed the stencils on his hair, as if to cover them with a film of natural oils.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stencils" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.