Spiritualization of thought; a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding.
Hygiene excessive If half the attention given to hygiene were given to the 382:6 study of Christian Science and to the spiritualization of thought, this alone would usher in the millen- inium.
Too subtle spiritualization of religion led Bachya to practise rigid asceticism, which appeared to him to be the highest degree of wisdom attainable by man.
Bachya Ibn-Pakuda's aim was thespiritualization of Judaism.
No man can become, or is proclaimed to have become, a Christian saint, who has not thus achieved a profound spiritualization and unification of a more or less recalcitrant material and multiplicity.
The spiritualization of the Babylonian religion has in this way most definite limitations imposed upon it.
This divine way impels a spiritualization of thought and method, beyond doctrine and ritual; and in nothing else has she departed from the old landmarks.
The misinterpretation of such passages has retarded the progress of Christianity and the spiritualization of the race.
The highest instinct for purity places him who is affected with it in the most extraordinary and dangerous isolation, as a saint: for it is just holiness--the highest spiritualization of the instinct in question.
We see that from the fruits of the “Wisdom of the Grail” springs the highest ideal of human evolution conceivable for man: spiritualization attained by him through his own efforts.
In that which will grow from love, will lie the mighty forces leading to that culminating point of spiritualization described above.
But the lava stream of the Arab, even after it ceased to flow, warmed the whole of the Northern air; and the history of Gothic architecture is the history of the refinement and spiritualization of Northern work under its influence.
At the same time it is beyond a doubt that among the cultivated Brahmins, who have always acknowledged a higher philosophy than that of the people, there is a renewed tendency towards the spiritualization of beliefs.
It is the appearing of divine law to human under- standing; the spiritualization that comes from spiritual sense in contradistinction to the testimony of the so- [30] called material senses.
Science and Health clearly states [10] that spiritualization of thought is not attained by the death of the body, but by a conscious union with God.
This can result in nothing less than the complete spiritualization of man's mental outlook and the consequent inevitable recognition of the underlying and ever-sustaining one-ness of all vital manifestations.
The end of evolution is the complete spiritualization of matter.
For by the way of the glorification and spiritualization of the flesh man may attain unto oneness with the divinity in himself and consequently with the divine life of the world.
He laid much stress on the use of slow, gentle motions in practise and in playing; on the spiritualization of the tones, of getting behind the notes to find the composer's meaning.
This is not technic, not method even; it is the spiritualization of playing.
This spiritualization of the God idea was taken up again by the philosophers of the Spanish-Arabic period, who combated the prevailing mysticism.
On the other hand, certain sensuous elements in the vision of God by the seers had to be removed in the spiritualization of God, and it was found easiest to transform these into separate beings, related to Deity himself.
This higher spiritualizationof life is certainly what the Master had in mind when he said, It is as hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
Beauty is, then, a phenomenon belonging to the spiritualization of matter.
The complete spiritualization of the animal element in nature seems to be singularly difficult, and it is the task of our species.