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Example sentences for "more satisfactory"

  • People who keep only a few pairs of pigeons usually find it more satisfactory to buy the feed mixtures sold by dealers in pigeons' supplies.

  • Upper floors or lofts of buildings are used for pigeons to much better advantage than for poultry, but where there is room it is more satisfactory to have all quarters for pigeons on the ground floor.

  • Song birds from other parts of the world may be kept in this country, but most of them are so scarce and expensive that few people would buy them even if the canary were not a more satisfactory pet.

  • The precipitate is easily washed, and under the proper conditions the separation is complete, but the separation with sulphuretted hydrogen is more satisfactory, since the conditions as to acidity, &c.

  • It is more satisfactory to make a separation in the wet way and to test the ignited oxide.

  • It is more satisfactory to separate the chloride, which may be recognised by its taste, flame coloration, fusibility, and negative action with reagents.

  • The fact that punishment has proved to be more satisfactory than reward in experiments with the dancer does not justify the inference that it is more satisfactory in the case of the rat, cat, dog, or monkey.

  • The curing will be more satisfactory if the meat is left at a temperature of about 38 degrees F.

  • From a culinary standpoint, wheat flour is more satisfactory to use than any other kind.

  • If more than one year is devoted to food study, the teacher may find it more satisfactory to can fruits in the autumn of the second year, or at the close of the spring semester of the first year.

  • Hence the sugar affords a more satisfactory means of separating the starch grains in Lemon Sauce.

  • But no matter how experienced the buyer, it is more satisfactory to select at markets perishable goods such as meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables that wilt readily.

  • Under favorable circumstances now no procedure is more satisfactory in its results than free incision and drainage.

  • She was then again tapped to give him a more satisfactory examination.

  • A more satisfactory result is obtained by adding at the mill 25 per cent.

  • In the case of oils of this group containing more than 1 per cent free acid, recourse should be had temporarily to the routine control method for moisture and volatile matter[27] until the Committee develops a more satisfactory method.

  • By using these a more satisfactory cream is obtained, and it is far more convenient to make.

  • By this process a more satisfactory soap is obtained and it is more simple to carry out.

  • If any are planted in front of the house they will be more satisfactory if placed nearer the street than the house.

  • For choice little bouquets, for home use, or to give your especial friends nothing can be more satisfactory.

  • If any one can suggest a more satisfactory explanation, he will earn my gratitude.

  • Where, however, we wish to speak of a polygon, for example, and wish to say that the area is equal to the combined areas of the triangles composing it, it is more satisfactory to have this axiom to which to refer.

  • The principal effect of Legendre's geometry in America was to make every textbook writer his own syllabus-maker, and to put solid geometry on a more satisfactory footing.

  • It has the sanction of some of the most eminent mathematicians, and while not as satisfactory in some respects as the reductio ad absurdum, mentioned below, it is more satisfactory in most particulars.

  • Women and children can pick up the potatoes in the field, and two or three experienced men can do the sorting and grading at the house in a much shorter time and in a more satisfactory manner.

  • Couturat gives of the number 1 is more satisfactory.

  • Lorentz has given to this theory a more satisfactory form.

  • It is a question before all of endeavoring to obtain a more satisfactory theory of the electrodynamics of bodies in motion.

  • It is more satisfactory, I have said, in this sense that to define 1, he does not use the word one; in compensation, he uses the word two.

  • Cigar boxes are often used with good results; but a more satisfactory way is to make a few regular flats from a soap or cracker box bought at the grocer's.

  • If, however, part of a bench can be given to them, the results will be more satisfactory.

  • But it will be more satisfactory to devote a part of a bench, a solid one if possible and in the coldest part of the house, to the lettuce plants.

  • I have been reading Lord Londonderry's speech, which, as far as I understand his figures, seems to me more satisfactory than I had hoped.

  • MY DEAR LORD, Nothing can be more satisfactory or conclusive than Lord Liverpool's letter, which fully confirms your interpretation.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "more satisfactory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    eighths inch; fifteen dollars; long while; more about; more advantageous; more ancient; more cards; more complicated; more considerable; more correctly; more dangerous; more death; more difficult; more efficient; more eligible; more equal; more extensive; more feet; more full; more liable; more money; more precious; more usually; more value; more work; voltaic cell