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Example sentences for "simper"

Lexicographically close words:
simoniacal; simony; simoom; simoon; simos; simpered; simpering; simple; simpleness; simpler
  1. They would give their lives for me," he said, with a simper I took him up to my factory and showed him about.

  2. He was a blond youth with greyish eyes, a mouth not quite shut, and an eternal simper upon his face.

  3. And, with a faint simper of satisfaction, she looked up at a person who just then entered from an adjoining room.

  4. And I wonder," Caroline continued, with the usual simper which her favorite theme inspired, "what you would think of Radcliff.

  5. Yet can we wonder at the jocoseness of those arrayed in lawn and broad-cloth--can we marvel at the simper of the artisan fresh from his beef and pudding, solaced with tobacco and porter?

  6. How we shall simper when mills are stopped--how crow with laughter when whole factories are silent and deserted!

  7. Miss Simmons, bridling with a simper that nearly upset the whole bevy of girls.

  8. A former generation would have simpered, but this young person hasn't a simper in her.

  9. And then Mrs. Uxeley would simper like a girl who was being admonished by her mother not to dance too much that evening.

  10. You know I expect Colonel Secret and Mrs. Simper every instant.

  11. Mrs. Simper hints at the little mistake made this morning at the Thatch'd House.

  12. I don't simper and pretend innocence and talk tommy rot--and listen to it as if I were eating honey.

  13. When he approached the Grand Duke, with a self-satisfied simper and a jaunty air, his sword by his side, his cocked hat under his arm, nothing was wanting to complete the caricature.

  14. Sarah makes an unsophisticated remark and the faces simper in delight--"How innocent the poor child is!

  15. But Sarah sees the simper and never makes that remark again.

  16. To simper like a furmity kettle: to smile, or look merry about the gills.

  17. To smile: to simper like a firmity kettle.

  18. Saxons can preach you a homily with any shaveling priest in the land, or simper as chastely as any wench.

  19. No portrait of a lady, that makes her simper or scowl, is satisfactory; No photograph of a lady ever fails to make her simper or scowl.

  20. Sir; and then the curtain rises again, and then we blush and giggle and simper and bow all over again.

  21. Pray do not mention it," replied the Duchess, with the baleful simper of a Sphynx, and Mr Bhosh departed for his durance vile with a mind totally free from misgivings.

  22. She never forgot her parentage; but there were the same kind of prettiness, the same sideways look, the same simper about the lips, and there were the same flat unilluminated eyes.

  23. Pauline sideways, with an odious simper on his lips.

  24. What did an Earl want of her--even this bloodless Dunmore with his simper and his snuff and his laces and his bird's claws for fingers?

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "simper" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beam; bridle; grin; grinning; laugh; mince; simper; smile; smiling; smirk; twitter