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Example sentences for "speciallie"

Lexicographically close words:
specialize; specialized; specializes; specializing; speciall; specially; specials; specialties; specialty; speciation
  1. For whose bringinge vp, I would gladlie, if it so please you, vse speciallie your good aduice.

  2. Robert Sackuille, for whom speciallie this my Scholemaster was prouided.

  3. This diligence to gather examples, to giue light and vnder- standyng to good preceptes, is no new inuention, but speciallie vsed of the best Authors and oldest writers.

  4. The Frenchmen by sea sore troubled the sea coasts of this realme, speciallie where the champion countries stretch towards the sea coasts.

  5. Diuerse other castels and fortresses were taken by the Scots in Fife, and in other parts, but the countrie of Galloway was by them speciallie sore afflicted, bicause the people there held with their lord Edward Balioll.

  6. In the haruest time fell there a great death and murren amongst cattell, and speciallie in Northfolke, in the fens and other parts of the south.

  7. The foresaid iudges sitting on that maner at saint Sauiours, punished bailiffes, and other officers verie extremelie, which were conuict afore them for diuerse trespasses, and speciallie for taking of merciaments otherwise than law gaue them.

  8. The church of saint Peter at Westminster was inlarged, and newlie repared by the king, speciallie all the east part of it, the old wals being pulled down, and builded vp in more comelie forme.

  9. These practises of treason In summo gradu, which cannot be committed without irrecouerable detriment to the whole estate (speciallie where succession is vncerteine) are of an old brewing, though they be neuer so newlie broched.

  10. From thence he marched to Notingham, burning and wasting the houses and manors of the barons and other of his enimies, and speciallie those that belonged to the earle of Leicester.

  11. About Christmasse, the more part of the prisoners of the Marshalseie in Southwarke brake out, and manie of them being shortlie after taken, were put to execution, speciallie those which had laine for felonie or treason.

  12. The next yeare after there was a great plague, whereof men died in manie places verie sore; but speciallie and most of all in the citie of London, where died in that yeare thirtie thousand.

  13. Peter, and speciallie the kingdomes of England and Ireland, I shall indeuour my selfe to defend against all men to my power.

  14. But speciallie the mariners were sore offended, cursing the archbishop and the said earle of Penbroke, that were knowne to be authors of so naughtie counsell as they tooke this to be.

  15. Constancie dois become all folkis weill; but none better than Princes, and suche as have reull over Realmes, and speciallie in materis of Religioun.

  16. To conclude, We requyre yow to advertise us of quhat mynd yow be, speciallie gif yow all continew in that mynd, that yow meane to have the peace betwix boith the Realmes perpetuallie keipit.

  17. The like is to be found in the residue of Hector Boetius his booke, touching the time speciallie of the reignes of the British kings that gouerned Britaine about that season.

  18. Petroks abbeie in Cornwall, Porthland in Deuonshire, and diuerse other places by the sea side, speciallie in Deuonshire & Cornwall.

  19. He was a great fauorer of moonks, and speciallie had Dunstane in high estimation.

  20. But speciallie Egbertus was knowne to be one that coueted that place, as he that was of the bloud roiall, and a man of great [Sidenote: Egbert banished.

  21. In the beginning of his reigne he was wrapped in manie great troubles and miseries, speciallie by the persecution of the Danes, which made sore and greeuous wars in sundrie parts of this land, destroieng the same in most cruell wise.

  22. There are numerous other members of the genus Planesticus, but not one of them is called migratorius and this combination of names, therefore, applied to only one bird.

  23. Tropical America; breeds on east side of Mexico north along Gulf Coast to Florida, and Atlantic coast to South Carolina; wanders to Massachusetts; winters south of United States to West Indies and Central America.

  24. Brownish gray, more or less mixed with white, including wings and tail.

  25. And euen as there is great difference in writers since Gurguintus, till the death of Elidurus, so is there as great or rather greater after his deceasse, speciallie till king Lud atteined the [Sidenote: Fabian.

  26. Shortlie after, to wit on the one and twentith of Aprill, the said archbishop sat at saint Magnus, vpon inquisition for the authors of the said disorder, and found the fault to consist speciallie in the lord Strange and his wife.

  27. Hugh the Italian, Iohn Harding, Iohn Rouse of Warwike, and others, speciallie by the helpe of Dauid Pencair a British historie, who recite the historie vnder the name of Danaus and his daughters.

  28. On the eighteenth of Maie she came to London, all the lords of England in most sumptuous sort meeting and receiuing hir vpon the waie, and speciallie the duke of Glocester with such honour as stood with the dignitie of his person.

  29. After the warres foulie ended in forren parties, ciuill dissention began againe at home, diuided speciallie into two factions.

  30. And so in this case, I would vnderstande whither both these sortes be but wicked and damned spirites: Or if the last sorte be rather Angells, (as should appeare by their actiones) sent by God to assist such as he speciallie fauoures.

  31. There went also among other diuers Noble men foorth of this relme of England, speciallie that worthilie bare the surname of Beauchampe.

  32. Great hurt was doone in manie places of the realme by fire, and speciallie in London, where vpon the 7.

  33. Ile among the inhabitants, and speciallie the British, euen vnto this day.

  34. I had a Misgiving of Will's Wrath, that Night, 'speciallie if I failed; but he called me his brave Judith.

  35. Leisure and Industrie were alone required, and since 'twoulde be soe acceptable to manie, 'speciallie to Erasmus.

  36. Father; "don't torment me with a Jest I might have made and did not make; 'speciallie to put downe Erasmus.

  37. Speciallie as Father burst out a-laughing, and cried, "The third Time's lucky!

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speciallie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.